How to Turn a “Nice-to-Have” Product Into a “Must-Have” with These 6 Triggers

In my latest episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, I delve into the transformative potential of selling digital products for bloggers and online entrepreneurs.

As the digital landscape evolves, there’s a noticeable shift from merely driving traffic to fostering genuine relationships with your audience. This shift is crucial for encouraging people to buy from you and building loyalty.

In this episode, I introduce six powerful buying triggers that can elevate a product from being a “nice to have” to a “must have.” By aligning your products with these triggers, you can tap into the underlying motivations that drive consumer purchases, making your offerings more appealing and compelling.

How to Turn a "Nice-to-Have" Product Into a "Must-Have" with These 6 Triggers | Use MiloTree to Sell Digital Products Easily!

Show Notes:

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The Six Buying Triggers

1. Making Money

One of the most compelling triggers is the potential for a product to help customers make money. Products that teach users how to generate income or grow their wealth are inherently attractive.

For instance, a downloadable ebook that provides step-by-step strategies for monetizing a blog through affiliate marketing can be a game-changer. If a product can demonstrate a clear financial benefit, it shifts from being a luxury to a necessity.

Actionable Advice:

  • Create Value-Driven Content: Develop ebooks, courses, or webinars that offer actionable strategies for income generation.
  • Showcase Success Stories: Use testimonials and case studies to highlight how your product has helped others achieve financial success.
  • Offer Guarantees: Consider offering a money-back guarantee to reduce the perceived risk for potential buyers.

2. Saving Money

The second trigger revolves around products that help customers save money. In today’s economy, many individuals are actively seeking ways to reduce their expenses.

If a product can show users how to cut costs effectively, it becomes highly valuable. Examples include budgeting workshops or meal planning guides that help families manage their finances better.

Actionable Advice:

  • Highlight Cost Savings: Clearly communicate how your product can help users save money in the long run.
  • Provide Practical Tips: Offer practical, easy-to-implement tips that users can start using immediately.
  • Bundle Offers: Create bundles that offer more value at a reduced price, making the purchase more attractive.

3. Saving Time

The third trigger is the ability of a product to save time. Time is a precious commodity, and busy individuals are often willing to pay for solutions that streamline their tasks. Products that offer time-saving solutions, such as template libraries for social media posts or automated email marketing systems, are particularly appealing to those who feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities.

Actionable Advice:

  • Emphasize Efficiency: Highlight how your product can simplify tasks and save users time.
  • Offer Ready-Made Solutions: Provide templates, checklists, or automated tools that users can implement quickly.
  • Demonstrate Time Savings: Use case studies or testimonials to show how much time users have saved by using your product.

4. Moving Toward Happiness

The fourth trigger focuses on products that promise to enhance happiness or well-being. Many consumers are motivated by the desire for joy, fulfillment, or peace. Products that contribute to emotional or physical well-being, such as self-care memberships or digital journals promoting mindfulness, can create a strong emotional connection with potential buyers.

Actionable Advice:

Create Emotional Connections: Use storytelling to connect with your audience on an emotional level.
Promote Well-Being: Highlight the benefits of your product in terms of emotional or physical well-being.
Use Positive Imagery: Incorporate positive, uplifting imagery in your marketing materials to evoke feelings of happiness.

5. Moving Away from Pain

The fifth trigger is about alleviating pain or discomfort. Whether physical, emotional, or logistical, people are often willing to invest in solutions that promise relief from their problems. Products addressing specific pain points tend to be more compelling, as consumers are often more motivated to spend money to escape discomfort than to pursue happiness.

Actionable Advice:

  • Identify Pain Points: Clearly identify the pain points your product addresses.
  • Offer Solutions: Provide clear, actionable solutions to alleviate these pain points.
  • Use Testimonials: Share testimonials from users who have experienced relief from their problems by using your product.

6. Raising Social Status

The final trigger involves enhancing a customer’s social status. Many individuals are driven by the desire to be perceived as successful or knowledgeable. Products that help improve one’s image or credibility, such as personal branding guides or premium memberships to exclusive communities, can be highly attractive.

