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#301: What Is This Secret Strategy to Drive Traffic and Increase Visibility?

Hello everyone, I’m Jillian, your host at The Blogger Genius Podcast. Today, I’m excited to share with you an insightful conversation I had with Joyce Layman, a seasoned business coach. The interview is so rich in content I’ve decided to split it into two parts.

The Power of GIFs in Exposure and Traffic

Our conversation took an interesting turn when Joyce introduced the concept of using GIFs to increase visibility, discoverability, and traffic. For those unfamiliar, GIFs are short, looping animations that can be created on platforms like Giphy, which boasts over 700 million users.

Joyce shared her own success story with GIFs, explaining how each one she creates includes a link back to her website. This strategy has led to increased website traffic and even direct outreach from people who discovered her through her GIFs.

What Is This Secret Strategy to Drive Traffic and Increase Visibility? | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Show Notes:

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GIFs: A Unique Marketing Tool

We delved deeper into the process of using GIFs in marketing, particularly in email newsletters. Joyce explained that GIFs can be searched for on platforms like Google and then used to add flavor to emails or social media posts. Her most popular GIF is a simple one where she says “Have a great week.” This highlights the power of images and GIFs in connecting with an audience and driving traffic to a website.

The Journey to GIF Creation

Joyce’s journey to GIF creation was not a planned one. She was challenged by her business coach to create GIFs and initially did it reluctantly. However, a breakthrough came when she posted a GIF of her cat, Gabby, sitting up with the caption “Happy Saturday,” which went viral and received 35 million views. This experience made Joyce realize the potential of GIFs for visibility and she started researching and experimenting with them.

The Strategy Behind GIFs

Currently, Joyce has 105 GIFs and it only takes her 60 seconds to create one using the Giphy app. She emphasizes the importance of having a strategy behind creating GIFs and using keywords to optimize visibility. Since using GIFs, she has seen a significant increase in website traffic, indicating their potential as a marketing tool.

The Potential of GIFs as a Funnel for Potential Clients

While Joyce hasn’t been able to track clients from Giphy directly, she has seen an increase in website traffic. She believes that using GIFs strategically can lead to a funnel of potential clients. Joyce also advises new business owners to focus on building an email list and strategically choosing one social media platform for recency.

The Importance of Social Media Presence

Joyce emphasizes the importance of being active on social media platforms where your ideal clients are spending their time. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok each have their unique advantages and challenges, but the key is to be where your potential customers and clients are.

Wrapping Up Part One

That concludes part one of my interview with Joyce Layman. Stay tuned for part two, where we will discuss email marketing and quizzes. I encourage you to try the strategy discussed in this post and reach out to me with your thoughts.

What Is This Secret Strategy to Drive Traffic and Increase Visibility? | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

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A Word About MiloTreeCart

Before we wrap up, I’d like to mention MiloTreeCart, the platform we built to help bloggers, online entrepreneurs, and coaches to sell digital products. With Black Friday and the holidays coming up, it’s a great opportunity to make money. Sign up for MiloTreeCart with a one-time payment or three payment option. They also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee and the opportunity to have a call with me to develop your Black Friday strategy.

Join us next week for part two of the interview with Joyce Layman. Until then, keep blogging and keep growing!

Transcript: #301: “What Is This Secret Strategy to Drive Traffic and Increase Visibility?”

Jillian Leslie (00:00:00) – My name is Jillian and I’m hosting the Blogger Genius podcast. Before we get into today’s interview, let me ask you a question. Are you wishing you could sell digital products like digital downloads or workshops, memberships, coaching, mini courses, but you don’t know where to start? And are you tired of complicated tech and spending way too much money on monthly subscriptions? Well, you need a tool that makes all of this simple, and the answer is Milo Tree cart. So this is the tool we built for non techies who want to tap into a new income stream. With military cart, you get fill in the blank sales pages, check out pages, a sales dashboard, upsells, over 100 done for you, marketing materials and support from people who seriously care. If you’ve been dreaming about offering your own Black Friday sale to your audience, definitely had to Milo tree.com and get your payment tool for a one time lifetime deal price of 349. Or you can pay in three easy installments. And if you act now, I will get on a one hour coaching call and help you strategize on how to sell your products and services during Black Friday, Cyber Monday using discounts, bonuses, and upsells.

