#237: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Expand Your Business

Wondering how to use the law of attraction to expand your business? Wait until you listen to today’s new podcast episode.

I have Molly Mandelberg on the show, from Wild Hearts Rise Up. She coaches spiritual women entrepreneurs and helps them grow their businesses.

She offers her clients new ways to get their message out. We talk about the nuts and bolts of building a business on the internet, and we also talk about strategies to get into the right mindset to grow a successful business.

Here are some of the topics we dive into:

  • Why female entrepreneur have a hard time selling
  • How to overcome shiny object syndrome
  • How to outsource tasks in your business
  • Tools Molly recommends entrepreneurs use
  • How to use the law of attraction to attract clients and customers to you
  • How to deal with mindset and reverse negative thoughts

If you need an uplifting, new way of looking at your business, I think this episode is for you. Enjoy!

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Expand Your Business | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Show Notes:

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Intro 0:04
Welcome to The Blogger Genius Podcast brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie.

Jillian Leslie 0:11
Hello, my friends. Welcome back to the Blogger Genius Podcast. I am your host Jillian Leslie; I am so grateful that you are here. I’m a serial entrepreneur, and it is my mission to help creators grow online businesses.

Start Selling Digital Products with MiloTreeCart

I thought I would start with a quick thank you to all our new MiloTreeCart customers.

Jillian Leslie 0:34
So, people have heard me talk about it. It’s the easiest way to sell digital products they’ve gone to milotreecart.com signed up for their free accounts, created products, have created sales pages, have started selling workshops, memberships, coaching, digital downloads, it is so exciting to watch.

Jillian Leslie 0:53
And feedback I am hearing is that people love how easy it is to use. They love the free sales pages with the fill in the blank templates. They love that they don’t pay anything until they start making money. Therefore they’re able to test quick, easy and often.

Jillian Leslie 1:11
If you have an audience and you are not selling products and services directly to them, you are missing out on thousands of dollars, and it is so much easier to set up than you can imagine. So please head to milotreecart.com. Sign up for your free account.

Jillian Leslie 1:31
If you want to start with a paid workshop, get my download to come up with your workshop idea at milotree.com/workshopidea. But start putting up products putting up sales pages going directly to your audience and selling them. And this is how you start building your digital product empire.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Expand Your Business

Jillian Leslie 1:50
For today’s episode. I have Molly Mandelberg on the show. And her business is called Wild Hearts Rise Up and I love this check it out. She coaches spiritual women entrepreneurs. So these are coaches, healers, spiritual practitioners. and guess what they need… businesses. They need a way to get their messages out.

Jillian Leslie 2:19
And this is what Molly does. And she’s a nomad. She travels around and has a van and lives in her van and teaches people virtually how to turn those dreams into businesses. It was a really fun conversation. I think you’re going to really like it. We talk a lot about the systems.

Jillian Leslie 2:42
She recommends creatives spiritual women put in place to actually make serious money doing what they’re doing. So without further delay, here is my interview with Molly Mandelberg.

Jillian Leslie 2:58
Molly, welcome to the Blogger Genius Podcast.

Molly Mandelberg 3:03
Hi, thanks for having me.

Jillian Leslie 3:04
We were introduced by another female entrepreneur, we got on a Zoom call, and you have a podcast, I have a podcast and we’re like, “Hey, let’s introduce each other to our audiences.”

Jillian Leslie 3:16
So, I’m super happy that you are here and will you share what you do and how you got started. And even about your nomadic life, which I find so fascinating.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Expand Your Business | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Helping Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs Grow Their Businesses

Molly Mandelberg 3:29
Totally. I work mostly with spiritual women entrepreneurs, mostly coaches and healers, holistic practitioners, people who are really great at what they do, but for whatever reason they don’t love talking about what they do.

Molly Mandelberg 3:43
Or they don’t have the messaging or the technology pieces in place to really broadcast their message on a grand scale.

Molly Mandelberg 3:50
So, I help those people to craft their deep work into inspiring content and hot coffee, and to tackle the technology necessary so that they can reach more people and make more money and a bigger impact with less time spent.

Molly Mandelberg 4:03
And I started my business about seven years ago. It’s called Wild Hearts Rise Up I don’t know if I said that already. And yeah, I now get to live my dream of traveling the world full time I run seven or eight different online programs and courses throughout the year.

Molly Mandelberg 4:23
And really bridge that world between the heart centered practitioner who needs to convey a message but has a bunch of limitations around marketing, or broadcasting or using technology or automation show up in the world.

Molly Mandelberg 4:37
And I sort of bring them into the business side of things so that they can actually make that difference that they’re here to make. And if you had told me 10, 15 years ago that I would be teaching something along the lines of marketing, I would have probably laughed in your face.

Molly Mandelberg 4:54
I’ve been nomadic and kind of a hippie Vagabond for most of my life and I started my business doing hypnotherapy and quickly realized that I was not really interested in talking slow and doing that induction process, but I had a deep passion for healing.

Molly Mandelberg 5:09
And I had a deep passion for creation and content and making things that people could learn and grow from. And through my own meandering path of entrepreneurship, I found my way to getting really good at these systems, sales funnels, email marketing, setting up content, making it easy for people to find us.

Molly Mandelberg 5:31
And now I get to run my six figure business from the back of a Sprinter van that I turned into a tiny home and I travel the world full time.

Jillian Leslie 5:39
That is so inspiring. And I was sharing with you before we pressed record, you’re the third woman, I have interviewed on my podcast, who is living this nomadic life.

Jillian Leslie 5:54
We have a daughter, and she’s in high school now. And so that’s my dream for my husband and me, like when she goes to college, we will go travel the world and work anywhere.

