If you want to know how to craft successful blog posts today, this the podcast episode for you!

Host 0:04
Welcome to The Blogger Genius Podcast brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie.

Jillian Leslie 0:11
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to The Blogger Genius. I want you to know that we take your comments and feedback very seriously. One thing that we have discovered is that many of you who are listening to the podcast, do not have blogs yet.

So David and I have started a service to help you get your WordPress blog set up right and set up quickly. It’s called MiloTree Blog Start. What we will do is we will get your blog optimized. It will be ready to go. It is a seamless, easy process.

The best part is that if you run into any difficulty, especially any technical difficulty, we will be here to help you. We really want to support you in growing your business.

So the way to find out more is to head to MiloTree.com/BlogStart. B-L-O-G-S-T-A-R-T. MiloTree.com/BlogStart. If you have any questions about it, please reach out to me at Jillian@MiloTree.com. I always love hearing from you.

And really, this is all about us taking what we know and sharing it and really trying to support and help you as you take the leap and launch your business. For today’s interview, I am talking to Amber Bracegirdle.

How to Craft Successful Blog Posts | The Blogger Genius Podcast

She is one of the founders of Mediavine, which is an online ad network. I know many of you listening to the show use Mediavine to put ads on your blogs.

It was interesting talking to you Amber because I didn’t know how Mediavine came to be. It almost became an ad network by accident, as you’ll hear. We talk about how Amber thinks about creating content. She really has systematized it in an interesting way.

We talk about the future for publishers and bloggers, and she is very bullish about it. So if you are thinking about monetizing via ads, then I think you’ll be really interested in this episode.

She sees a lot of content and she is really sharing her best practices. So without further delay, here is my interview with Amber Bracegirdle. Amber, welcome to the show. I’m really excited to chat with you.

Amber Bracegirdle 2:47
Oh, thank you for having me. I’m so happy to be here.

Jillian Leslie 2:50
Let’s talk about briefly your background, and how you started with Mediavine and what the story is behind all of that.

Amber Bracegirdle 2:58
Yeah. I started blogging in 2008. I was living in New Jersey and missed my grandmother and wanted a way to sort of share her recipes and the things that I grew up with here in Texas.

And so, I started my blog. Back then it was called Bluebonnets & Brownies. Now it’s called Blue Bonnet Baker. I was just kind of floating along, you know, having that as a side project. I had a pretty successful career as a fraud analyst.

And then in around 2012 went to a blogging conference in Philadelphia with a couple of my blogging friends.

Jillian Leslie 3:42
What conference?

Amber Bracegirdle 3:43
It was TECHmunch. It was organized by a blogger in Philadelphia with the help of the organizers behind TECHmunch. Sort of a smaller conference about 75 people, I think it was.

What’s really funny is my podcasting partner, Joshua, we have a podcast about SEO called Theory of Content, he was at TECHmunch to speak about SEO.

He had been asked by the organizer of the conference and Eric Hochberger, who is one of my three co-founders. I attended that conference with Joshua to try and find a food blogger to help him create a food site.

So what was happening is that the guys had a bunch of other sites, the main one is being The Hollywood Gossip, TV Fanatic, and Movie Fanatic. Their ad company kept telling them, the only way that they were going to make more money would be to enter into the lifestyle space.

Now, the only sort of common lifestyle genre or niche that they could think of that they liked was they all like to eat. So let’s start a food site. And so, what happened at that conference is there was actually a Google Plus representative from Google there.

In the weeks leading up to this blogging conference, there had been a huge hullabaloo in the blogging groups about the fact that the terms and conditions of Google Plus stated that if you uploaded a photo to the Google Plus servers that you were transferring copyright, which obviously is a big problem for a lot of bloggers back then who were selling their photography to food brands.

And so, I, in this tiny room of 60-75 people raised my hand and took on the Google Plus person and was like, “Can you explain this?” “You’re here to encourage us to use this platform, but this could harm our businesses.”

And the story goes. I didn’t know this at the time, but Josh has since told me that Eric just leaned back in his chair and goes, “That’s her.” And so, we launched Food Fanatic in January of 2013.

Eric and I met in September or October of 2012. So it’s a pretty quick turnaround. They already had the site sort of running and had put a few posts up, but didn’t really know what to do next.

And so, we were working on that. And then sort of at the end of q4 that year, our ad company kind of sort of fell apart in terms of their results. Our ad income sort of cut in half overnight.

And so, here they are with now four families to feed, an army of contributors including all these food bloggers I brought to them, and we’re making half as much as we were.