Jillian Leslie (00:01:22) – Pause right now, head to military.com and join hundreds of other entrepreneurs just like you, using Milo, GA to tap into a whole new income stream. And remember, no risk. We offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

Announcer (00:01:42) – Welcome to the Blogger Genius podcast, brought to you by Milo Tree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie.

Jillian Leslie (00:01:50) – Hello, friends. Welcome back to the show. I have a really good episode for you today. I am interviewing business coach Joyce Layman. She helps entrepreneurs figure out what their messaging is, figure out how to put all the pieces of their business together. But really what she focuses on is visibility and discoverability. This is how people learn who you are, trust you, and buy from you. I’m splitting up this interview into two episodes because there is so much good juicy meat here. In part one, we are talking about a strategy I have never heard of before, and this is using GIFs for exposure. What? Okay, so first of all, a GIF otherwise known as a GIF.

Jillian Leslie (00:02:41) – You can call it either. However, the creator of this format, it’s a graphics interchange format actually called them GIFs. These are those little animated images you can share on social media or share in your email newsletter. They’re treated in the world of technology like photos, but it just gives you that little extra punch. Joyce shares how she creates GIFs to increase our exposure and drive traffic back to her blog. She gets into all the details of how she does this. I’m definitely going to try out this strategy, and what I like most about it is how easy it is. So without further delay, here is part one of my interview with Joyce Layman.

Joyce Layman (00:03:28) – Joyce.

Jillian Leslie (00:03:29) – Welcome to the Blogger Genius podcast.

Joyce Layman (00:03:32) – Hey Jillian, I am excited to be here.

Jillian Leslie (00:03:35) – Oh, great. Okay, so I know that you help people grow businesses, but I don’t know much else of what you do or how you got started. So would you share your brief entrepreneurial journey and where you are today?

Joyce Layman (00:03:51) – Yes. So back in 2008 is when I officially launched my business.

Joyce Layman (00:03:58) – At the time, I was working more with corporate clients, doing trainings. My background I’d been in outside sales forever. In a day I’ll be 59 next month. So I thought in 2008 I’m going to launch and do my own thing. I wanted to do speaking and training and coaching, and that got my first taste of spending all the money, doing all the wrong things with all the wrong people to get my business going. I absolutely loved what I did. As I said, I’ve done keynotes. I was doing trainings within companies. In 2013, I had the opportunity to speak at Ted X, published my first book in 2014 on comfort zones, and then in 2015 I wrote my second book, which called Your Connecting Advantage. So it was all about how you position your brand and strategically network online and offline. And so that took that mindset to a little bit different level, how you can how you can practically use it, you know, as your as you’re landing new clients. And then of course, fast forward I started working with more one on one clients.

Joyce Layman (00:05:02) – They’re like, this is great. But and then the pandemic hit. So that made me really sit back and look at for somebody who was traveling, doing keynotes and trainings, I had a handful of one on one clients. It’s like, what do I really want to do? And so that made me shift my model and got back into, how are people doing this? What are the online courses? What are group coaching programs? How is all of this experience that I have over the years? Combining mindset, combining all the mistakes I made to build my business, to get me where I’m at today. So that’s what leads me to the work that I now do with clients. And of all the things, what made the most sense is all in one business coach and more a visibility strategist, because it’s how do you really put yourself out there? And because I’ve done speaking because I had a podcast, because I’m a two time author, because I’ve done all that and put myself out there with my brand, then that’s what made the most sense for what I help people with.

Joyce Layman (00:06:10) – And before we started, we were talking about technology on the back end, you know, all the things that you have to do. And so going back to the mistakes that I made, I know what to do with tech. And I know you know what platforms and where you need to be. And, you know, if you’re brand new, the things that you need to start and loved your idea, it’s like this more simple. You can start the better, because otherwise you’re going to get overwhelmed and you’re going to stop. But that puts me in a different light than a lot of business coaches. You go to some for. Let’s build your brand, let’s go do social media, let’s go do sales. And somebody else has to tell you how to do tech. And so I wrap that all in a ball with what I do and tie a nice bow on it.

Jillian Leslie (00:06:47) – So give me an example of who your perfect customer or client would be and how you walk them through building their business to find success.