Actionable Advice:

Highlight Social Proof: Use testimonials, endorsements, and case studies to build credibility.
Offer Exclusive Access: Provide premium memberships or exclusive content that enhances the user’s social status.
Showcase Success: Highlight how your product can help users achieve success and recognition in their field.

The Importance of Your Customer’s Transformation

When selling a product, it’s essential to convey not just what the product is, but also the future version of the customer that it can help create. Customers are not just buying a product; they are investing in the transformation that the product promises.

For example, when marketing a digital planner, the focus should be on the organized, successful version of the customer that will emerge from using the planner, rather than just the planner itself.

Actionable Advice:

  • Use Storytelling: Incorporate storytelling in your marketing to illustrate the transformation your product offers.
  • Showcase Before and After: Use before-and-after scenarios to highlight the transformation.
  • Focus on Benefits: Emphasize the benefits and outcomes that customers will experience by using your product.

Practical Application

As listeners consider their own digital products, reflect on which of the six buying triggers your products align with. If a product can fit into multiple categories, that’s even better, as it opens up various marketing avenues. Additionally, understanding the transformation that the product offers is crucial for effective marketing.

Actionable Advice:

  • Evaluate Your Product: Assess your product to determine which buying triggers it aligns with.
  • Focus on Transformation:** Ensure your marketing materials highlight the transformation your product offers.
  • Start Simple: For those new to product creation, start with simple solutions that tap into these triggers rather than diving into more complex offerings like courses.

Case Study: MiloTree

To illustrate these concepts, here is MiloTree as a case study. See how MiloTree aligns with the six buying triggers:

  • Income Generation: MiloTree helps bloggers sell unlimited digital products, making it a valuable tool for generating income.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The platform is designed to be affordable, saving users money.
  • Time Savings: MiloTree is user-friendly, allowing users to set up their first product quickly.
  • Happiness: The platform is designed to simplify the process for those who dislike complicated technology.
  • Pain Relief: Users won’t have to spend hours figuring out how to use the platform, alleviating frustration.
  • Social Status: By helping users make money, MiloTree can enhance their social standing.


Create products that genuinely help people and excite them. Download the PDF with the six buying triggers and the AI prompt to brainstorm product ideas. For those who want to discuss their product ideas further, please reach out via email or social media.

Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast for more valuable insights and to take advantage of the 14-day free trial offered by MiloTree to start selling digital products easily and affordably.

By understanding and leveraging these six buying triggers, bloggers and online entrepreneurs can create compelling digital products that resonate deeply with their audience, driving sales and fostering long-term customer relationships.

How to Turn a "Nice-to-Have" Product Into a "Must-Have" with These 6 Triggers | Use MiloTree to Sell Digital Products Easily!

#352 Transcript: How to Turn a “Nice-to-Have” Product Into a “Must-Have” with These 6 Triggers

Speaker 1 00:00:06 Hello and welcome back to the Blogger Genius podcast. I am your host, Jillian Leslie and founder with my husband of MiloTree. Now you know that I believe every blogger, content creator, coach, online entrepreneur should be selling digital products because it is one of the best ways to monetize your expertise and grow your business. There is a definite shift happening where bloggers and online entrepreneurs are no longer just focused on growing traffic. Now they’re about connecting, building real relationships so people want to buy what they’re selling. But I know many of you find selling really uncomfortable, and a lot of you come to me and say, I am overwhelmed trying to come up with a product and that’s what today’s episode is all about today. I’m diving into something crucial for selling, and this is actually where I recommend everybody start. And when you hear this, I think it’ll make sense and make the whole thing seem less scary and less overwhelming. Today, I’m breaking down the six triggers that turn your product from a nice to have into a must have.