Jillian Leslie 6:04
So, I looked at people like you who’ve gone before me and go, what’s it really like? What is it really like traveling the world by yourself, and living that nomadic life?

Molly Mandelberg 6:17
It’s beautiful. It’s wonderful. There’s lots of freedom laid into it. And there’s definitely more. I don’t want to call it admin, but there’s more like managing of your life that needs to be done, than when you live in a house, like where are you going to sleep tonight.

Molly Mandelberg 6:35
Where’s the next shower, you’re going to get where’s the next WiFi or good signal that you’re going to use to take calls and run your business. All of that is a luxury that you usually take for granted if you live in a house and you stay in one place. So there’s more details of life to manage.

Molly Mandelberg 6:55
But the payoff of getting to wake up in beautiful places, and getting to spend more time with your loved ones who maybe don’t live in the same place as you. It’s beautiful and wonderful. And I absolutely love it.

Jillian Leslie 7:10
What’s interesting couple of things, one, you know your niche. Your niche are female, heart centered, spiritual women who do not like to sell, maybe they’re more creative, less kind of mentally organized.

How to Use the Law of Attraction to Expand Your Business | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Female Entrepreneurs Need to Get Good at Selling

Jillian Leslie 7:35
We work with a lot of similar people, creative women, and they too have an aversion for selling. They want to put beautiful things out into the world make the world a better place.

Jillian Leslie 7:48
And sometimes I say with that creativity with the ability to see all these disparate things and bring them together, they can have what I call a little bit of a messy mind. And they do well when we kind of strip it down and talk about systems that they can wrap their brains around.

Molly Mandelberg 8:10
Yeah, streamline it for them. Totally.

Jillian Leslie 8:13
I was just going to say changing the messaging from selling, selling is a key. Selling is service has been super helpful, I think just in my own evolution, and in guiding others.

Molly Mandelberg 8:29

Jillian Leslie 8:30
So how do you think about that messaging? How do you get these creative women who aren’t necessarily thinking about the bottom line? How do you get them to start digging in and thinking about things like marketing and sales and funnels and money?

Molly Mandelberg 8:47
It really comes back to that mindset shift that this isn’t about selling, that you are not a used car salesman, that you’re not actually trying to coerce anyone into purchasing something that is not necessary to them.

Leaning Into “Selling Is Service” to Sell Your Products

Molly Mandelberg 9:01
What you’re trying to do is broadcast the beauty of the work that you’re doing, so that the people who have been searching for that kind of support, can find it and get the support that they need.

Molly Mandelberg 9:12
And doing the marketing and the learning how to sell is really just opening that doorway so that those people can get the services and the support that they really require. And that makes it a totally different game.

Molly Mandelberg 9:23
It’s not about you, selling yourself, it’s about you opening the door so that the people who need the healing that you’ve mastered, can actually receive it.

Jillian Leslie 9:32
I was on a call with a woman who is a counselor and she helps women get out of abusive relationships. And she has all those same blocks in terms of selling and why would I do that and it sounds so icky. And I said to her, there are women who need you, so it’s no longer about you.

Jillian Leslie 9:56
If you can help one woman get out of an abusive relationship. You need to be doing this. So shrink yourself down. Nobody cares about you. But you are needed in the world. And I think for her, it was like, oh, yeah, it’s not me. It’s what I can provide for others.

Jillian Leslie 10:16
And I think that it was interesting to watch her switch that in her brain in real time.

Molly Mandelberg 10:23
Totally. I think that’s a really great distinction. And there’s a book, I think it’s called Rocket Fuel. But I could be thinking of the wrong book title. But it talks about the difference between the visionary and the implementer.

Molly Mandelberg 10:34
And you talked about the creative people who kind of have “a messy mind”, it’s really a different kind of mind. The visionary has these beautiful ideas, they have the capacity to synthesize like a bird’s eye view of a problem or an issue or a challenge that’s occurring.

Molly Mandelberg 10:51
And then come up with solutions or come up with metaphors and ways that this can be transformed in someone’s life. And any visionary needs an implementer, to follow through with their plan. And the problem, I think, with solopreneurs, is we think we have to wear every single hat in our business.

How to Create Systems in Your Business

Molly Mandelberg 11:09
And if somebody is not naturally an implementer, then it’s important to find people who can help you implement. And I think that’s why what you and I do is so important, is that those creative visionary minds need support with the implementation process.

Molly Mandelberg 11:24
And it isn’t easy to come by for someone who doesn’t think that way already. And I think that’s one of the things that my clients really love for me is that simplification it seems like a lot to have to implement all these aspects of our business.

Molly Mandelberg 11:40
But really, if you have the right system in place, or if you know what the pieces of the puzzle actually are, then it gets a lot simpler.

Jillian Leslie 11:48
Now, here’s the thing that I would say, I notice when I’m talking to people like this super creatives is they’re kind of nomadic in that they don’t want to keep showing up and doing the crappy stuff, like the new idea, the sparkly new thing is so exciting to them, and so intoxicating.

Jillian Leslie 12:11
To go, “Hey, you need to be posting consistently on Instagram, or Pinterest, or working on SEO, or whatever these things are that to be honest with you are not fun.” They’re sweeping the floors of the store at the end of the day, like somebody’s got to sweep the floors. And if you’re a solopreneur, that’s you.

Jillian Leslie 12:35
And I find there’s resistance from creative entrepreneurs who are like, “I’m not going to sweep the floors, because I got too many cool ideas to go work on.” And so there are lots of starts to things and not a lot of finishing.

Molly Mandelberg 12:51

Jillian Leslie 12:52
How do you achieve that?