Joyce Layman (00:06:59) – So before it was service based business owners, because that’s what I had been doing when I was over more in the corporate side. What I have really found my niche to be was me when I first started, and it was I wanted to build a business. I am, in essence coaching people, so it’s more of coaches who are brand new. Maybe they’re shifting. I have clients that are shifting from a corporate role into coaching, but they’re really struggling on where they want to get started. They know, or at least they see that they need to do all the things, but they’re not sure where to start. They may have a 1 to 1 offer already created, but they don’t understand, like having an offer suite, lead magnets, email list, building funnels, all those things is a little bit overwhelming. So even though I can work with a wide variety of service based businesses, my passion is really coaches. Now, keep in mind, during the pandemic, I actually had a yoga instructor who came to me who had an in-person brick and mortar business, who suddenly had to go online so you can put coaching.

Jillian Leslie (00:08:05) – That’s what that was my next question. What kind of coaching? Who are these coaches? You know, I read online about all these coaches and I’m like, what are they coaching?

Joyce Layman (00:08:15) – It could be relationships. It could be money mindset. It could be health and wellness. I have an acupuncturist who I work with and she also has that side, you know, of what she does. It’s more in the health coaching. So you can come in and get needles stuck in you, or you can have a full holistic approach. So it could be, you know, any a business coach who doesn’t necessarily want to market, does that make sense? They know they need to market but they don’t know how to market. I’m not going to do as well with a social media coach. I can help them in some ways if that’s all they know. All, but really it falls into any level of coaching, and especially if they’re brand new and they really don’t know who their niche is, where they need to get started, then that’s when you come to me.

Jillian Leslie (00:09:02) – Got it. Now, where do you. So I like the idea of visibility. Yes. Where are the best place? Because we all need visibility. I’ve been doing this for a long time, you know. You knew who I was, and yet I want more visibility. So what are your thoughts for increasing? So somebody who has no visibility, somebody who has a little bit of visibility and somebody who’s wanting to grow their visibility. What what do you say to that?

Joyce Layman (00:09:35) – So the whole point of visibility is making sure that your your brand and you are your brand. By the way, it’s not about building a company name. That was one of my mistakes. It’s your your brand. So your brand and your message that your perfect fit clients, they can find you in the places where they’re spending time. So that’s one of those things. But when you talk about visibility, I also want to include discoverability, because when you know how to put yourself out there, there are places that you can be found by people that have never heard of you before, but they happen to come across something a little different than social media.

Joyce Layman (00:10:12) – Are you familiar with gifts?

Jillian Leslie (00:10:14) – No. Oh, like a gift.

Joyce Layman (00:10:16) – Like like a like sending a gift. Yeah.

Jillian Leslie (00:10:20) – So, chair.

Joyce Layman (00:10:22) – And so my Giphy platform, because we think about sending gifts through Facebook, we have gifts that we can send on our phone. And I want to pull this up to make sure, because the stats change every day. So one of the things that I teach people how to do, and right now, my Giphy channel is up to 437 million views as of today. It grows.

Jillian Leslie (00:10:45) – Yes. So you’re making GIFs that people share. Of me. Of you. Okay, so, wait, this is. You’re the first person who’s ever shared this with me, so let’s step back, okay? A gift, which is, by the way. Like it’s actually. So it’s like a g I f g.

Joyce Layman (00:11:08) – Well yes it’s for the, the for that if in case people are going as it get for Jif. The correct pronunciation by the gentleman that developed these back in the 80s is Jeff, I think it’s just okay.

Jillian Leslie (00:11:20) – That’s why when I’m talking about gifts, I’m thinking, is she talking about Jeff? So my husband, by the way, corrects me all the time if I say gifts. So so okay. But so let’s so okay, so explain this process and what you’re talking about because you’re the first person to share this to me, especially on the podcast. So this is very cool. So talk to me about this.

Joyce Layman (00:11:45) – So is you’re talking about visibility goes back to if you can make sure first off your brand your message has to be clear. Because a lot of people say I want to go get clients. And then you go look at their Facebook profile or their Instagram profile or their LinkedIn profile. You have no idea who they work with. You have no idea what they do. They’ve got these links that are like 20 million characters long versus this really nice branded short link. And so I am going to throw this in here. People make a split second decision on your credibility when they come to your website.