Speaker 1 00:01:27 If you can align your product with at least one of these triggers, you tap into the real reason people buy. And I’m going to talk about how to make your offer irresistible. You don’t have to take notes. By the way, I have a special one page PDF that you can download by going to slash triggers. So listen to the episode and then at the end you can go get this resource. It’s just a simple guide to keep these triggers in mind as you brainstorm and build your next product. And in fact, on this PDF, I have an AI prompt that uses these triggers to help you come up with your first digital product. So let’s break down these triggers. The first one, which is, I think, probably the strongest motivator. People are always interested in opportunities that can help them generate income or grow their wealth. If your digital product teaches people how to make money, you’re already in a winning category. Think about it this way if I can sell you a product that makes you $200, how much would you spend to buy it? Maybe you would spend $100.

Speaker 1 00:02:43 So examples of products in this bucket would be things like a downloadable e-book with step by step strategies for monetizing a blog using affiliate marketing, or a membership that shares monthly stock market tips and strategies, or a digital toolkit for freelancers with resources to pitch high paying clients. When you show people that your product can directly impact their wallet, it moves from a luxury to a necessity. The number two buying trigger is a product that saves somebody’s money. People are constantly looking for ways to cut down their expenses. Especially in today’s economy, if your product shows them how to do that, it becomes extremely valuable. So if I can sell you a product that saves you $200, maybe you’d buy it for $100. Examples of products that save people money would be things like a budgeting workshop that helps families manage their finances and cut costs. A meal planning guide that shows how to cook budget friendly meals or a bundle of templates to help small businesses save on design and marketing costs. If you can help people keep more money in their pockets, they will be eager to invest in your product.

Speaker 1 00:04:10 Buying trigger number three. Can you offer a product that saves somebody time? Time is money and we all want more of it. Busy people will pay for solutions that streamline tasks and makes their lives easier. If your product shows people how to save time, it becomes a must have. Think about it this way these products are for people who will happily trade money for time. So the more time you can save someone, the more they’d be willing to pay. Examples of products like this would be a template library for social media posts, so users don’t have to start from scratch. An automated email marketing system that saves hours of manual work. A digital planner Specifically designed to help entrepreneurs manage their schedules effectively. Time saving products always appeal to those who feel stretched thin and need quick, effective solutions. So I ask you, can your product fit into this bucket? Trigger number four can you create a product that moves somebody toward happiness? We’re all striving for happiness and products that promise to bring joy, fulfillment, or peace are incredibly appealing.

Speaker 1 00:05:32 Think about how your product can add value to someone’s emotional or physical well-being. So examples of products that fit into this bucket would be things like a self-care membership with monthly meditation guides and wellness resources, or a digital journal that promotes gratitude and mindfulness practices, or an e-book on how to create a fulfilling work life balance for busy professionals. When you can connect your product to someone’s happiness, it becomes more than a purchase. It becomes an investment in their well-being, and people will spend a lot of money to feel good in their lives. Purchasing bucket number five can your product move somebody away from pain? This trigger is all about solving a problem or eliminating discomfort, whether it’s physical, emotional, or logistical. People will buy solutions that promise relief. And I want to stop for one second here. If you have a choice between selling a product that moves somebody toward happiness or move somebody away from pain, you are better off leaning into moving somebody away from pain because we will pay more to get out of pain, then we will to move toward happiness.

Speaker 1 00:06:53 I just wanted to share that. So examples of products that fit into this bucket would be, say, a guide for managing back pain through simple daily exercises or an online workshop for entrepreneurs on overcoming burnout, or a membership that provides stress management techniques for parents. If your product addresses a specific pain point and offers a clear solution, you’ve got a compelling offer. And what I would add is when you are marketing this, you poke at that pain. You make sure that that person who’s thinking of buying your product knows that you understand how painful this problem is. As I say, the worse the pain, the more money somebody will spend to get out of it. Now triggering bucket number six. Can you raise someone’s social status? So let’s face it, many people are motivated by the desire to be seen as successful, Knowledgeable or influential. If your product enhances their status or helps them achieve recognition, it’s going to be highly attractive. So a couple examples of products that fit into this bucket. A premium membership that grants access to a private community of influencers.