All of us sort of started to freak out. Well, Eric more than anybody, I think. He didn’t let on how bad it was to most of us. He said to me, “I think I can build something that will allow us to take advantage of this new stuff called header bidding.”

I was like, “Okay, cool. Let’s try it out.” And so, Food Fanatic was I think one of the guinea pigs because he didn’t want to mess around with it for Hollywood Gossip.

He did do backfill for The Hollywood Gossip. Kind of what happened is within two weeks, we were kind of out-earning our main ad network with remnant advertising.

And so, it was kind of really obvious very quickly that we didn’t need the ad company that we had had a standing contract with for the last… I don’t know. They started in 2004. So eight years.

Jillian Leslie 7:45
Right. So all of a sudden you guys could become the ad company.

Amber Bracegirdle 7:49
Right. Well, and the thing was we could become the ad company, but also we weren’t imagining the company that Mediavine is today, right? Eric was building that technology for the four sites we were running.

And so, he was very opinionated in what he was doing. So for example, he built that technology from day one before anybody else had it on their websites to lazy load the ads.

He didn’t want the ads to impact site speed because most of our traffic came from search. We didn’t want to lose our SEO rankings over site speed.

He also made the script for the ads asynchronous, which means that they don’t stop the other things from loading while they load, which no one else was doing at the time.

At the time, it was an asynchronous script that meant if you had a bad ad, your site was just locked up. And so, by running it asynchronously, that also changed the game.

And so, he went into it. We were kind of too dumb to know that we were turning what were industry standards on their head.

We were doing that because we were opinionated about what we wanted for our site. And we had the ability to create something that did exactly what we wanted.

And so, we really kind of locked into it that we were very opinionated and that Eric is just so smart, right? Like, he’s so smart about this stuff.

And so, what happened is, you know, bloggers always talked to each other. And my best friend is Jamie from My Baking Addiction. We’ve been friends since 2008. We started our blog at the same time. We met on Twitter.

She said to me, “Do you think you guys could help me too?” Instead of her running the ad network she was running. And I said to Eric, “Jamie is asking if we would help her.”

She had really helped us grow Food Fanatic, and so Eric was like, “Well, if I’m going to help anybody, it would be Jamie. So let me go and find out what I have to do to represent a site that we don’t own on the ad exchanges.”

And so he went away, we had to jump through a bunch of hoops to prove that we weren’t trying to do something nefarious and get a lot of approvals from different places. But we did that.

Then we quickly realized that because we were launching this entirely programmatic solution, right? Programmatic ads were fairly new at that time, which is the ads that use cookies and history to provide relevant advertising to the person that’s on your page.

No one else was doing an entirely programmatic solution. And that’s what we were doing. We weren’t offering any sort of direct sales and we didn’t offer direct sales until we made a deal with Condé Nast for them to do our direct sales while we did the programmatic.

And so, it was kind of a revolutionary idea, again. Two stupids know that we were doing something revolutionary. And so, we realized very quickly that in order for programmatic to perform well, you actually need as much scale as possible, which is sort of the opposite of direct sales.

We need to open this up to the wider world. And so, two things happened. The first is that we went to a retreat in Jamaica with a bunch of other bloggers to talk about SEO and ads and site speed.

We met Joan from Chocolate Chocolate when we were there. She had been with a different ad management company that actually managed to get her banned from the second-largest ad exchange in the world, which is called AppNexus.

I found the CEO’s email on Reddit and emailed him and said, “Listen, she trusted the wrong people. That’s why she was banned.” She had 20 ads running in her sidebar. Like literally 20 ads. We counted them.

And that’s why she was banned because at the time, there were some very different rules around advertising. I explained to him what was going on. He ended up unbanning her.

She made a post in a Facebook group about it, because she knew that we were going to bat for her and how amazing that was for her, which was really, really kind of her to do.

And then Lori Lange from Recipe Girl did a very similar post in another Facebook group, just sort of talking about how much Eric and I cared, and that we were really trying hard to provide exceptional results and also improve your website at the same time.

And between those two posts, we just sort of exploded.

Jillian Leslie 12:49
What year was this?

Amber Bracegirdle 12:51
This was 2013. No, I’m sorry. 2015.

Jillian Leslie 12:55
Okay. Because I think that’s probably when I noticed you. I think I had a friend who went to you, to Mediavine. And I was like, “What is this Mediavine company?”

Amber Bracegirdle 13:03
Right. Right. We started with six bloggers. It was only six at the time that we started with. We had about 50 contributors but we started with six that asked for our help.

