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#181: Know Exactly What to Blog About by Using Your Google Analytics

In this episode with my friend and SEO expert, Paula Rollo, we talk about how to know exactly what to blog about by using your Google Analytics.

Before you listen to the episode, grab my Google Analytics Cheat Sheet. Google Analytics can be confusing. But with this cheat sheet, you will know exactly how to find the 4 most important pieces of info.

How many time have you asked yourself, what should I blog about? How do I know what type of content to spend my time on.

Paula and I also discuss ways to use your analytics to figure it out, not only what your audience wants from you, but also what Google thinks you’re an expert in.

We talk about how all that information is in your Google Analytics and Google Search Console, if you know what you’re looking for.

We talk about targeting keywords in your niche to grow your traffic, how to find hidden opportunities to get your content found, how to piggyback off of what’s already working for you on social media, and how to think about riding cultural waves to get your posts to show up in search.

After listening to this episode, you’ll never wonder again what kind of content to create to be successful in your business.

This episode will give you all the shortcuts you need to grow your traffic with the right content!

Know Exactly What to Blog About by Using Your Google Analytics | MiloTree.com

Show Notes:

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Know Exactly What to Blog About by Using Your Google Analytics | MiloTree.com

Other Blogger Genius Podcast episodes about SEO to listen to:

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