Search Results for: david site speed

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#110: Why Site Speed Can Hurt Your Blog and How to Fix It

In this episode, my husband, business partner, and tech extraordinaire, David, and I are talking about why site speed can hurt your blog and how to fix it. Have you been blogging for a bit, but you aren’t seeing the traffic you thought you’d see? Or is your bounce rate super high?  If you’re dealing…

#110: Transcript for Why Your Blog Site Speed Can Hurt You and How to Fix It

If you are curious why your blog site speed can hurt you and how to fix it, this is the episode for you. I’m talking to David, my husband, business partner, and tech extraordinaire to break site speed down. Host 0:04 Welcome to The Blogger Genius Podcast brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host,…

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#313: What’s Next for Food Bloggers: Changes in 2024

Hello, creators and food enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you my recent interview with my friend, Megan Porta, the creative force behind Pip and Ebby and the Eat Blog Talk podcast. We dove into the evolving world of food blogging and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead in 2024. Embracing Change and Innovation…

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{Ultimate Guide} How to Start an EASY Online Paid Membership | MiloTreeCart

Looking to make recurring revenue as a blogger or online entrepreneur? Here’s exactly how to set up an easy online membership so you can serve your audience and earn predictable income. An online paid membership is a fantastic way to monetize what you know. Plus you get to build closer relationships with your community and help your members improve…