
Embracing Imperfection: The Power of B-Minus Work

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In my latest episode of the Blogger Genius Podcast, I delve into a transformative concept that can help creators and entrepreneurs overcome the paralyzing grip of perfectionism.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone who has ever felt stuck, waiting for the perfect moment to share their work with the world. Let me introduce you to the power of “B-minus work,” a mindset that encourages progress over perfection.

Embracing Imperfection: The Power of B-Minus Work | MiloTree

Show Notes:

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What is B-Minus Work?

B-minus work is a standard that is above average but not flawless. It’s about producing work that is good enough to share, even if it isn’t perfect. This concept is not about settling for mediocrity; rather, it’s about recognizing that striving for perfection can often lead to inaction and missed opportunities.

Why B-Minus Work Matters

  • Reduces Pressure: The relentless pursuit of perfection can be exhausting and counterproductive. By aiming for B-minus work, you alleviate the pressure to be perfect, allowing yourself to take action and make progress.
  • Encourages Consistency: Consistently producing and sharing work, even if it’s not perfect, helps you build momentum and develop your skills over time.
  • Fosters Authenticity: Imperfect work often resonates more with audiences because it feels genuine and relatable. People appreciate authenticity over polished but impersonal content.

Overcoming Perfectionism: My Personal Journey

I call myself a “recovering perfectionist.” In school I constantly aimed for A+ grades, a mindset that ultimately hindered my growth as a blogger and entrepreneur. The pressure to achieve perfection can lead to inaction, as the fear of not meeting high standards becomes paralyzing. And this was definitely true for me.

Key Takeaways from My Story

  • Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and recognize that everyone makes mistakes. Self-compassion can help you move past self-doubt and take action.
  • Learning from Experience: Each piece of work you share, even if it’s not perfect, is an opportunity to learn and improve. Embrace the process of continuous learning and iteration.

Actionable Tips to Embrace B-Minus Work

1. Set Realistic Goals

Instead of aiming for perfection, set achievable goals that allow you to make steady progress. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Example: If you’re launching a new product, focus on creating a minimum viable product (MVP) that you can refine over time based on feedback.

2. Embrace Discomfort

Sharing work that isn’t perfect can be uncomfortable, but this discomfort is a sign that you’re pushing your boundaries and growing.

Action Step: Challenge yourself to share a piece of work that you feel is B-minus. Notice the discomfort and remind yourself that it’s a natural part of the process.

3. Reframe Failure

View mistakes and imperfections as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Each misstep is a chance to learn and improve.

Mindset Shift: Instead of thinking, “I failed,” reframe it as, “I learned something valuable.”

4. Focus on Progress, Not Perfection

Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Each step forward is a victory that brings you closer to your goals.

Tracking Progress: Keep a journal or a progress tracker to document your achievements and reflect on how far you’ve come.

5. Seek Feedback

Feedback from others can provide valuable insights and help you improve your work. Don’t be afraid to ask for constructive criticism.

Feedback Loop: Create a feedback loop where you regularly seek input from trusted peers or mentors and use it to refine your work.

The Impact of B-Minus Work

Jillian emphasizes that the fear of judgment often stems from our own harsh self-critique. By accepting the discomfort of imperfection, you can continue to show up consistently, learn from your experiences, and ultimately find success.

Real-Life Examples

  • Blog Posts: Share blog posts that may not be perfect. Your audience will appreciate the authenticity and the valuable content you provide.
  • Products: Launch products that are functional. Use customer feedback to make improvements over time.
  • Emails: Send out emails and if you have a typo realize it’s not that big a deal. The important thing is to communicate and connect with your audience.

Conclusion: Progress Over Perfection

Embracing B-minus work is like running a race. Instead of fixating on perfect form, focus on making progress, one step at a time. Consistency and perseverance are key to achieving growth and success.

Final Thoughts

Value Your Unique Voice: Recognize the value of your unique voice and ideas. Your B-minus work could resonate deeply with someone else.

Take Action: Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Share your work, learn from the experience, and keep moving forward.

I invite you to reach out with their thoughts on the episode and get on a free 20-minute call with me to discuss your digital product strategy. Also, please share the episode with friends who may benefit from the message. Remember progress is about taking one step at a time.

By embracing the discomfort of imperfection and taking action, you can unlock your potential and make a meaningful impact. Remember, B-minus work is not about settling for less; it’s about giving yourself the freedom to grow and succeed.

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Embracing Imperfection: The Power of B-Minus Work | MiloTree

#353 Transcript: Embracing Imperfection—The Power of B-Minus Work

Jillian Leslie 00:00:07 Hello and welcome back to the show. I’m Jillian Leslie, host of the Blogger Genius podcast, co-founder of Catch My Party, the largest party Ideas site on the web, and founder of software startup Milo Tree. We sell a suite of tools to help bloggers and creators like you sell digital products and grow your audiences and email lists. If these sound like things you are trying to accomplish, go check out Milo Tree at Military.com. If you sign up, you get 14 days free to try it out. I think you’re going to really like it. For today’s episode, I was planning to post a recent interview I recorded with a really cool guest, but I was out for coffee this morning with my friend Lauren. Hi Lauren, if you’re listening. Anyway, she was asking for some business advice and I gave her some specific thoughts on how to get new clients. But then I could see doubt in her eyes and I said, you’ve got this, Lauren. You don’t have to be perfect. Don’t overthink it.