How to Overcome Shiny Object Syndrome

Molly Mandelberg 12:54
We call that the shiny object syndrome. It’s like, I want to start everything because the new idea is so sexy and exciting. And I want to move in that direction. And there’s a couple of things that I recommend for that.

Molly Mandelberg 13:05
One is if you are seeing clients and you’re making a little bit of money to start systemising what you’re doing in your business that you’re tired of doing.

Molly Mandelberg 13:14
So what are the sweeping jobs, or the vacuuming jobs that you’re capable of, and you’ve been managing, but that you’re sick of and starting to process in such a way that you can hand that off to a virtual assistant.

Molly Mandelberg 13:27
So I’m a big fan of learning how to delegate as early on in your business as possible, so that you can spend more of the time doing the parts that you really love. And less of the time doing that admin stuff that maybe needs to get done. Or even onboarding.

Molly Mandelberg 13:42
There’s so many pieces of the puzzle that can be handed off if there isn’t a passion for it by the person running the business. That’s one side of things.

Molly Mandelberg 13:51
Another side of things is the automation. So tools like you guys create in your business, the MiloTree stuff, finding things that will work for you. So finding an email platform that’s going to auto send emails for you. So your list is being nurtured in the background, you don’t have to worry about that on a regular basis.

Molly Mandelberg 14:08
Or even if you are marketing on social media, using a scheduler you sit down and spend a couple hours a week or a couple hours and months creating a few posts. And they can go out in the background from a scheduler that just posts them.

Molly Mandelberg 14:22
And then you can show up on social media to engage with people if you want to. But then you’re still visible and present on those platforms, if you want to be without that being a daily stressor or regular thing that you have to manage.

Molly Mandelberg 14:34
And again, if you’re the visionary, the creative, you can create the content and have a virtual assistant or someone else to manage the publication or the posting or the broadcasting of that.

Molly Mandelberg 14:45
For example, I have two podcasts. The only reason I can manage that much content creation and output is because I’m only recording the podcast. My virtual assistant is doing every other aspect of that job for me. So it’s really easy for me to be consistent on those platforms because I’m only doing the part that’s fun.

Jillian Leslie 15:04
Even so let’s say I’ve got like a bunch of VAs and all this stuff. One, I still have to set up all the systems and two, there is still some sweeping that has to happen, like your taxes or whatever. How do you speak to creative entrepreneurs who have shiny object syndrome?

Jillian Leslie 15:24
I have a 15 year old daughter and sometimes she’ll be like, I don’t want to do this, or whatever it is, like homework or something. And I’ll be like, “Sorry, you got to.” So there is an element of tough love too that kind of like, okay, yeah, you couldn’t hire VAs.

Jillian Leslie 15:42
But at some point, though, you’ve got to put together these, nobody else is going to be able to write in your voice and set up some emails and stuff.

Molly Mandelberg 15:51
You can definitely write in other people’s voices. I do copywriting for many of my clients.

Jillian Leslie 15:56
But if there is that stuff, and you have to get this person to sweep the floor once a week, what do you say to them?

How to Set Up Accountability and Support in Your Business

Molly Mandelberg 16:04
Having accountability and support are the two main components to following through with something. So if you are, for whatever reason, pushing this.

Molly Mandelberg 16:12
I just led this on a workshop yesterday, if you keep something on your to-do list, and you’re not doing it, and you’re not doing it and you’re not doing it, it either needs to be broken down into smaller bites, so that you don’t feel like this huge task is so overwhelming.

Molly Mandelberg 16:26
Give yourself 10 minute blocks, instead of hour blocks to work on something, make it smaller, make it easier to feel like you’re making progress on it in the meantime. And then accountability and support. What kind of accountability can you create? Is that a coach or a mentor?

Molly Mandelberg 16:41
Is it a friend that you hop on a co-working call where you’re like, “Hey, I’m working on this, I need you to sit there with me so that I just stay here for a minute.”

Molly Mandelberg 16:48
There are so many ways to create that accountability, even letting someone you love know, “Hey, I’m going to finish this project by the end of this week.”

Molly Mandelberg 16:56
Will you ask me about it on Friday, and create that kind of accountability system for yourself so that there’s some feedback loop or some support system involved in you following through on that task.

Molly Mandelberg 17:10
And that being said, I’m also a big advocate for following the energy, if something is on your to-do list, and it just isn’t alive. In my opinion, what I tell my clients to do is that doesn’t have to have your attention right now. It’s really possible.

Molly Mandelberg 17:27
It’s really true that every project has its divine birthdate, in my opinion. And some things need to just date longer than others. So if it’s not coming out, if there’s no energy behind it, that project might not need to come to life right now.

Molly Mandelberg 17:41
And it’s better to focus your energy, where the project is alive, where there’s some kind of passion for it still, and let that other ideas still live.

Molly Mandelberg 17:53
It can be written down somewhere, if you have ideas about it, write them down. But it may not be the one that needs to come forward right now. And learning how to trust yourself and follow that energy creates so much more fulfillment, and aliveness and creativity in the process of creating your business.

Molly Mandelberg 18:12
I don’t think forcing something that isn’t energized for you right now, is the best way to run a business, I think that can lead to burnout really easily.

Three Tips to Getting Work Done as an Entrepreneur

  1. Break things down into small, doable tasks
  2. Find someone to hold you accountable
  3. Check in with yourself that this is the right time for this project

Jillian Leslie 18:23
I feel like you’re saying when you have to do this sweeping of the floors really approach it in potentially three ways. Is there a way to break it down even smaller, doable, like don’t hold yourself to such a high standard where you can make progress?