And within, I want to say two or three months, we had like 400 bloggers working with us. And so, the thing is that our growth has never stopped.

Jillian Leslie 13:31
How many publishers, bloggers, do you have today?

Amber Bracegirdle 13:36
We passed 5900 this week. Our goal is 6000 by the end of the year.

Jillian Leslie 13:44
Now tell me, what are the minimums people need to have in order to apply to be represented, I don’t know if that’s the right word, to be part of your network?

Amber Bracegirdle 13:55
So what we look for is at least 25,000 sessions a month. That’s not page views. The reason we focus on that session number is we don’t want people to be gaining the page view system by doing things that are bad for user experience, which is typically around 30,000 page views.

And then, we’re looking for traffic from countries that are largely English speaking, because those are where our ad partners are receiving their ads from and that’s what will make you the most money.

And then, we’re also looking for things like long-form content. Your site being around for at least three to four months. But a year is better because we have a couple of ad partners that literally will not work with a domain unless it’s at least a year old.

And then we’re also looking for you not to have been banned from Google AdSense because we’re a Google certified publishing partner. And as part of that agreement, we don’t take on sites that have been banned by Google.

Jillian Leslie 14:55
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Okay. So let’s talk about the landscape for publishers today. How do you see it changing, evolving, not changing? If I am a food blogger today, how should I be thinking about the world out there in terms of making money via ads, making money in other ways?

Amber Bracegirdle 17:19
I think diversification is the number one thing.

Jillian Leslie 17:23
Diversified income streams?

Amber Bracegirdle 17:26
Diversified income streams, diversified content types, I think is really important today. And what I mean by that is I think that for all of us, “Oh, geez.” Right?

The idea of what content we put on our website is a blog post. It has one specific topic. It has long-form content about that topic. At the end of the post, there’s some sort of principle card.

And that’s where we stop, right. But one of the things that my eyes have been open to as I have managed Food Fanatic over the years is that there are a lot of other types of content that we could also be writing that would lift up the things we want to rank for.

So things like lists. A lot of people will call them roundups, but using a fair majority of your own content in a schema list and a post that is entirely about that list, not just having it like logged on to the end of another post.

Jillian Leslie 18:31
Wait. Let’s slow down. What is a schema list?

Amber Bracegirdle 18:35
So there is a schema type called lists but it’s essentially what bloggers have referred to as roundups, right. It’s a list of posts that are relevant to a specific topic.

Now, what happens if you mark that list up with schema is any of the post links that are specific to your domain are outputted in a schema list that Google can read and pick up.

And what we’re finding and we offer this and create and then also, I believe WP recipe maker offers it in theirs, but only to food posts. Don’t quote me on that. I think that’s what the case is.

I don’t use the plugin, but I know that they did release a list functionality after we did. And the thing is that on mobile if you have a list, you can actually take over the entire mobile carousel.

So for example, if someone is searching for the best ramen recipes or the best shrimp ramen recipes, and you have an entire list of that with your own content from your website, you can take over the mobile carousel with, you know, all five recipes that are in your list.

Jillian Leslie 19:49
In that blog post with the list. And so, really what you’re talking about is serving Google in ways that Google then can understand your content and reward you for it.

Amber Bracegirdle 20:02
Absolutely. Yeah. And so, some of the other things that we’ve been writing on Food Fanatic for the last couple of years that have brought us tons of traffic would be things like questions that people ask. Right?

So like one of our top posts right now is how to toast bread in the oven. That’s not a recipe, but it is a cooking functionality, right. Teaching someone how to do a thing.

Jillian Leslie 20:28
By the way, do you have the snippet for that?

Amber Bracegirdle 20:31

Jillian Leslie 20:31
Okay. So what that means, let’s just go back for a second, which is, remember, people go to Google to find out information. I do this all the time, I type in a question. And notice how often now Google rewards me with just the answer to that question. They’re pulling it from a blog post.

I might click through. Chances are if I’m going to click on something, it will be clicking into that blog post. And that little bit that Google is presenting at the top is a snippet.

People are very aware of trying to get that snippet from Google. So, you become the authority for that question.

Amber Bracegirdle 21:13
Right. And some people like it, and some people don’t. They think that people aren’t clicking through. Sometimes we get the snippets, sometimes we don’t just base on Google testing things all the time, but we do rank really high for it. We’re number two for that topic.

Jillian Leslie 21:30
Right. And remember, everybody just that you know, number one, typically now with snippets and stuff, things are slightly different and our mobile results can be different.

