How to Go From 10k to 100k Pageviews per Month

As bloggers, we know that traffic is what grows our businesses.

If you started a blog several years ago, you would have had the benefit of Facebook driving tons of traffic to your blog.

But that was before the major algorithm changes that took the majority of that Facebook traffic away.


More traffic almost always equals more opportunities for your blog.

Whether you want to work with a premium ad company, work with brands on sponsored content, or you want to create and sell your own products, you must increase your pageviews.

So this raises the question: How to go from 10k to 100k pageviews per month

  • How do you bring more people to your blog organically?
  • How do you get people to stick around for a while, clicking through to multiple pages?


How to Go From 10k to 100k Pageviews per Month |


The Top 3 Ways to Go From 10k to 100k Pageviews per Month

  • Pinterest
  • Google SEO
  • Your email list


Why Keywords Are Everything for Organic Traffic on Pinterest and Google

Of course, you know that Google is a search engine, but did you know that Pinterest is also a search engine?

Many bloggers mistakenly think of Pinterest as another social media platform but it is most definitely not.

  • 250 million people use Pinterest every month
  • 39% of female users and 48% of male users opt for Pinterest’s search engine over search engines such as Google or Bing
  • More than 2 billion searches take place on Pinterest every single month
  • Over 600 million of those searches are visual searches
  • That means that every month, nearly 140 million searches on Pinterest are keyword searches

You can quickly see the importance of viewing Pinterest right up there with Google when it comes to your keyword strategy.


Developing a Keyword Strategy

Keywords need to be literally the foundation of every piece of content you create.

When deciding what your next blog post will be about, don’t waste time creating something that keyword research doesn’t back up as being valuable.

You also need to have a deep and growing understanding of how keywords work and how to use them in your blog posts, headings, pins, and your pin descriptions.

And don’t worry that this keyword education will cost you an arm and a leg.

There are plenty of free keyword tools available if you don’t want to put cash behind your SEO efforts just yet.

A few of the free keyword tools you may want to check out:


Developing Your Pinterest Keyword Strategy

If you want Pinterest to show your pins to users, you absolutely must be using highly-searched keywords and phrases.

Ways to optimize your Pinterest efforts:

  • Use keywords in your account description
    • When you fill in your bio/description section, use keywords instead of filler content. Nobody cares how many cats you have (unless your blog is all about cats). Don’t use valuable keyword real estate to talk about your favorite ice cream flavor or how many plates you’re juggling.
  • Use keywords in your board descriptions
    • Don’t just name your boards and leave them. Fill in the description space with keyword rich sentences that describe the board. Don’t fall into keyword stuffing; that will get you in trouble if you aren’t careful. Write your descriptions like you would speak about them if you were talking to the end user face to face.
  • Optimize pin images for clicks 
    • If you hope to get your pins in front of a larger audience, you have to spend the time necessary to optimize every single image.
    • Also, tell people to “click” on your pins to see more. People want to be instructed on how best to interact with your content. Make it easy.

Here are more tips for optimizing Pinterest:

    • Use the Pinterest recommended image size of 600 x 900 (or a 2:3 ratio)
    • Make multiple images per post
    • Use keyword-rich text overlays on images
    • Enable Rich Pins
    • Write keyword-rich descriptions for each pin
    • Use 2-3 relevant hashtags per pin


Use the MiloTree Pinterest Pop-Up to Grow Pinterest Followers

At least 80% of the visitors to your site never return. The MiloTree Pinterest pop-up converts those one-time visitors into Pinterest, so you can reach them again and again.

Increased Pinterest followers equal increased blog traffic. The MiloTree Pinterest pop-up makes growing your followers and traffic easy and automatic. 

Our original site, Catch My Party, has over 1 million followers on Pinterest, which we grew using our pop-up. This had lead to millions of pageviews per month to our site from Pinterest.

Install the MiloTree Pinterest pop-up on your site in under two minutes, and watch your followers grow while you sleep. See the pop-up in action here.


catch my party

Right now, you can try out MiloTree for 30 days free! Just sign up for an account, add the MiloTree Pinterest pop-up to your site in less than 2 minutes with our simple WordPress plugin or one line of code, and watch your followers and traffic explode!

Sign up for MiloTree now and get your first 30 DAYS FREE!

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Your Google Keyword Strategy

Most of us are pretty familiar with how keywords work on Google.

After all, we are some of the users performing the estimated 2 trillion searches per day on the world’s largest search engine.

With stats like that, it’s pretty easy to see why we need a solid SEO strategy for Google.

Here are our favorite ways to optimize your blog posts for Google:

  • Use the free Yoast plug-in
    • This plug-in easily helps you to optimize your posts for Google.
  • Provide excellent content in your niche
    • Google is looking for the absolute best content to show their users. Your job is to provide that content. Try the SEO-friendly skyscraper method when creating content.
  • Make your content easily skimmable
    • Use headings and bullet points (like this post you’re reading)
  • Write more long-form content
    • Google likes longer, more helpful posts.
  • Update your content
    • Even after you post content, continue to come back and update it as needed with current and relevant information.


How to Go From 10k to 100k Pageviews per Month |

Building Your Email List to Grow Your Traffic

Growing your email list is the hottest trend on the blogging block and with good reason.

Your email list is the one thing you own that can drive traffic to your blog and continually grow your business.

If your email list has been sitting dormant, open up a new email draft and write to your subscribers. These are your loyal fans, your tribe of people.

Your email subscribers have told you, by giving you their email address, that they want to hear from you. Don’t leave them hanging!

If your email list could use some help, here are a few ideas for using your email list to grow your blog traffic:

  • Create valuable lead magnets to grow your list
    • Consider creating lead magnets that will draw in your targeted reader. Lead magnets that provide helpful information or solve a problem are one of the best ways to get new traffic to your blog.
  • Use MiloTree to grow your email list
  • Email your people
    • Seriously, it needs saying again. Build that relationship with your subscribers. Train them to click when you tell them to. Teach them to go to your site for information by providing extra content for subscribers only.

Keep Doing What’s Working

If you’ve been blogging long enough to have 10K+ pageviews per month, you have the stats you need to know what your audience likes.

  • Use your Google analytics to see which posts drive the most traffic month after month to your blog.
  • Figure out which posts get shared to social media by your readers most often.

Once you know what these most popular posts are, create more like them!

Take your 10 most popular posts and riff on them. Try to brainstorm at least 3-4 more posts that you could write from each of those 10 that your readers already love.

This will give you more content that you know your audience will respond to, and it’s a whole lot easier to write posts when you already have the foundation in place.

Then start linking all these posts together to signal to Google that you have “domain authority” when it comes to this topic.

Be the Expert in Your Niche

When you search for something in Google or Pinterest, do you click on whatever pops up first, or do you look for a return that seems to be the most legit?

We all want to hear from the experts, including your audience.

How to Show You’re the Expert

  • Create focused content that solves a problem
  • Interact with your audience
  • Give useful, reliable information through email
  • Create extra content for your subscribers to make them feel special
  • Answer questions
  • Be willing to give real value away for free!


Growing your pageviews from 10K to 100K isn’t impossible. Not by a long shot.

All it takes is some background work, some education, writing great content that your audience is looking for, and using the tools available.

Now’s your chance to up your game and grow your traffic by using all these tips and adding MiloTree to our site. 

Sign up for MiloTree now and get your first 30 DAYS FREE!

Sign up for the MiloTree popup

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