Jillian Leslie 18:37
Two, potentially find somebody to hold you accountable even to say if I don’t finish this, I’m paying you $20 at the end of the week. I don’t want to pay you $20. So this will hopefully motivate me.

Molly Mandelberg 18:50
Or take me out to dinner if I follow through with this.

Jillian Leslie 18:53

Molly Mandelberg 18:54
It could be a reward or a risk.

Jillian Leslie 18:56
And three is also check in with yourself that maybe this isn’t the right project at this time. But make sure you’re not just pushing it aside, because you just want to watch Netflix, but you’re actually working on the pieces that feel like they were aligned with you at this moment.

Molly Mandelberg 19:15
And I’ll add too that is there a way to get support with the thing? Are you pushing it off because you really don’t have the tools or the capacity to follow through with the whole thing and it makes you uncomfortable? So could you get mentorship?

Molly Mandelberg 19:33
Could you get a coach, could you get a course or program? Is there some part of research that needs to be done so that you feel more competent to follow through with the task? That would be the fourth thing I would add to that list to get support if support is required.

Jillian Leslie 19:47
I love that. So if we were to just be down and dirty and I throw something out and I go okay, what’s your favorite email service provider that you recommend people use? What would you say?

Recommended Entrepreneur SaaS Tools

  • MiloTree Pop-Up App
  • ActiveCampaign
  • MailerLite
  • Hootsuite
  • Later
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Monday
  • ClickUp
  • Upwork
  • Tango

Molly Mandelberg 19:57

Jillian Leslie 19:58

Molly Mandelberg 19:59
Yes. I love it.

Jillian Leslie 20:00
Really. I use ActiveCampaign and I have to say, not always a fan, but okay, I would say MailerLite would be my go to I use that as well. But I use ActiveCampaign the most. Okay scheduler for social media.

Molly Mandelberg 20:17
I use Hootsuite but I know Later is becoming better and better. Last time I checked out Later was a long time ago, but Hootsuite is a great option, it should be free for three accounts or less. And if you have more than that, then you have to pay for it.

Jillian Leslie 20:31
What about in terms of do you use something like Trello or Asana or Monday.

Molly Mandelberg 20:40
I use Trello for my work with my clients to keep track of our projects together. I use ClickUp for my work with my virtual assistants to keep track of my business and all the projects I have going on.

Molly Mandelberg 20:50
I have used Asana, but I switched over from that to ClickUp for my work with my VAs. And I use Slack to communicate with my team. I use WhatsApp to communicate with my groups of clients. These are all the tools.

Jillian Leslie 21:05
That is very helpful. And then when you are looking to hire VAs, where do you go?

How to Outsource Work to VAs

Molly Mandelberg 21:12
I use Upwork. And I actually have a blog post and a podcast episode about how to hire a virtual assistant. And I also just created a course about that too, how to delegate and onboard and create systems of operations and hiring a VA and using the VA, your really streamlined process.

Molly Mandelberg 21:31
But upwork.com, I recommend two main things, one, make a list of all those sweeping jobs of your business before you go on there. So you can actually say, “Hey, here are the technologies that I use the kinds of tasks I need support with. Reply to this, let me know what experience you have with those.”

Molly Mandelberg 21:48
And in that job posting, I always include a culture outline for my business.

Jillian Leslie 21:53
What does that mean?

Molly Mandelberg 21:54
It’s like my values, the kind of team ethics I want to uphold with somebody who comes onto my team, really the heart and soul of my business, and how I want somebody who comes onto my team to feel alignment with that.

Molly Mandelberg 22:09
And I asked them, when they reply to the job posting to let me know what they think of that culture outline, so that I know that first off, they can follow directions because they read that part.

Molly Mandelberg 22:20
And second, that they are in alignment with that culture outlines that I know, somebody who’s going to come to work with me, and then I’m going to be dealing with on a daily or weekly basis is going to be of the vibe, which I know is really important for businesses like the clients that I work with.

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Jillian Leslie 23:28
Do you recommend finding one person and giving that person multiple tasks? Or do you recommend hiring people for a specific task? So you’ve got your podcast person or your social media person or things like that. How do you think about it?

Molly Mandelberg 23:45
Personally, I like having one person that can do multiple things. And I think when you’re starting out, managing multiple people gets confusing. So, I would start with what are the most important things that you need to get done, that you really don’t want to do with yourself and have a test task.

Molly Mandelberg 24:00
So when I go on Upwork, I maybe give two or three people a test task. So off of that list that I’ve made of all the sweeping jobs, I’ll give a different one to each person. And then that test task process, I’m asking them to basically do a thing. We’ll see how long it takes them.

Molly Mandelberg 24:19
We’ll see how communication with them goes. Do they ask questions if they feel stuck? Do they need more information? It’s also a good learning point for you to notice that I give enough direction for this job to get done the way I want it to get done.

Molly Mandelberg 24:32
And then you see how it is working with them. How is the communication? How was the follow through how quickly did they get it done?

Molly Mandelberg 24:39
And in that process, you can weed out this one feels better than this one, or this job got done better than that one and find one or if you like more than one you can maybe hand off tasks to different ones.

Molly Mandelberg 24:52
The thing about virtual assistants is most of them would rather have less clients and do more work for one client. So if you can create a really great relationship with one virtual assistant and just keep adding more time to that relationship. It’s a good thing, it’s nice to have somebody, you don’t have to retrain.

Molly Mandelberg 25:10
And one of the things I teach my clients is to create that system of operations folder. So if I hand off a new task to my virtual assistant, at this point, I ask her to make the SOP the System of Operations or Standard Operating Procedures file for the task I’m messaging her about.

