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#177: Find New Solutions for Your Audience Now!

Many of you are wondering how to find new solutions for your audience now! Things are changing. We’re feeling it as the world opens up. So how do we stay fresh and help our audiences in new ways? I’ve got my good friend, Laura Fuentes on the show to talk about how she’s expanding her…

#170: How a Facebook Group Can Catapult Your Business
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#170: How a Facebook Group Can Catapult Your Business

Want to see how a Facebook group can catapult your business? Check out this new Blogger Genius Podcast episode with business growth strategist, Christina Jandali, as she shares how to set up a complete Facebook group marketing strategy. We dive into: Why you want to invest in a Facebook group and not your page for…

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#169: How to Set Up a Paid Membership Program with Ease

Have you ever thought about how to set up a paid membership program for your business? It’s a lot easier than you think. And what’s great about paid memberships is they lead to recurring revenue. Could you imagine not having to work for every sale, but setting something up once, and having it pay off…

#138: How To Build a Profitable Emergent Business
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#138: How To Build a Profitable Emergent Business

Today I’m talking with Damon Oates from DecoExchange about how to build a profitable emergent business by following your audience’s lead. What is an emergent business? An emergent business is one that “emerges” out of your audience’s wants and needs. You come up with a hypothesis of what you think your customers will buy from…

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#133: How to Find a Creative Membership Business Model (Rebroadcast)

If you are looking to find a creative membership business model, you’ll find this episode very inspiring. This is a rebroadcast of one of my most popular episodes from the last year. Selling a membership program to your audience is a great way to monetize your online business, because it brings in returning revenue month…