Joyce Layman (00:12:20) – If they if your LinkedIn profile is operating as your website, split second decision on your credibility wherever they find you online. So that’s why part of being visible is making sure that your brand, your message, there’s clarity on who you are, who you serve. So if somebody finds me, no matter what channel, even on Giphy, my values statement tells you that I show coaches how to attract and connect with their ideal clients online using simple social systems. So it’s a very consistent message. So when I talk about visibility, it’s how you make sure that you’re out there without also exhausting yourself because that’s the other thing I’ve seen. I know, you know, because of your podcast, you’ve interviewed a lot of different people. And so when you think about content and marketing and if you think that you have to put out, you know, two TikToks a day and stories a day, and Dan, it’s like, oh, good God, who wants to do that? So for me, it’s how do you use social media? How do you actually leverage it for visibility gifts going back to that, that is that discoverability opportunity because multiple platforms, by the way, Giphy is owned by Facebook and you’ve got over 700 million people using like sending gifts every single day.

Joyce Layman (00:13:41) – The numbers are astounding with what’s there. So with that, because of what you can do with Giphy, every single GIF that I create of me links back to my website. My source URL is on every single gif. So I have noticed my website traffic increased when I started becoming more well known, and I even have people reaching out saying, well, I did a search on this. Did you know you’re a GIF? It’s like, yes, I did, I created it, I created it intentionally. So that is a visibility. I also call it a discoverability because people can discover you in any number of platforms when you use the Giphy platform to create your gifts. Does that make sense? Yeah, but here’s the piece.

Jillian Leslie (00:14:26) – That’s where I have a I need you to fill in the blanks for me. Right. So let’s say I do this because I’ll add I call them GIFs, but let’s say that’s okay. Okay. It’s kind of confusing.

Joyce Layman (00:14:39) – You are correct.

Jillian Leslie (00:14:40) – Okay, okay. I feel like my husband would be on my case if I didn’t call them GIFs, but let’s say I add a gif to an email newsletter that I’m writing to add a little flavor.

Jillian Leslie (00:14:53) – So I literally go to Google and and type in something that I’m looking for, like celebrate, let’s say. And then I will do like a, I guess, a GIF search. I don’t even know. But all of a sudden I’ll see all these gifts and a bunch of them will link back, say to, I guess, Giphy or jiffy, and then I might use one, but like, let’s say, you know, let’s start with what is your most popular GIF that you’ve created?

Joyce Layman (00:15:25) – So the most popular. Let’s pull up and see. And actually it would be better if I was on my because I can look at my desktop, I can look at my laptop on this. So I think it’s when that. I think it’s just me saying, have a great week. Okay. Seriously, it’s have a great week okay. And it’s got over 500,000 views on it now to tell on myself. Because if people are going, Joyce, why on earth would I ever consider using gifts for my business to put myself out there? People respond to images 60,000 times faster than text.

Joyce Layman (00:16:03) – So when you have a way that you can authentically connect with somebody and they actually get to see you. So even if you’re afraid of going live, you really don’t want to put yourself out there. But they can see your personality through a gif. I’m going to keep saying it wrong. Okay? Okay, okay. But it gives them a great it gives you a way to connect. And as you said, maybe you put one in an email, or if you’re in Facebook and you want to get people’s attention. A static image is great of you. But if it’s a GIF of you, right, and they literally take 60s to create, then it gives you that other connection. But going back to the visibility of discoverability, anytime somebody clicks on a GIF of yours, your source URL can lead them back to your website. And by the way, every social platform I have is on my GitHub account. They’re all there.

Jillian Leslie (00:16:58) – So if they here’s the piece though that that I, I, I can’t I need you to to connect for me is some random person is say using one of your gifs.

Jillian Leslie (00:17:11) – How do you know that they are a business coach or that they need your coaching service? Like is he that you are? You are just putting out this incredibly wide net so that, I don’t know, somebody could be wanting to use one of your gifts for a birthday or whatever. Or like, I don’t know, somebody’s wishing their mother to have a nice day and they’re using one of your gifts. Is this idea that, okay, I’m I am like, casting this incredibly wide net, hoping that just a couple people connect. Hey, wait a second. This is this gif I’ve used and this is the URL, and I’ve ended up back on Joyce’s blog and oh my god, I happen to be a Pilates instructor. Joyce can help me.

Joyce Layman (00:18:05) – So as you’re talking about that casting a wide net, that’s. So to get a little bit more technical for your listeners, top of funnel. So the majority of people that are following you online that are out online, they’re in that unaware stage.

