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#078: How to Shortcut Your Pinterest Strategy and Succeed with Tori Tait (Rebroadcast)

For this week’s podcast episode, I thought I’d dig into our archives and reshare one of our most downloaded Blogger Genius episodes ever!

The reason this episode is so popular is because I’m interviewing Pinterest insider, Tori Tait, and she’s sharing straight up… how to shortcut your Pinterest strategy and succeed.

She’s sharing what works and what doesn’t!

What she emphasizes is that mastering Pinterest doesn’t have to be hard. It just takes a few key insights.

How to Shortcut Your Pinterest Strategy and Succeed

How to Shortcut Your Pinterest Strategy and Succeed with Tori Tait | MiloTree.com


We talk about why you don’t need a lot of money to succeed on Pinterest, why you need to think like a marketer but act like a blogger, why the goal is to design the most engaging pins possible, and why you always need a call to action in your pins.

I promise you will learn a lot from Tori.

Tori has been a long time MiloTree customer. She grows her Pinterest followers with her MiloTree Pinterest pop up. If you are trying to grow your Pinterest traffic, I recommend you sign up for MiloTree.

Watch your followers on Pinterest grow faster!

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