Molly Mandelberg 25:27
And now I’ve got this treasure trove of all the tasks that have ever been done for my business by a virtual assistant. If I lose my virtual assistant, a new person can come in and just follow those steps, I never have to train anyone ever again to do the same job.

Molly Mandelberg 25:41
So that’s a really key piece when you’re hiring a virtual assistant is to start building that folder.

How to Train Your VA

Jillian Leslie 25:47
What I typically do is I record my screen and my voice and go through the task the way that I want somebody to do it. But I’m not necessarily say directing it at you, Molly, because I know, you might not work out or who knows.

Jillian Leslie 26:02
So I just end up making these generic videos going now I click here to do this. And then this is how I like to fill this in or whatever. And then I have the video. And then if it doesn’t work with that VA, I can then direct the VA to somebody, I can say, hey, new VA, here’s the video.

Jillian Leslie 26:23
And then you’ve got this thing to continue to go back to as a resource.

Molly Mandelberg 26:28
That’s an amazing way to do it. That’s the way I do it for new tasks. Usually, if it’s something complicated, or I have my VA make the steps as she’s figuring out a new task, or there’s an amazing app called Tango, which is a Google Chrome plugin.

Molly Mandelberg 26:42
And Tango will basically screen record for you, take snapshots of where you’ve clicked, and make the written out instructions. So you could actually go on Zoom by yourself screenshare, press record, make that video of you doing the thing.

Molly Mandelberg 26:58
And if you want to simultaneously have Tango running, and it will give you the written instructions of the same video.

Jillian Leslie 27:05
Oh, I will definitely be checking out Tango now. About how much should I assume I’m going to pay a VA per hour?

Molly Mandelberg 27:15
It really depends on their expertise. So if you’re having somebody do regular admin stuff, you can pay anywhere from $5 to $25 an hour, you can also pay people by project. And if you’re having a more catered skill-set.

Molly Mandelberg 27:31
If you’re having somebody run Facebook ads for you, it might cost more than that it might be a higher monthly rate instead of a hourly or per project rate. And it just depends on what you’re having people do, how specialized their skill-sets are, and also what country they’re working in.

Molly Mandelberg 27:47
So if you’re somebody who really only wants to hire somebody in America, you’re going to pay a little bit more than say somebody who works in the Philippines and can live on less. My recommendation is pay someone what they’re asking for. And if you love them, give them a raise every three to six months.

Molly Mandelberg 28:03
So if you find somebody who maybe doesn’t charge what normally our hourly rate is in your part of the world, let them choose their rate. And then if they’re awesome, go up to a higher rate. And then it feels good for everybody.

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Your Business to Attract Customers

Jillian Leslie 28:18
Now, given that you work with predominantly women who are more again, not as motivated by money, even though they need to be thinking about money, but they believe in things I’m sure like the law of attraction, what you put out, you get back.

Jillian Leslie 28:36
How do you coach these healers, people with more kind of intuition to attract the right clients and customers to you? Because I could see it going one of two ways. Like one you need to put these systems in place and you need to be maybe running ads or who knows what.

Jillian Leslie 28:55
Or two, you kind of open to the universe and say, whatever, people who need me will find me. So how do you think about that?

Molly Mandelberg 29:07
Both sides are very important. And I work with my clients on both sides. One side is who is it that you actually want to be in a room with for the next three to five years? Who is it that you actually want to be having this conversation with or doing your special magic trick with?

Molly Mandelberg 29:23
And how can we best communicate with them? What are the messaging pieces? What are the platforms we might find them on? What are the things they desire most are the things they’re most challenged by?

Molly Mandelberg 29:36
And how can we communicate that so that your soulmate clients feel so seen by the language that you’re putting out there? So that’s the first side and then of course, the technology and the pieces of the puzzle come into place is how are we going to broadcast that message out into the world?

Molly Mandelberg 29:51
The other side of it the law of attraction side of it, is I’ve seen clients who both set up all the things we should set up so that the message can take off or the program can get sold or the packages, the consults can get booked or whatever, and somebody will have a magnetic success, and somebody will have less.

Molly Mandelberg 30:12
And so that made me have to go back to my original set of tools of hypnotherapy, and my chosen modality of healing and transformation in my own life, which is Access Consciousness.

Molly Mandelberg 30:23
And look at what is the internal limitation or the energetic block that happens that keeps a message from being found, or keeps a business from taking off, or keeps that momentum from getting built and attraction getting found.

Molly Mandelberg 30:38
And we look at that side of it too is how are you energetically aligning with what you’re asking for? If you say you want to make $10,000 a month or you say you want to get three clients this month how can we energetically line up with that, and beat the drum of I’m worthy of receiving this? I deserve to be found.

Molly Mandelberg 30:57
I’m willing to have people show up and pay me what I’m worth and sync up to that so that you’re beaming out, as you said, what we put out, we return we get back.

Molly Mandelberg 31:09
How are we lining up to our own truth so that we’re beaming and broadcasting that and what I call turning the magnets all the way on so that our people can find us and we can actually receive them when they show up.

Jillian Leslie 31:20
Now what do you think the deep blocks are that you see over and over again show up? I’m not worthy. What would you say the main narratives are that you help women push through?

Molly Mandelberg 31:35
I’m not good enough. I don’t know enough. That’s too much. I’m too much. I’ll be judged if I do this. Just the lack of belief in oneself or the doubt that it’s that it’s possible that I’m capable, or that people actually need this. And so we have to move through those sessions line back up.

How to Reverse Negative Thoughts Holding Us Back as Entrepreneurs

Jillian Leslie 32:02
Let’s say I’m experiencing that. I don’t feel worthy. I don’t feel like I should charge a lot of money for what I’m offering.