However, result one gets the most traffic, result two usually gets half that traffic, and result three usually gets a half of the second result, and so it kind of continues down that way. So if you can be in the top three, you’re doing really well.

Amber Bracegirdle 21:55
Yeah, exactly. My goal in life for Food Fanatic is to get in those top three for any number of topics. I think the thing is that what we’re going to see as bloggers sort of diversifying what they write about on their website, because there are so many more things that they could be writing about, and aren’t.

Jillian Leslie 22:18
What do you mean by that? Because the typical, like conventional wisdom, is niche down. Niche down.

Amber Bracegirdle 22:23
Yeah, I know it is. And I’m not saying that you don’t have to do that. What I am saying is that there are different types of content that you can write even within the niche that you’ve chosen. Yeah.

So like, for example, Food Fanatic has thousands of recipes. We used to publish twice a day. And so we have five years of content, almost six years of content, where we were publishing either once or twice a day, just recipes, right.

But then we’ve also started to do things like techniques. And so, I talk a lot on my blog or my podcasts about how we rank really well for sort of anything relating to parboiling.

And the reason we do is that we were researching something, keyword research and realized that we were ranking on how to parboil, like the question but with a post specifically about parboiling potatoes.

And so, we did a little bit more research and realize that there’s a ton of traffic-related to that term, and related to different vegetables and parboiling them. And so we created, I think, eight or nine posts that are all about parboiling, but its parboiling different items.

And so they’re different enough, they’re not exact copies even though the method of the process is very similar. We changed it up enough that it’s not duplicate content within our own site. They all linked to each other as well and they link to that original one.

And what we saw was that our content was pushed up. We started ranking across multiple terms related to parboiling, as well as pushing up that original one.

Jillian Leslie 24:12
I love that. I love that strategy. And again, now Google thinks of you guys as the experts on parboiling.

Amber Bracegirdle 24:20
Yes. And I think you can do that with anything. You can do that with how to paint a room, etc. There are different techniques. There are different processes. Like you have to prep a kitchen very differently than you have to prep a bedroom for painting. Right?

You can write entire posts about how to prep a bedroom for painting, and then how to prep a kitchen for painting, and when you then have a post about how to paint a kitchen. And they all linked to each other and then you become the expert on how to paint rooms in a house.

Jillian Leslie 24:53
Right. And so, really, what you are saying is keyword research is crucial. Back in the day when we all started blogging, and we’d be like, “What should we write about? What should we write about today?”

“Oh, this sounds interesting.” Or, “I want to try this recipe. I’m going to do a blog post.” And now I think that the bloggers or publishers who are winning are the ones who are being much more strategic.

Amber Bracegirdle 25:17
Strategic and mindful, yeah.

Jillian Leslie 25:19
Building content.

Amber Bracegirdle 25:21

Jillian Leslie 25:22
And thinking about Google in terms of how do I become the expert in this specific niche or niche within a niche, you know?

Amber Bracegirdle 25:32
Yeah. Yeah. And I think that that’s something that if you’re thinking about it, like we just did a podcast yesterday talking about there are some people that freak out about, “Oh, keyword cannibalization.”

And the idea of keyword cannibalization to me is a little bit ridiculous. Ahrefs.com has a wonderful post about it if anybody wants to go read it. Like literally just search ahrefs and keyword cannibalization.

Basically, there’s an idea out there that if you write about content that is similar that you are somehow cannibalizing what you’re trying to rank for.

The thing is, if you’re doing it the right way, in a mindful way, the different pieces of content are actually useful and, and providing answers to different problems, you’re not going to cannibalize anything.

And what you’re actually going to do is prove to Google that you are an expert in what you’re doing, because you’re providing enough surface area to do it.

Jillian Leslie 26:31
Right. I like to think of it as scaffolding.

Amber Bracegirdle 26:34
Yeah, absolutely.

Jillian Leslie 26:36
And that you need a foundation. Like for you guys discovering parboiling potatoes. I’m sure you found that in maybe Google Search Console or, you know, SEMRush or someplace like that to go, “Wait a second.”

Like I go into our search console, and I go into Google Analytics and SEMRush and just kind of poke around and go, “Okay. Now, what’s percolating?” Like what is working?

That is how we create our content calendar for Catch My Party, which is we see what’s trending, what people are responding to. And then we go, “Okay.”

Well, if boho baby shower desert tables are doing really well, then we’ll be like, “Hey, we could make a roundup of boho baby shower invitations or boho baby shower decorations.”

