If you’re looking for cheap and easy ways to get started with Facebook ads, this is the podcast episode for you. We talk about the power of cold audience ads, and how to get new people familiar with who you are and what you sell.

Host 0:04
Welcome to The Blogger Genius Podcast brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie.

Jillian Leslie 0:11
Hello, everyone. Hi friends! Welcome back to the show. This is my last due episode for 2019. I’m weirdly excited for 2020. I’m excited about the new stuff we’re rolling out with MiloTree. We have a new pop-up.

It should be live by the time this episode airs, where you can link it to anywhere to a blog post, to a promotion, to a sales page, to anything, and add a photo so you can direct your visitors to where you want them to go. I’m excited about that.

Also, we are building a pop-up for Facebook to grow your Facebook groups. Right now, you can grow your Facebook business page, but this will enable you to grow your groups.

And please join my Facebook group, the MiloTree Mastermind group. It is really cool. It’s an extension of the podcast as I mentioned previously.

Okay. For today’s guests, I’ve got Jessica and Amy back on the show. These are my ads experts. We are talking about cold audiences. And really, if you’re thinking of starting with ads on Facebook, this is where you want to start.

It’s really the cheapest way to drive traffic to your blog or your site. I think we really break it down and make it hopefully understandable. Facebook ads can be tricky and complicated.

What I love about Jess and Amy is that they are able to go piece by piece and explain the value and all that. So without further delay, here is my interview with Jessica Gleim and Amy Christie from the digital marketing agency Flairst. Jessica and Amy, welcome back to the show.

Jessica Gleim 2:12
Thank you so much for having us. We’re happy to be here.

Jillian Leslie 2:15
So okay, you guys. So, this is the deal. We’re talking about ads. We’re talking about Facebook ads. You guys have come out with a course to really introduce people to Facebook ads.

But let’s take a step back and talk about the value of Facebook ads. Do you feel like if you sell something today, you need to be running ads? Or do you think you can work your butt off and still get organic traffic and grow your sales that way?

Cheap & Easy Way to Get Started with Facebook Ads | The Blogger Genius Podcast

Amy Christie 2:52
So when Jess and I started in online things, we started by 10 years ago, and that was when all the social media platforms really worked for content creators and brands and stores and things like that.

You posted something on Facebook and the people that wanted to follow you saw it. Same thing with Pinterest. Like you got people to follow you on Pinterest, and then you pin your stuff. And then, all those people that followed you saw your stuff.

Well, in the time between the start of those platforms and now, the algorithm has changed. The algorithm does not work for content creators and brands and stores anymore. It works for the social media platforms.

And so, in order to get your content to be seen by the people who do want to see it and to find new people, the process now is to do ads to make sure that your content is getting out there because it’s not going to work like it did before.

You can still get organic traffic. You can still do SEO. You can still post. All those things work. But in order to get, I guess more traffic, more engagement, more people involved in your brand, that needs to come from ads.

Jillian Leslie 4:15
Okay. So it is then pay to play.

Jessica Gleim 4:17
Yes. The reason why we like doing all types of digital and social media ads, but Facebook, and then that includes Instagram because Facebook owns Instagram. So when we’re talking about Facebook as an ads platform, just know that that includes Instagram.

But it’s still the number one most used social platform. People spend an average of more than 11 minutes per day. That’s a really long time that people are spending on one social media platform in a day.

We spend on average over two hours and 16 minutes a day total on social media platforms. So you know, when we’re browsing Instagram, and then we look and check Facebook, and then somehow we click over to a video in YouTube, right.

So we’re spending a lot of time on Instagram and that’s where your people are. That’s where your customers are spending their free time browsing the internet. They’re also shopping.

Amy’s mentioned, you know, not only have the algorithms changed in the last decade, but the way that we use the internet and the way that we use social media in our lives has changed. You know, Facebook is really now for groups. People really participate and engage well in groups.

Do you know what else people are doing on Facebook and Instagram and Pinterest? They’re shopping now. It is supernormal and common. Amy and I have both done it. You maybe have too.

Jillian Leslie 5:34
Yeah, I do too.

Jessica Gleim 5:35
When you’re on Instagram and you see some cute flat shoes.

Jillian Leslie 5:38
Shoes. For me, it’s shoes.

Jessica Gleim 5:40
And you’ve never heard of this shop before but it’s some cute brand. You click over and you see. And there are two of your friends like that shop too.