Molly Mandelberg 32:11
Maybe the market is flooded.

Jillian Leslie 32:13
Yeah, right. Too much competition. Maybe I don’t feel like an expert at this. So I feel like a poser like impostor syndrome. So what would you say to me? How would you coach me to start to change those narratives that I don’t even know are there?

Jillian Leslie 32:30
Because they’re just running all the time in the background. Kind of like the water I’m swimming in tells me these things. And I don’t even hear them.

Molly Mandelberg 32:39
Figuring out what those voices are what they actually are saying to each individual person is definitely the first part because we’ve just listed like a dozen of them. And some of them are going to be louder for different people. For me, when I was starting my business, it was really, I don’t know enough.

Molly Mandelberg 32:56
Which is crazy, because I’m like a researcher and like a choir and a simulator of knowledge that I didn’t know enough to help anyone was kind of an insane thing to believe in. But I really believed in it. So the first part is really asking them enough questions to figure out what that thing is.

Molly Mandelberg 33:14
And oftentimes, when we’re talking about whatever project we’re creating, or what we’re working on, I’ll hear the words that they say to themselves under their breath, or the belief will just come out. But what about this, and it’s like, okay, well, now we’ve zeroed in on something, and we take a deeper look at it.

Molly Mandelberg 33:31
And that can look a lot of different ways in my work with my clients. Sometimes it’s a guided meditation, I bring back in those hypnotherapy skills that I used to use. I also use the tools of Access Consciousness, which are verbal processing, basically clearing statements that allow us to squash the energy of that belief.

Molly Mandelberg 33:49
And then we replace it with the new belief or what we actually want to have replace that limitation with something more positive. We literally change the language from I can’t or I’ll use mine I don’t know enough to I know more than enough to help people.

Molly Mandelberg 34:07
And then we try to find a way to anchor that and make a practice sometimes that will anchor that into their life and become their new reality and allow that to be where they’re existing and where they’re creating from now.

Should You Fake It Til You Make It?

Jillian Leslie 34:21
What do you think of the concept of fake it till you make it?

Molly Mandelberg 34:25
I think if the fake it till you make it is actively changing the language inside of you, if you’re faking it, like I can do this, but there’s still a loud voice in your head saying you can’t then the fake it till you make it isn’t quite going to take hold.

Molly Mandelberg 34:43
But if you can actually catch yourself this is a daily process and I know lots of people talk about mindset, but you’re talking to yourself in your head and maybe out loud like I do all the time.

Molly Mandelberg 34:56
And if you can begin to be aware enough to perceive where that language is in your everyday life, in everywhere you’re showing up in all of your interactions.

Molly Mandelberg 35:08
Even in how you talk to other cars in traffic, and catch those moments and reframe, and rewire reprogram yourself, through your language, through your words, through Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Molly Mandelberg 35:23
To change the thought to a better feeling thought change your thought to a more positive outcome oriented thought or saying or sentence, it will change your reality.

Molly Mandelberg 35:34
Changing the way you speak, the way you talk to yourself, the way you interact with the world with language and with your energy will change your reality.

Molly Mandelberg 35:44
And I think the first part is really being willing to notice when those words come out, like when you say, I can’t, or I don’t have enough money. Well, I’m becoming someone who has enough money to do this.

Jillian Leslie 35:56
It’s funny, because I’ve been getting on calls, I’m kicking the tires of our own product, MiloTree Cart. So I’m getting on calls with people hearing their stories.

Jillian Leslie 36:07
And I cannot tell you, and I am typically coaching women, because MiloTreeCart is for female creators, and how often they will say, I’m not good at sales. I’m not good at this. And I always say, “Wait, yet.” And I make them say it back to me, I’m not good at sales yet. Or I’m not good at whatever it is yet.

Jillian Leslie 36:33
And all of a sudden, that tiny little word opens the space for the possibility that I am maybe on a journey. And I might not be there yet. But I’m on my way. And I feel like they laugh when I go yet. And then they continue laughing.

Molly Mandelberg 36:51
Wait to open up to the possibilities. There’s a lightening of it. It was fun to do once you get into it. And I would follow that up because I’m not good at sales yet. Is the like first breath of like a weight. And then you can sort of steamroll on that. Or it’s like, I’m willing to believe that I could be good at sales.

Molly Mandelberg 37:12
I’m actually somebody who’s definitely smart enough to be good at sales. I am becoming someone who’s good at sales. Like it has a progression that you can sort of steamroll and the energy of that is so vibrant, and enlivening that I don’t know why we don’t get hooked on that more.

Molly Mandelberg 37:29
But I’m hoping we’re becoming a society who gets hooked on that more.

Jillian Leslie 37:34
So what I hear you saying, tell me if this is right, we have these tapes that are running all the time in our heads that we’re not aware of.

Jillian Leslie 37:43
And if you can sit down with yourself and quiet yourself, or sit down with somebody like you, Molly, and really go, what are these tapes running, that’s step one, because you don’t even know they’re there.

Jillian Leslie 37:55
You know that you walk by a mirror and go, I’m fat without even knowing that you’re saying that, or I’m stupid, or nobody loves me, or whatever those tapes are, we’re not even conscious of them. And yet, I’m a huge believer thought is creative. So what you think is ultimately what you create.

How to Change Our Negative Thoughts Holding Us Back

Jillian Leslie 38:14
And it’s not even just because I think to myself, I’m going to make chocolate chip cookies, and then I go make chocolate chip cookies, it’s deeper than that. So it is these messages that we are continually getting. So you’re saying the first step is just uncovering what they are.

Molly Mandelberg 38:32
Preservance of it in the first place.

