#205: Blogger SEO Strategies to Drive More Traffic (Rebroadcast)

We all need new blogger SEO strategies to drive more traffic. So I’ve got a treat for you with this rebroadcasted episode. Welcome to the Blogger Genius Podcast brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie. Hello, my friends. Welcome back to the Blogger Genius Podcast. I’m your host, Jillian Leslie. And I…

#204: Are Limiting Beliefs and Imposer Syndrome Holding You Back?

Are limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome holding you back? Today, I have business and mindset coach, Maria Conde, on the show. In this episode, we talk about what it looks like to have a successful entrepreneur mindset. This means being willing to be uncomfortable in your business, noticing when “busyness” is just an avoidance strategy,…

#201: Thanksgiving Guided Meditation on Gratitude (Rebroadcast)

Here is my Thanksgiving guided meditation on gratitude. I wanted to step away from business and celebrate what is most important. I re-listened to this recording this past week and it gave me so much comfort and peace. I found it so grounding, focusing on all the things I’m grateful for. I hope this does…

LIVE TRAINING: How to Set Up a Paid Workshop in 60 Minutes or Less!

We’ve all been told the best way to grow our businesses is to give away our best content for free. But what if I could give you an easy way to monetize what you know? And what if it were easier than you think? Easy set up, fast, inexpensive, and no complicated tech. Come to the live training…

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#199: Sell Products? Steal This Strategy!

In this episode, we talk all about what goes into building a successful ecommerce strategy. We talk about product validation (which goes beyond asking your mom), finding your audience, how to talk to your customers in an authentic way, how to build excitement around your product, and what your metrics and conversion rates should really…

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#198: How to Explode Your Email List with an Easy, Fun Email Challenge

Ready to see how to explode your email list with an easy, fun email challenge? It’s easier than you think. In this episode, I’m interviewing Haeley Giambalvo. Haeley is an old time blogger, but she started a new gardening blog called Native Backyards about a year ago. At first Haeley’s email list was growing slowly….

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#197: How to 10x Your Traffic Using Facebook Groups

In this episode, with Emily Eggers from the food blog, Legally Healthy Blonde, weโ€™re talking about how to 10x your traffic using Facebook Groups. Over the last year, Emily grew her blog traffic from 1,000 sessions to 100,000 sessions by strategically targeting Facebook groups on niche food topics with millions of members. She figured out…