You see that they’ve got 78,000 Instagram followers, all this cute stuff and you buy a sweatshirt with cats on it for $19. In 2008, shoppers spent $1.78 trillion on consumer goods alone via social media.

Jillian Leslie 6:00
Wow! Yeah. I mean you go to the mall and you see that there aren’t as many people at the mall because they’re all on Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram buying stuff.

Jessica Gleim 6:09
I mean you can do it any time of the day. I’m shopping in the middle of the night when I wake up and I find the cutest shoes on Instagram. It really works for everyone. Wherever you have your phone, you can shop.

Jillian Leslie 6:23
Right. Right. Okay. So then, for example, since my audience is a lot of bloggers. And before I go there, let’s talk about the fact that it is cost-effective.

You can make it not crazy expensive to run ads on Facebook, which means Instagram or on these platforms. So it’s not like buying, renting out a billboard on the highway.

Jessica Gleim 6:53
Right. Exactly. Or doing transit bus ad or something, or a newspaper ad.

Jillian Leslie 6:58
Or like doing a commercial on NBC.

Jessica Gleim 7:01
Exactly. Exactly. You can use content that you already have, which most likely you do. You know, if you’re a blogger or you’re in an eCommerce store. You’ve got beautiful pictures of your product or your content. You can use that that you already have. And then you build a Facebook campaign.

The minimum ad spend is just $5. And so, that’s per campaign. That’s just $5 a day that you can run across. You could have two campaigns that split that. So that’s just the minimum spend.

I think everybody can figure out, if you can come up with 35 bucks a month to try this per month for an ad spend, I think people can do that.

Jillian Leslie 7:43
Wait. I think your math. It’s like $150 a month.

Jessica Gleim 7:48
Yeah. $35 was… Hang on. Let me do the math. 150. I think I was doing it for 30. Yeah, 35 a week. I’m sorry, 35 a week, 150 bucks roughly a month. I think that is doable. I think $150 is not a scary number.

For most people, it’s like, “Okay. I can do this. I can save this money. I can come up with this and try this for a month and see what happens.” Specifically, with cold traffic, which is what we’re talking about today, and our course is all about, it is a little bit of a no brainer because it’s the top of the funnel.

You’re trying to show it to as many people as possible. That’s going to convert to new eyes on your brand, introduced to your brand, introduced your product or senior content for the first time.

Jillian Leslie 8:40
Okay. Let’s say I’m a blogger though and I just create content. I’m making my income via ads on my site and some sponsored posts and things like that. Is it ever worth it for me to be running ads?

Because again, you have a CPM, which means how much you’re making on an ad that shows on your site. You’re probably making $1 for every thousand visitors who see that ad. So does it ever make sense to run ads for your content when you’re not selling a product?

Jessica Gleim 9:25
The purpose of running ads for content when you’re not selling a product would be, one, so if you need to get your numbers up. Let’s say maybe you’ve started a couple of years ago and things have been growing but like things have stalled out like Amy had mentioned in the beginning.

You know, you were using Pinterest for pinning and people were coming over. A lot of your traffic came from a certain area, and then that’s really stalled out as things have changed. A way to grow your traffic and the way to grow your numbers of what people are seeing is through advertising.

Now, cold traffic ads are usually anywhere. We look at benchmark information, and that’s how we decide if an ad is done well or not, is overall cost per click is like $1.40. Now, that doesn’t mean that your ad can’t run for a cold click, that’s maybe 20 cents or under. That’s totally common too.

But that’s just the average industry benchmark. Now, when you look at that, and if you’re spending five bucks a day, right, that’s not that many clicks that are coming over to your website. So that is something that you need to think about.

When you think about traffic and you’re thinking about what kind of numbers do you need to show. Do you need to show really great numbers to an advertiser who you created a piece of content with?

I think that’s a great place to use ads because that money will be spent getting people to see the content that you’ve created and the partnership. And that will help further the great results that you want to share with that partner. I think that’s a great example of when you’d want to use it.

And then I think when you are still building and you need to find more people to see what you’re promoting, or get them to share, or get them to engage with your content, that’s a great opportunity to use cold traffic.

But I think the key is to just be strategic. To go into this with the mindset of I’m just going to set up some cold traffic campaigns and that’s it.