Speaker 1 00:08:16 A digital download that shows users how to optimize their LinkedIn profile to stand out as an authority in their field. A guide on personal branding for online entrepreneurs who want to become thought leaders. Now, I would argue that a simple product like desserts that will wow your guests, that are easy to make, fits in to this bucket because I want to look good in front of the people in my book club. So products that offer a way to gain credibility or improve one’s image are powerful because they play into our desire for social acceptance and recognition. And if you think people won’t pay to raise their status, think of all of the expensive handbags and watches people buy just to look rich and important. Now here is something I want to share. People don’t just buy your product, they buy the future version of themselves that they believe your product will help them become. And so I want you to keep that in mind, because when you are selling, it’s all about painting a vivid picture of who they will be, what their life will look like, and how they will feel after using your product.

Speaker 1 00:09:40 Yes, you need to share what your product is and what it does, but the more you can connect it to that future vision, the more compelling your offer becomes. For example, when selling a digital planner, you’re not just selling pages and templates, you’re selling the version of them that feels organized, in control, and successful. When marketing a meal planning guide. It’s not about the recipes. It’s about the relief they feel when they no longer have to stress about dinner every night. This is why you should use testimonials, storytelling, and imagery in your marketing. Show them the transformation. Show them how their lives will change. The clearer the picture you paint, the more likely they are to see themselves in that future and make the purchase. So as you create your digital product, ask yourself which of these six triggers can I put my product in? If you can get it to fit into more than one, that is awesome because now you have different avenues for marketing it. And also ask yourself, what future version of my customer am I selling? How does my product transform their lives? And if you can communicate this, you move your product into the realm of this is a no brainer.

Speaker 1 00:11:00 I really need to buy this if you can offer a guarantee. Even better because it shows you stand behind your solution and you take that feeling of risk away. So when you are coming up with your first product or your hundredth product, start by thinking from the outside in from the customer’s perspective and then build your product. Think about the story in the transformation even before you have built anything. My recommendation is to move fast. I would much prefer you lean into these triggers and the transformation. Then you worry about your fonts and how pretty your e-book looks. This is why I also recommend you not start with a course. You start with a simple solution that taps into one of these triggers. simple. Now let’s use MiloTree as a case study. What triggering buckets does it fall into? One? The main purpose of MiloTree is to help bloggers make money. You can sell unlimited digital products with it. You can grow your email subscribers by offering unlimited freebies. So this is your audience, your customer base, and you can grow your social media followers using our pop ups.

Speaker 1 00:12:22 Two because it’s so cost effective and we don’t charge an arm and a leg for it, it saves people money. Go to and check out our pricing three. It saves people time because it’s really easy to use. You can get your first product set up in about five minutes. If you’re selling a digital download, we will deliver it to your customer. Three it moves you towards happiness because we’ve really designed it for people who hate complicated tech. Five we hopefully move you away from pain, because you’re not going to have to spend hours watching YouTube videos to try to figure out how it works. And six if we can help you make money, it will raise your social status. And in terms of the transformation, you could be somebody who has tons of ideas but is frustrated because they don’t know how to get started. To somebody who’s making tens of thousands of dollars a month, like some of our customers, and because I am all about a guarantee. So your customer feels safe, we at MiloTree offer a 14 day free trial.

Speaker 1 00:13:31 I hope you see that with a little intention, you can create products that really help people and excite them. To grab your PDF with these six buying triggers, and also with an AI prompt that uses the triggers to help you come up with digital product ideas, just go to If you want to run a product idea by me, please reach out to me at Jillian at, DM me on Instagram at MiloTree, I love hearing the creative ideas you come up with. If you found this episode helpful, please share it with a friend. If you haven’t yet subscribed to the Blogger Genius podcast, I recommend you do because I have so many value packed episodes coming up, and if you’re ready to start selling digital products in the easiest and least expensive way, things like ebooks and guides and memberships and workshops and coaching head to sign up number. You get your first 14 days free and I will see you here again next week.

How to Turn a "Nice-to-Have" Product Into a "Must-Have" with These 6 Triggers | Use MiloTree to Sell Digital Products Easily!

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