Or we go down that or party supplies or whatever it is, and we will then just start ticking off these different areas because we want to own boho baby shower.

Amber Bracegirdle 27:44
Right, exactly. Some people call it a content funnel. Some people call it a content tree. Whatever you want to call it. That’s what this is. And the idea of keyword cannibalization to me is preposterous. You’re not going to confuse Google. They’re smart enough.

Jillian Leslie 28:00
They are really smart.

Amber Bracegirdle 28:01
They’re really, really smart. That’s why they are what they are. So, you know, I think that that’s what we’re going to see. We’re going to see people being more mindful and more diverse in what they’re actually writing about.

They may not push it all out to their loyal readers, but they absolutely will have it on their website for multiple audiences, right? They’ll have it there for their Google audience.

They may not even pin it, but they will absolutely have it there for their Google audience that will push up the posts they love that is both Pinterest worthy and Google worthy.

Jillian Leslie 28:37
Interesting. So you just starting to think about your different audiences and different platforms and what would work on Instagram versus your SEO strategy.

Amber Bracegirdle 28:47
Right. Like it’s something we preach on Theory of Content all the time is you have multiple audiences. You don’t have to cater only to the loyal audience that visits your website directly.

You can cater to the people that are popping in from various search engines. Don’t get it wrong. Pinterest is a search engine. YouTube is a search engine. Google is a search engine. That’s how this all works.

The point is like, trying to disseminate your content to these different audiences, who will be looking for things differently because of the format of the platform that they’re on.

Jillian Leslie 29:23
Yeah. I would say this, which is if you are a content creator, and you make beautiful things, you make beautiful food, you make beautiful crafts, you can still be strategic in how you think about that.

Like, it doesn’t mean that one of these is calculating and like, I’m trying to gain the system. And one is I get to express my creativity. No. It’s just incorporating both when you’re creating content to be thinking about both sides.

Amber Bracegirdle 29:53
Yes. If you’re making it a business, you have to have that secondary aspect. If you have no interest in making it a business, do whatever you feel.

But if your goal is to turn this creative thing that you’ve done into a lucrative business for yourself, you have to sort of put on that second hat and be a responsible business owner that is thinking about q4 in q1.

Jillian Leslie 30:21
Yes. Yes.

Amber Bracegirdle 30:22
I think there is a lot more of that going on now. Some people lament that “Oh, I can’t just do what I want to do anymore.” That’s not what I’m saying at all ever.

The point I actually feel with like diversifying your content is it helps you to get less burnt out because you can switch gears and not have to be constantly turning out some new idea and then pushing it out on social and all of these things.

You can switch gears and create some content for a little while that maybe isn’t as intensive, right. You don’t need your own photos. You can buy stock photography.

Or you don’t need to write about all the different things that could possibly happen with this recipe. Instead, you’re writing about why sourdough works the way it does or how to create a sourdough starter. And that’s something you’re super passionate.

Weirdly, there are a lot of people that are super passionate about their sourdough starters and treat it like a pet. I think that writing about stuff like that just switches it to a different part of your creative brain. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Jillian Leslie 31:35
I would say you can start to pull on your recipes and build on those recipes or go into a blog post that’s done well for you. But let’s say maybe it is not on page one. And what can you add to that post?

Maybe it is a bread recipe and you can add something about sourdough starters or you can nerd out on some aspect to make that post even better so that you could be more strategic about the keywords you’re using in that post.

And you don’t have to go, “Oh, no. What recipe am I going to make today?” Because I made four this week.

Amber Bracegirdle 32:15
Yeah, exactly.

Jillian Leslie 32:17
Where do you think video fits into this?

Amber Bracegirdle 32:21
Oh, video is so important. So, so, so important. It’s good for SEO. It’s good for your user experience. It is great for your money. Our average video CPM last year I believe, when we went to our partner meetings in January was $19.

That’s how much you make per thousand ad impressions, right? So CPM stands for cost per milli. Milli is Latin for a thousand. And so, I don’t know. I guess it was better for them than CPT.

But CPM, that’s basically how much you earn per thousand ad impressions. A display ad on a desktop is typically somewhere around like $2 to $3. Mobile is typically like $1 to $3. Video on a desktop is $19.

And there’s just not enough video content to meet the demand that’s out there.

Jillian Leslie 33:35
Let’s say for example, I’m a Mediavine partner, I’m part of your network, and I put your video player on my site and I’ve got videos, you are able to show video ads before my video shows.