Joyce Layman (00:18:20) – They don’t know they have a problem. They’re not looking for a solution. They’re not looking for you. So that’s that type of funnel as you know. So for me, that’s what my Giphy channel is. I don’t care who finds me. In fact, a friend in Kansas City who is a massive Chiefs fan go Chiefs, by the way, and she posted my gif of me in my Chiefs jersey last year because I knew we’re headed to the Super Bowl. Guess what? People are going to be searching Chiefs Chiefs football. So that is more of that. How do you get your brand visible? How do you get people to know you? I don’t care if they if they see me as a business coach or not. That’s not that point. What I’m trying to do is get visibility for my brand and be top of funnel. And besides, how many people are using gifts for their business? Very few. They should, but very few are using it because it is such an amazing way to create a connection with your audience, as well as drive traffic to your website that people can learn more about you.

Joyce Layman (00:19:20) – So that’s that’s that upper level. Now, some of my gifts are specific to marketing, social media. You know, it dives into content. So those are the ones that people are out there searching. Then they’re going to see the tags. And part of it is a tagging strategy that you use. Then that way those specific keyword terms are going to come up. So that’s where whether it’s now we’re getting into another topic altogether recency versus relevancy content. To me gifts are evergreen. They’re relevancy based. That means people are searching keywords to find them. So that really goes down. It really gets into a more in depth strategy. But that’s how say for an example. And I love Pilates instructors. I can’t help Pilates instructors think you’re fantastic, but you know, it’s the coaches that are actually building. If you’re building an online curriculum, I’m your girl, but it’s something where if you wanted to do something cool, GIFs, doing Pilates would be amazing. If you’re a health or wellness coach, think of all the things you could do with food, with vitamins, with working out you know you with the different the Milo tree.

Joyce Layman (00:20:31) – You’ve got your app, you’ve got your platform, right. So Milo tree cart, you’ve got your Milo Tree app. Those are cool things that you could turn into a different way to showcase your business. So when somebody is more problem aware, right, they recognize, oh, or I’m starting to search a specific keyword, then that’s what’s going to have a greater chance to lead them to you. So part of it is it’s, as I said, visibility to me. It’s putting your brand, your message out so people can find you. So on Instagram, if you go to my Instagram channel, it’s very specific on who I am and what I do. Giphy is just a whole other platform, but I can be found through Instagram, Facebook, you know, the Giphy keyboard. There’s multiple ways people could actually find me if they were searching for me, or just searching for a gif of something that I created. So as an example, one of my other high TikToks or TikToks, good God, it’s Tik Tok because I’m like, Tik Tok, like Time’s Up, because I used it as a countdown when I was doing a workshop in my Facebook group.

Joyce Layman (00:21:34) – So I went ahead and just did a gif of me doing this. Okay, wait, what.

Jillian Leslie (00:21:38) – You’re doing for the people who are listening, you’re just tapping your watch, looking at your.

Joyce Layman (00:21:41) – Watching my watch. And then the GIF says TikTok. So just tapping the watch and then it’s tick tock. So that’s it’s just one of those things of you think about what you do as a business. What are people searching for? What are those key words that might lead them to you? And then they get to see you in a different way, because otherwise, unless they stumble across, you know, they might find you on social media or if they stumble across your website somehow. But GIFs, as I said, it’s that platform. You can be found so many ways, so many places, but it’s using keywords, which goes back to you got to have your brand, you got to have your message. You got to be clear on who you are, what you do, who you serve, and then position it.

What Is This Secret Strategy to Drive Traffic and Increase Visibility? | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Joyce Layman (00:22:22) – So whatever platform they find you on, they’re like, oh, oh, oh got it.

Jillian Leslie (00:22:27) – Okay. So tell me then how did you stumble upon, did you stumble upon this? Was this podcast you listened to? And then what is the easiest way to make your GIFs and how often are you doing it? And like, what’s your process?

Joyce Layman (00:22:44) – I bet we went in a whole other direction. You didn’t think we were going to go in when we were talking about visibility. Isn’t it fun? So I had a business coach a year ago who challenged us to create these. And my mindset, like a lot of people I work with, they’re like, yeah, right, okay, I’m going to do this. I’m going to create my five. I’m going to get my brand channel set up. I’m just going to do this. So I did, begrudgingly. Then on a Saturday I thought, oh, let’s just go in. I’m going to see what words are trending. And it was Happy Saturday.

