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#086: How to Make Money on Etsy

Etsy can be a great way to sell handmade goods quickly. But you need to know these secrets on how to make money on Etsy to win. One of the major advantages of selling on Etsy is it is a platform with millions of dedicated shoppers and great search, so you don’t have to work…

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#085: How to Best Optimize Your Blog’s About Page

Today I have my good friend (and Community Manager at MiloTree), Paula Rollo, back on the podcast to talk about how to best optimize your blog’s About Page. If you are a blogger, you already know how important your About Page is. Your About Page tells the story of your own personal journey, including struggles…

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#083: New Strategies For Making More Money with Affiliates!

Today I am talking about new strategies for making more money with affiliates with Chelsea Clarke. Chelsea, founder of the website, HerPaperRoute, helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses through affiliate sales.  We talk about knowing your audience, talking to your audience, and selling them products that are useful for making their lives better.  If you want…

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#077: How to Be Authentic on YouTube and Make a Great Living with Amanda Muse

Today’s guest is YouTuber, Amanda Muse. The thing I find fascinating about Amanda is that she does things her own way. We’re talking about how to be authentic on YouTube and make a great living at the same time. On her channel, Amanda talks about what she wants to talk about. She puts herself out…

#060: How to Know When to Scale Your Business
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#060: How to Know When to Scale Your Business

As business owners, we are all looking to make a profit from our businesses. If you’re going to spend hours, days, months, and even years trying to grow a business, you have to find a way to make it profitable. One of the best ways to make your business more profitable is to scale it….

#056: Blogging Trends for 2019 – What You Need to Know to Be Successful This Year
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#056: Blogging Trends for 2019 – What You Need to Know to Be Successful This Year

Welcome to episode 56 of The Blogger Genius Podcast. Today I’m back with MiloTree Community Manager, Paula Rollo. We’re talking about blogging trends for 2019 and what you need to know to be successful this year. If you’re an online entrepreneur, content creator, blogger, online marketer, or influencer and you were wondering where the opportunities…

What is the Tool We Used to Get 1 Million Followers on Pinterest?
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What is the Tool We Used to Get 1 Million Followers on Pinterest?

We did it! We finally reached 1 million followers on our Catch My Party Pinterest page! And because of our large follower count, Pinterest sends millions of pageviews a month to Catch My Party! People always ask me what our secret is for getting tons of new followers every day on Pinterest.   And I…

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#050: Want to Know More about Jillian Leslie and Hear Her Business Secrets?

The tables are turned in this episode. Paula Rollo, community manager of MiloTree and founder of Beauty Through Imperfection, is interviewing me! I this episode we talk about my background as a blogger and entrepreneur, how I stepped away from a career in Hollywood when my daughter was born, what it’s like working with my…

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#047: One New Strategy that Will Grow Your Traffic with Deepak Shukla

Today I’ve got Deepak Shukla back on the podcast for Part 2. Deepak runs an SEO agency called Pearl Lemon, and he is an expert in SEO. Today we are talking about online reputation management — one new strategy that will grow your traffic. It’s all about managing your online reviews and testimonials because this…

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Why the MiloTree App is the Best Tool to Get You More Instagram Followers Now!

Are you working hard, spending lots of time, trying to get more followers for your blog or business on Instagram? It’s definitely smart to grow account, so you can get your content seen by more and more people, but there is an easier way. Check out the post below to learn how to up your…