
You Need a Blog if You Want to Be a Successful Online Entrepreneur

People ask me all the time why you need a blog if you want to be a successful online entrepreneur.

They’ll say, “I have a successful Etsy shop… Or I’m killing it on Instagram… Or I’m a YouTuber… Why do I need a blog?”

A Blog is Something You Can Own on the Internet

And I say because a blog or website is something you can actually own. It can’t be taken away from you.

Think of your blog or website as the hub of your business (your home base), and everything else is a spoke.

So your Etsy shop is a spoke, your Instagram is a spoke, your YouTube is a spoke, your email list is a spoke, etc.

You Need a Blog if You Want to Be a Successful Online Entrepreneur | MiloTree.com

What is the Best Way to Use My Blog as an Entrepreneur?

Your blog gives people a way to learn more about you. This is your place to highlight you and your business. It’s a way to start building your credibility and reputation on the Internet.

So for example, if you have an Etsy shop, it’s a way to say, “I’m a real person, not a fly-by-night Chinese importer selling inexpensive goods.”

It also gives you a way to collect email addresses and build your list — the only other thing in your business you can actually own.

With a blog, you can highlight the parts of your business you want people to notice — new products you’re working on, the course you’re building, the freebie you’re offering.

It’s also a place to store the content that matters to you, instead of it being lost in the bowels of your Facebook page or disappearing in your Instagram stories.

Do I Need to Blog All the Time?

My answer is, absolutely not! But if you want to, go ahead.

I do recommend you visit your blog and update it regularly.

I recommend you have it link to all your spokes — your shop and all your social media channels. I also recommend you offer a freebie on it to collect email addresses.

And it gives you the flexibility to expand your business in new ways because your business has a home outside of a specific platform. A blog let’s you dream bigger.

What if I’m not Technical and Can’t Set Up a WordPress Blog?

This is where we come in.

After talking to countless entrepreneurs struggling to get their blogs up — if you’ve tried setting up a WordPress site yourself, you know how daunting the task is — David (husband/partner/technologist) and I decided to start a service called MiloTree Blog Start.

You Need a Blog if You Want to Be a Successful Online Entrepreneur | MiloTree.com

This is where we set up your WordPress blog for you quickly and easily — no stress.

But we don’t just set up your blog.  We set up your blog correctly

It will be optimized for speed, privacy, ease of use, SEO… you name it, we’ve thought of it.

And then we are always available for any technical questions you have. Yep, we are with you every step of the way!

We want you to get your business started off on the right foot!

And hopefully, if you listen to my podcast, The Blogger Genius Podcast, you know how committed I am to your success.

So please click the button to learn more. And please email me with any questions you have. I’d love to hear from you!

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