Joyce Layman (00:23:17) – You know, it’s like, oh happy Saturday is trending. So what I did is my cat Gabby. She has this habit of she sits up on her hind legs. She’s done this and she was a baby. And so I posted a GIF of Gabby sitting up and it was one of those. She was teetering a little bit and I just put Happy Saturday on it. Gabby went viral. Wow. Gabby went viral. She got 35 million views within a very short amount of time. So if you want to go viral, post photos, post GIFs, photos of your pets, your children, I’m telling you, that’s one of the ways to do it. And I went, okay, there’s something, there is something to this. So then I got serious and I started really researching because I couldn’t find any. It’s like, you can’t. I have created a workshop, by the way. I’ve got an online course called GIF yourself, but I couldn’t find anybody else that was doing it. Like I’d find a YouTube video that talked about one piece of it, but I could not find anybody that said, this is how you do it.

Joyce Layman (00:24:18) – Step one all the way through. And if you want to go, increase your odds of going viral exponentially, this is what you do. So I went out and did research. Like I said, I looked at so many different places and then I started experimenting. So right now I think I have 105 gifts total. I think maybe and I don’t do them. It literally takes 60s to do one. So as an example, I was part of a summit a couple of weeks ago, and to introduce myself to the group, I was just like, hey! And I created a GIF and put myself in there versus a static image. I was also talking about how to use GIFs strategically in your Facebook groups. That happened to be my summit topic, right? So it was one of those things of if there’s something going on, create the GIF or GIF, go around that maybe you’ve got an email that you’re sending out to your list and you want to get their attention. Well, instead of grabbing a generic one, put one of you in there to infuse.

Joyce Layman (00:25:19) – You know, it’s just that infuse that connectivity. Or if you’ve got a workshop you’re doing, maybe you’re hosting a live in Facebook. I put one out there because last week, Monday, it was one of those days. I woke up and I had a podcast request. I had a summit request, I had a bundle request. You know, I had a magazine interview request in my email when I woke up on Monday morning. And so it was like I posted a GIF. It was like, yes, you know, and I put it out on Facebook and I just instead of selling and saying, hey, you know, buy my services, I just put out here and said, what a great way to wake up. So excited. You know, I got this, this, this, and this didn’t put a call me. I hate it when people do that. Call me or a book a call. It’s like, no, I’m just having a good time. Put something out that was a little bit different.

Joyce Layman (00:26:05) – I do not like to in that world of visibility, in case somebody is wondering, I am an ambivalent. I’d love to be too. Yay! So you get it. So for those of you that do not know, people see me as an extrovert. I used to be terrified of speaking in public. Now I love doing keynotes and trainings. I love facilitating networking events and going to networking events. But then I got to go home and recharge and be by myself because I am exhausted. The same holds true online. Even though I’ve shifted. I work out of my house. I’ve done that forever. But even you know, even though I work out of my house, I’m not going to events if I have to be out live online, you know, social media showing up, it’s still exhausting. So you won’t see. I mean, I put more selfies of my, you know, I’ll do something of my cat or something, but I kind of drip pictures of me in, if that makes sense, because I don’t think that being visible means you’ve got to keep putting your face out there all the time.

Joyce Layman (00:27:04) – I don’t want people to get that, you know? It’s like, oh my God, she’s going to tell me to go live. It’s like, no, there’s a strategic way to do it that you won’t exhaust yourself. Doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert, ambivalent or extrovert. There’s ways to get yourself out there.

Jillian Leslie (00:27:18) – You’re telling me it takes 60s to create one of these? How do you do it?

Joyce Layman (00:27:24) – How do you. Well, you open up the Giphy app. You go into the page, you click create. And you’re going to see a screen like this.

Jillian Leslie (00:27:35) – Okay. She’s holding up her screen. Yeah.

Joyce Layman (00:27:38) – And so when I click I have a choice of a gift for a sticker. And by the way you can use stickers in Instagram Stories. That’s why it’s great to use. And then you click the button and it’s going to create a GIF. And then you have a chance to edit it. You have a chance to put text on it and you upload it. It is literally that easy.

Joyce Layman (00:27:57) – It’s literally that easy. But there is a strategy behind how you get your branded channel, how you the keywords that you use, how you actually do this. Otherwise you’re just creating gifts to create GIFs. And I’m all about if I’m spending any time on social media whatsoever, I want to be strategic with what I do, because none of us have enough time in the day to play and do all the things we want to do. So I’m all about a strategy, but just like so.

Jillian Leslie (00:28:25) – You created you created your page, your account and put keywords in like just the brief basics of what does that look like? So that then all of your GIFs live in your account.