Jillian Leslie 00:01:17 And I could see a change come over her. And as we were saying goodbye, she said, wow, I really needed to hear this. But she wasn’t talking about my strategies for getting clients. She was talking about the confidence boost I gave her, just knowing I was in her corner. And by seeing herself through my eyes, she was able to reconnect with that part of herself that knew, hey, I got this. So as I was driving back from coffee, I thought, you know what, I need to talk about this because we all get so caught in our heads, we’re alone at our desks and we get paralyzed and hold ourselves back. And no awesome episode with cool SEO strategy or sales hacks will move the needle if we can’t get out of our own ways. Four years ago, I recorded a solo episode called The Perfection of B Minus Work, and I want to revisit this because I think it’s really powerful. It’s a concept I stumbled upon when I realized my own perfectionism was holding me back.

Jillian Leslie 00:02:23 Now, I was that girl in school who always aimed for the A+, but the effort it took was exhausting and often paralyzing. And to be honest, it is a really bad mindset for growing a blog or startup. So I needed a new way forward, one that allowed me to keep moving without constantly feeling like I was falling short. I now call myself a recovering perfectionist, but I have to admit it is still a work in progress. But what’s funny is that the concept of B-minus work has resonated with so many of you over the years. Of all the things I have shared in the seven years I’ve been recording this podcast, this idea of B minus work is the one I get the most emails and messages about. It strikes a nerve in all of us, but I first need to explain B minus work isn’t failing. Far from it. B minus, remember, is still above average. It’s just not perfect. Which, by the way, is actually unattainable. The beauty of B minus is that it’s good enough to put out into the world, but with a tiny caveat.

Jillian Leslie 00:03:45 You know you are hitting B minus if you still feel a tiny bit of cringe or embarrassment in your stomach when you post something or create something, I’m going to say, great job! You’re there because no one is judging you as harshly as you’re judging yourself. I promise that. So get used to that discomfort, because that is where B-minus lives. Now, the best part about B minus work is it leaves room for you to show up the next day and the next day and the day after that. Because let’s be real, when you set the bar at perfection, you end up doing nothing. Like I am raising my hand over here because I know this pattern only too well. But when the bar is just a little above average, suddenly progress feels within reach. B minus work is how you learn, grow, and ultimately find success. It’s about getting out of your own way and allowing your voice to be heard, even if it’s not perfectly polished. Remember the cringe? Let it in, friend.

Jillian Leslie 00:04:54 I get on calls with so many of you to hear about your businesses, and to help you come up with your digital product strategies. So I see the struggle so many of you face first hand. A big struggle I hear over and over again is I’m just not ready. That’s what I was picking up from Lauren today, and all I had to do was say, go do it. And if you don’t know how to do something, you’ll figure it out. So as we sprint toward the end of the year, when our personal lives and work lives become even more chaotic, I want to share this message again. You don’t have to be perfect to be impactful. You don’t need everything to be flawlessly planned out to make progress. In fact, aiming for B minus work is still one of the most powerful strategies for growth. It’s about doing what you can with what you have right now. It’s showing up, putting yourself out there and testing your ideas without waiting for the perfect moment. Because guess what? That perfect moment doesn’t exist.

Jillian Leslie 00:06:02 So when you share that messy blog post, launch that unpolished product, or send out that imperfect email with typos, you’re giving your audience something real, something they can connect with. And I feel like a broken record about this. But what do people want? Not your content. They want your essence. Your authentic essence. Be mine is. Work is like you’re running a race. And instead of worrying about how perfect your form is, you’re just focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Each step takes you closer to your goal, even if it doesn’t feel graceful. But when you show up consistently, rain or shine, that’s when the magic happens. That’s when growth happens. Over the last four years, I have kept a posted on my computer that says B minus work every day. I still look at it when I feel paralyzed by doubt. It reminds me to embrace the discomfort of putting things out there that might not be perfect but are good enough to make a difference, and I hope you’ll do the same.

Jillian Leslie 00:07:09 So what does the world need? It needs your voice, your ideas, and your imperfect efforts. The path to success is still paved with iteration and showing up over and over again. Remember, your being minus work could be somebody else’s gold. And I want to let you in on a little secret. B minus work is a superpower. Because if you’re the one who can move forward in the mess, deal with that crunchy feeling in your stomach and just keep going, you will eventually win. So I recommend you keep a post-it on your computer saying B minus work every day. And just like I said to Lauren this morning, please hear me in your ear. You’ve got this. You don’t have to be perfect. Don’t overthink it and just keep moving forward. Thank you for joining me today. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode, so please send me an email at Jillian at Military.com, DM me on Instagram at military, and if you’d like to pop on a free 20 minute call to talk about how to come up with a digital product strategy and anything that I shared today, please just head to Milo tree.com/meet.

Jillian Leslie 00:08:29 If you have a friend who could benefit from this episode, please share it and go check out military if you’re ready. Or even better, if you are not ready to start selling digital products and grow your email list, go to military sign up. You get your first 14 days free. This is about putting one foot in front of the other, and I will see you here again next week.

Embracing Imperfection: The Power of B-Minus Work | MiloTree

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