Switch Between Multiple Instagram Accounts In The App

Now you can switch between multiple Instagram accounts in the app! You no longer have to logout of one account and login to another to post on both. This is a huge time saver.

Switch Between Multiple Instagram Accounts In The App

How To Switch Between Multiple Instagram Accounts In The App

  • Go to your profile
  • Tap on your username at the top of the screen. You should see your multiple accounts.
  • Then tap the account you’d like to switch to

For entrepreneurs, it’s never been easier to start a second Instagram account.

I recommend you have one for business and one for personal. This way you can go deep in your business account and still share random stuff on your personal page.

Consistency of message is key to growing your business!! Look at Simple Green Smoothies for a consistent message on Instagram.

If you want a leg-up on growing your Instagram account, check out the MiloTree pop-up.

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