Joyce Layman (00:28:40) – So yeah, in my in my account, I’ve got a place I can put in my bio, but it’s how you tag each one you upload. Okay. So it’s not like Facebook or excuse. Well Facebook, Instagram as an example, your bio, you do want it to be very keyword rich as far as that goes.

Joyce Layman (00:28:58) – As people are searching in Giphy, people are actually searching GIFs. They’re not searching for profiles, so if they happen to find a GIF, they will be led to a profile. Okay, if that makes sense. Yes.

Jillian Leslie (00:29:11) – So is image first. And by the way, for anybody who doesn’t know that no. You keep saying GIF and I keep saying Chip, you can use a GIF anywhere. You can use a photo like you’re like animated. But the world, like in technology sees them as the same. So any time. So that’s what they’re very light. It’s not like uploading a video. They’re just think of them as just animated images. That’s like the beauty of them.

Joyce Layman (00:29:43) – Yes. And they actually have on the platform there is a section in the collections where like when I do a live video, like when I go on YouTube, I repurpose that and I use a couple of different platforms to repurpose content. But using that you can create GIFs out of it. You can create short form content out of it, like video.

Joyce Layman (00:30:05) – There’s lots of great app munchies, another one that you can use that you can take that content. But on Giphy, then you also have that opportunity that you can have longer videos like literally ten second, 32nd video clips in there if you want. I haven’t really seen a whole lot of traction with that. I’m more concerned about, you know, what GIFs can I use that represent what I’m doing in my business? And like I said, my cat Gabby, she was the one that actually she’s got over 400 million views. So Gabby was the one that catapulted the views and starting. So then I went, oh well, what other gifts do we need to create that are going to take off based on content based on keywords? So like I said, there’s an entire strategy to this and it is so much fun.

Jillian Leslie (00:30:57) – Now here’s a question. Yeah. Have you been able to. Track your clients to jiffy.

Joyce Layman (00:31:09) – Not yet. But what I have been able to see is a significant increase in website traffic.

Jillian Leslie (00:31:15) – Ooh. So it’s starting to work with very little effort. Yes. Okay. So that’s where you’re you’re starting to see the potential of a funnel.

Joyce Layman (00:31:28) – Yes. And so also keep in mind too. So when I talk about visibility and if you’re brand new and you’re starting out, any business that you’re doing mean the thought of putting yourself out on YouTube or on social media. It can all be overwhelming. You want to build an email list and you want to do all of this stuff. So it’s about how do you get strategic, really strategic with what you’re doing. And then you start to know where is your traffic coming from. So I tell clients, it’s like, I would rather you pick one recency platform and one relevancy platform. So recency yeah.

Jillian Leslie (00:31:59) – Talk talk about what you mean by this.

Joyce Layman (00:32:02) – Okay. So recency is going to be Instagram Facebook LinkedIn TikTok where you’re going to be posting content. And it has a lifespan of 24 to 48 hours if you’re lucky if you are lucky which means you’ve got to be super consistent.

Joyce Layman (00:32:16) – You’ve got to be out there more often. But those are great. Like, I love Instagram because people will typically do their Instagram profile and do it well versus Facebook. You have a hard time seeing who these people are. So whether you’re reaching out to somebody to go, oh, it might be a potential collaboration, you know, would they fit my ideal client profile on Instagram? You know, pretty quick. On Facebook it’s harder. LinkedIn it’s easier if somebody has written their profile correctly. So to me recency platforms you want to be able to put yourself out there. But it’s where are your ideal clients spending time? I saw this conversation happening in a group. And this woman goes, oh, well, you need to be out on LinkedIn. And I’m like, LinkedIn is great if that’s who your clients are. But if that’s not where your clients are spending time, you’re wasting time.

Jillian Leslie (00:33:03) – This is the end of part one of my interview with Joyce. In part two, we’re going to talk about email marketing and and quizzes.

Jillian Leslie (00:33:10) – So definitely don’t miss that. If you try this strategy, please reach out to me and let me know what you think I want to say. If you are ready to start selling digital products for Black Friday and the holidays, this is your moment. Go to Milo tree.com, sign up for Military Cart. Get it for a one time fee of three, 49 or 3 payments on it forever 30 day money back guarantee. Plus you get to get on a call with me where I will help you come up with your Black Friday strategy. This is your moment. There is money to be made right now. Again, go to Milo tree.com and sign up, and I look forward to helping you tap into a whole new income stream. And I will see you here again next week with part two with Joyce Layman.

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