Amber Bracegirdle 33:55
Correct. It’s called pre-roll.

Jillian Leslie 33:57
And people are really into that.

Amber Bracegirdle 33:59
They are. It works just like YouTube. It works just like YouTube. It just pays a heck of a lot more because what we’re doing is instead of it just being a straight Google purchased ad spot, which is what happens with YouTube, we’re running an auction for every spot.

We have 10 ad partners. Google is obviously going to have video demand. AppNexus has video demand. Index Exchange has video demand. Everybody has video demand. And so, what happens is when they start bidding against each other, they drive the price up.

And they all want video and they all want a video that’s highly viewable. The thing about Mediavine is because all of our ads, including our video player, are lazy-loaded, they don’t exist until someone scrolls near them, which means they don’t exist unless someone’s going to actually see them.

That’s what drives that viewability score. Viewability is a portion of the ad. Usually, it’s 50% of the ad in the viewable screen for at least one second.

Jillian Leslie 35:01
Right. That’s how you get paid.

Amber Bracegirdle 35:03
Right. It’s one of the ways you get paid. You’re going to get paid if the ad impression loads. But if your ads have an extremely high viewability score, you’re going to get paid more because you are giving the advertisers what they need.

They need eyeballs on ads. And if you can prove that to them through your viewability score, which can’t be gamed in any way. Viewability scores simply cannot be gamed. You have to have an eyeball on an ad. They can tell that through your browser.

And so, the ability to make sure that all our ads are only loading when they’re actually going to be seen by a human provides a way for us to make sure that your viewability score is always high.

And it means that you are going to get paid more for that ad position than someone who isn’t lazy loading advertising. And the other thing about it is because I know that other companies have started offering lazy loading.

The thing is that viewability is something that is viewed network-wide as well as individual sitewide. And so, if you are one fish in a big pond of people who aren’t lazy loading, the fact that you’re lazy loading on your site is going to have a much smaller effect. Right?

We are definitely in a unique position that because we lazy-loaded from day one, this is what advertisers have come to expect from us.

And anybody else that was in the space before us, unfortunately, unless they were to literally just cold turkey it and say everyone’s lazy loading ads now, I don’t think that they’re going to see the benefit that Mediavine publishers do.

Just based on how ad companies use viewability, right? This isn’t me like sales pitching. This is literally how this works.

The thing is if they did cold turkey it, long term, it would be much more money for their people but the short term would be incredibly painful because there would most likely be much less ads load, like actual ads loading during site load, which means less ad impressions.

And because you have this history of a low viewability score, you’re loading less ad impressions at a lower CPM. And so, that would be really painful for your people. Does that make sense?

Jillian Leslie 37:25

Amber Bracegirdle 37:26
And so, I think that other folks, you know, this is again, this is the situation of we were too dumb to know what we were doing. And we sort of built this in an opinionated way that actually turned out to give advertisers exactly what they want.

And all we were trying to do is give our readers what they want. And so, that’s kind of been the ethos of Mediavine from the beginning is let’s give our readers what they want and what they are asking for. And oh, accidentally, we’re actually also giving advertisers what they’re looking for.

Jillian Leslie 37:55
Yes, I mean that makes perfect sense. Okay. So, Amber, if people want to learn more, how can people reach out to you? How can they listen? What is your podcast? How can they find that?

Amber Bracegirdle 38:09
Yeah. So anybody that wants to learn more can visit Mediavine.com. We’ve got a chat bubble in the corner. You can reach out to our support team.

We have, I think, 30 people on that team now that are available pretty much 9 am to 9 pm Eastern every day, including weekends. So you can absolutely reach out to them.

And they will guide you through the process as well. The website has lots of information about us. You can listen to the Theory of Content on TheoryofContent.com or in iTunes or any of your podcasts software.

Yeah. And then, you can reach me on Facebook or you can email amber@mediavine.com. We’re very open.

Jillian Leslie 38:53
Amber, thank you so much for being on the show.

Amber Bracegirdle 38:57
You are so welcome. Thank you for having me.

Jillian Leslie 38:59
My biggest takeaway from this episode is really about being intentional when you are creating content. You don’t have to sell your soul. You can still create content that’s meaningful to you.

But you do need to put on that other hat and make sure that the content you create is also growing your business.

And if you are ready to grow your business or to start your business, and you don’t have a blog, head to MiloTree.com/BlogStart and we will get you off on the right foot.

Do you have any questions? Reach out to me, Jillian@MiloTree.com. I will be back here again next week.

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