Jillian Leslie 38:33
Then it seems like noticing and this is so tricky, because you have to be having a mind that stepping out of yourself so that they’re not just running all the time, but that you go, “Oh my God, I did it again.” I’m stupid or I don’t even know. But you notice it and you catch it. And that’s hard. It’s hard to catch it.

Molly Mandelberg 38:56
It starts out hard and it gets easier, the more you do it, because you suddenly start to build in this sort of awareness. The awareness grows, the more you do it.

Jillian Leslie 39:07
And then it seems like oh my god, I just said I’m stupid. And then you kind of go in there and you go, let’s examine this. If I were stupid, then maybe I couldn’t have gotten to college, or I couldn’t have built a business or I couldn’t have created my family or who knows what things I’ve solved in my life.

Jillian Leslie 39:30
And so you start to challenge the belief to go whoa, I have evidence and the evidence is not lining up with this narrative.

Molly Mandelberg 39:42
Totally. And the logical the judgmental side of your mind, that is creating that negative story in the first place very much honors the data of that evidence.

Molly Mandelberg 39:54
So if you can look for evidence or even feedback from this reality that says that’s not actually the truth, the ultimate absolute truth, that part of your brain actually listens to that kind of data.

Jillian Leslie 40:06
So if I say nobody loves me, and then I go, “Well, you know, my husband, he at least says he loves me and my child.”

Molly Mandelberg 40:12
Your daughter definitely, probably yes.

Jillian Leslie 40:15
Yeah, and you go, “Wait a second.” She gave me flowers on Mother’s Day. That’s evidence. Start with the basics. She wouldn’t be hugging me if she didn’t love me. So I think I need to reexamine that, that my view of the world is through a prism.

Jillian Leslie 40:33
And it’s the kind of thing we all see the world through a prism. So why not pick a better prism?

Molly Mandelberg 40:38
Yeah, new lens. Definitely.

Jillian Leslie 40:41
It’s not like I’m seeing the world as the world. I’m seeing the world through my own filters. So why not? Do I need to figure out like, it was my father who said that message back when I was three, and somehow it stuck. Do I have to go back?

Molly Mandelberg 40:59
I don’t think you need the root cause of everything. No, I don’t think it’s necessary. I think if it’s something that just won’t shift that you just can’t get to the other side of it can be helpful to look at where did this come from. And look at even in that moment, was it actually true that you were not loved? Probably not.

Molly Mandelberg 41:17
And then bring that state. There’s timeline therapy, hypnotherapy goes into those root cause moments, for sure, also, but I don’t think it’s always required. And what it really is about is neuro plasticity, that our brains have a pathway that they’re used to going up, and it started very young.

Molly Mandelberg 41:39
And that pathway of I’m stupid, or I’m not good enough, or whatever. It’s well trodden. It’s a beaten path. And to start navigating off of that path, and start saying, wait, wait, wait, actually, my daughter seems like she loves me a lot, I might actually be lovable, that might actually be a new truth.

Molly Mandelberg 41:56
And I’m becoming someone who believes that I’m lovable. And that leads further down that rampages, I am loved, I love me, I am loved, it can keep going that way. And the more we course correct, the more we become aware of something, look for evidence that a different thing is true.

Molly Mandelberg 42:12
Write the new story, we’re basically bushwhacking up a new path in our neural pathways. And that’s neuroplasticity, we have the plasticity to change that course, and beat a new path. And once we’ve beaten a new path, or neurology, our actual ability to have a thought is more capable of choosing one over the other.

Molly Mandelberg 42:31
At first, the beaten path is going to keep being the one we’re going down. And over time, we create that new path, and it becomes easier to access.

Jillian Leslie 42:40
And I would add to that, we like staying safe. So even if the beaten path is super destructive, everything in our biology and our body is going to want to push us down it’s like the devil you know, is better than the devil you don’t. So if in fact, you’re like this is stupid, it’s never going to work.

Jillian Leslie 43:01
Or I really am not lovable, or whatever it is know that that’s weirdly your own biology trying to protect you, even though it’s doing the wrong thing. Because going down the path of like, maybe I’m lovable, or maybe I’m worthy, or maybe I’m not stupid, or whatever it is, is really, it’s scary to go down these paths.

Jillian Leslie 43:24
They seem like, no, no, those are like the love paths. But just know that if you’ve stayed safe, like you’re alive, your biology thinks you’re alive, because these paths are working for you.

Jillian Leslie 43:38
So don’t be surprised if all of a sudden you start to change your narrative. And then you go, “This is so dumb, it’s never going to work. That’s really weirdly this cross-current that’s happening.

Molly Mandelberg 43:50
Right. And there’s so many reinforcements to keep you the way you were. It’s uncomfortable, because it’s unknown to go into a new direction. How many of your friendships, let’s say you are friends with people who don’t like themselves and who complain about their lives a lot.

How to Start Loving Yourself

Molly Mandelberg 44:09
If you start loving yourself and loving your life, it’s going to be uncomfortable for them to hang out with you. And probably you’re going to feel like a different person around them. And that’s going to create some tension and then you’re worried you might lose your friends.

Molly Mandelberg 44:21
There’re so many places where we’re reinforced to be who we’ve always been, instead of becoming who we know we can be.

Jillian Leslie 44:28
Absolutely they talked about that with people in recovery that their friends typically shift because those friends that were their friends were also keeping them in addiction and like it’s a big overhaul to start to do this work.

Jillian Leslie 44:42
So, it isn’t for the faint of heart is what I would say. It’s not just like a path to happiness, you know puppies and rainbows. It’s work.

Molly Mandelberg 44:53
It’s work yeah, but it’s worth it because on the other side of it is more joy and more of you. For those of us who are working with, like powerful entrepreneurs, more success, more impact, more changing of the world.

Molly Mandelberg 45:09
And that matters that’s worth a little discomfort, and a rearranging of one’s life sometimes to step into the change that you’re capable of creating in this world.

Jillian Leslie 45:18
So if there were narratives that you would recommend people start to internalize, when you see successful entrepreneurs, what would you say those narratives are?

Molly Mandelberg 45:29
If you see someone having the life or the business that you’d like to have, instead of why can’t I or who are they too? The mantra is, I’ll have what they’re having. You see something you like out in the world, instead of jealousy and envy, I’ll have what they’re having.

Molly Mandelberg 45:44
That’s like telling the universe, “Hey, I’ve made my order. I’m receiving whatever that is, I think I want to receive over there. I’ll take some of that. Thank you.” And then just like you would at a restaurant assume that that order is enough to start bringing that to you?

Jillian Leslie 45:57
Do you start to dissect what that other person is doing?

How to Be Inspired By Your Competitors

Molly Mandelberg 46:02
You can if we’re talking business strategy, and you like somebody’s business model, and you want to recreate it for yourself, I’ve done a lot of that with email marketing, for sure.

Jillian Leslie 46:11
So being inspired by them. There’s enoughness, there’s room for both of us?

Molly Mandelberg 46:16
Yes, definitely. The possibility the prosperity consciousness of there’s room for both of us is a big one. But yeah, I think to go back to the original concept is, you are capable of anything.

Molly Mandelberg 46:29
You can change any aspect of your life or yourself or your business that you want to, and believing that is true is the first step and then starting to actually be willing to look at who am I now? And who do I want to become? And what’s in the way of that right now?

Molly Mandelberg 46:44
How can I start choosing to see it differently, so that I can move towards more of that thing that I think I want?

Molly Mandelberg 46:51
Whether that’s success, whether that’s recognition, whether that’s just more impact, more change in transformation that you’re creating and facilitating to start choosing to make changes that move you in that direction.

Jillian Leslie 47:06
Molly, I have to say, I think that this is so important, because you can hire the VAs and put the systems in place and do all of that stuff. But if you don’t have this foundational stuff in place, it’s not necessarily going to work.

Jillian Leslie 47:25
And if you have this foundational stuff in place, it’s much easier to layer on the systems and the ClickUp and email marketing and to have success.

Jillian Leslie 47:36
So, I would say really based on this discussion for everybody who’s listening to take a moment and step back and say, “What are these negative beliefs that are holding me back? Isn’t it worth it for me to start going down this path of exploring this?”

Jillian Leslie 47:54
And it’s really valuable to explore this even before you get on to Upwork.

Molly Mandelberg 48:01
And I also think that the inner work happens along the journey, that you’re going to come up against some of these limiting beliefs really loudly when you try to do something that you haven’t done before. So it’s okay to move in the direction of what you want to create.

Molly Mandelberg 48:14
And then notice, when the belief shows up to say no and analyze that, then I don’t think that you have to go deep into some inner work to then be worthy of running your business the way you want to run it. I think they can happen at the same time.

Jillian Leslie 48:27
And I think you’re right, that they will bring up stuff that you didn’t even know what’s there.

Molly Mandelberg 48:32
Totally. The first time you go live on social media, that’s a pretty big moment of noticing what those voices are.

Jillian Leslie 48:41
I always say the best way to work on yourself is to go start a business because it will show you everything.

Molly Mandelberg 48:49
You cannot not evolve when you run a business.

Jillian Leslie 48:52
And you can’t hide if it’s going to be successful. If you’re willing to do what it takes. You will see stuff in yourself that you can’t ignore anymore.

Molly Mandelberg 49:04

Jillian Leslie 49:06
Molly, if people want to learn more about you see what you offer become part of your community. Where should they go?

Molly Mandelberg 49:14
Yes. Wildheartsriseup.com is my website that’s wildhearts with an S riseup.com. Great places to get started on there I have two podcasts one is called Tactical Magic, the business strategies podcast for the warrior goddess entrepreneur.

Molly Mandelberg 49:31
The other is called Reveal the Game of Life. If you’re not necessarily interested in the entrepreneur side of things or healing, that’s just a podcast about consciousness and waking up to the game of life that we’re playing.

Molly Mandelberg 49:42
And there’s also two quizzes on my website, one for Thought Leaders, one that’s just about peace with money, and you’ll find your money flavor and a fancy recipe of what to do with that inner money mindset monologue that we’ve got going.

Molly Mandelberg 49:56
The Thought Leader quiz will give you a tarot archetype to notice about your life as an entrepreneur.

Jillian Leslie 50:04
I love that. I have to say this has been really delightful. You give me a lot to think about. And I just want to say thank you for coming on the show.

Molly Mandelberg 50:12
Thank you so much for having me. Thanks, everyone for listening.

Jillian Leslie 50:15
I hope you guys liked this episode, I really enjoyed my conversation with Molly. I think we delved into how to use the law of attraction to expand your business.

I also like that we got to dig into mindset stuff, limiting beliefs and how to chip away at them. I think running your own business is an act of courage. So I want to say kudos to all of you out there who are in the process of doing this.

Jillian Leslie 50:39
Before I go, I want to encourage you to go to milotreecart.com sign up for your free account and start building your digital product empire.

Jillian Leslie 50:51
Also, if you are enjoying the podcast, after this ends, would you head to iTunes or wherever you listen and please give the podcast five stars. It is such a great way for others to find it and to help build this awesome community of creators. And I will see you here again next week.

Other Blogger Genius Podcast episodes to listen to:

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