The key with Facebook ads is to really be intentional, and understand the purpose of why you are choosing to build this campaign, and that you know what the result is going to be, what you’re expecting it to be. You’re telling Facebook that you’re looking for those specific types of users.

Jillian Leslie 11:55
So it really doesn’t make sense then if you just want traffic, to be paying money for clicks, when you’re just making money by showing ads on your site.

Jessica Gleim 12:08
Right. That may not be your biggest bang for your buck.

Jillian Leslie 12:11
Right. Where it would make sense is I’m working with Walmart doing a post, and I want to show them that I’ve gotten a lot of clicks to this post because I need to give them my stats.

Jessica Gleim 12:25

Amy Christie 12:29
When you think about what you need to have for those partnerships, and those sponsorships is good numbers. We’ll hire you to get good, bigger, higher numbers.

And that is getting traffic to your site. And then, how do you get traffic to your site? You run an ad to get traffic to your site,

Jillian Leslie 12:43
Right. So one thing that I would do on Catch My Party when I’m working with brands, is I allocate a certain amount of money knowing that I was going to run ads.

Either I will tell them that so it almost is like, “Well, this is in addition. This is not money I’m putting in my pocket.” So I will up my fee in order to buffer in the money that I’m going to use to run the ads.

Jessica Gleim 13:11
I think that’s a perfect example of making a strategic decision, right? That yes, you’re using Facebook ads as a tool in your toolbox that you’re carrying around for your website.

Jillian Leslie 13:24
Does it ever make sense to boost a post?

Amy Christie 13:30
The difference between boosting a post and a cold traffic campaign is boosting a post is when you have the post on your page’s timeline and you put some money behind it, and then you show it to an audience of your choosing.

You can choose either to have it show in your audience’s newsfeed or on Instagram. But the limitations for what that boosted posts can do usually include things boosting your page likes, your shares, or your comments. But beyond that, there’s not a whole lot else you can do.

If that’s what you need to do, again, it depends on what you need to get the statistics back for. Like for a sponsorship or any kind of partnership that you have going on.

That might be enough that you need to do. You want to make sure that they see that you do have engaged audience and you have those likes and things like that.

The cold traffic campaign or any kind of campaign, it’s a more customized process. So instead of just getting post likes, there’s a bunch of other options and objectives that you can do within the ads manager.

Jillian Leslie 14:38

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Let’s talk about a cold audience campaign. What you were saying Jessica was that, what it really is doing is finding people who don’t know you. Just take a step back. This is really for people who are selling something, would you agree?

Jessica Gleim 17:01
I think that you need to have a definitive plan of how you monetize your content and your website or your brand. If you’re an eCommerce store, this is a great thing to be doing for eCommerce stores.

If you have a guide of some kind or some kind of tripwire that you’re selling, or you’ve got some kind of something that you’ve created that you’re selling on your site, this would be great for that.

If you have maybe your top pieces of evergreen content that you know are going to blow up. For example, when Amy was blogging back in the day, she has content that gets like 150,000 views or hits during the holiday season because it’s a piece of content that people are looking for.

If that was a post that really converted well for you, then that might be a piece of content that we would suggest sending a traffic ad for, right.

Like anything that you can strategically have a plan behind what you can convert to some kind of sale. We think that running cold traffic ads on Facebook is a great choice.

Jillian Leslie 18:11
Also, how about to grow your list?

Jessica Gleim 18:15
Yes. You’ve got some options. Okay. The biggest thing about Facebook is that it knows all this information about us because there’s this pixel. The pixel is Facebook’s piece of tracking code that each advertiser installs on their own website.

That’s how it knows all this stuff. The way that we interact with Facebook on the platform, right? Like what I’m clicking on, what I’m liking on. Facebook’s tracking all that and they know what I’m into.

But then they can also see on a website what kind of website, what kind of traffic, and purchases are happening on the website. That’s how it knows who added something to cart and who didn’t.

Earlier, when I talked a little bit about the ways that people are using websites and did the digital world differently over the years is that you can send a traffic campaign to your website or on the link that you’re sending people to could be where your lead gen exists.

Like you want them to sign up for your newsletter because you get five free recipes of cookies for the holidays, right? Or in Facebook, you can build a lead gen campaign right there within the platform.

Jillian Leslie 19:32
Got it. So they add their name and their email address right there.

Jessica Gleim 19:35
Right. The reason why that works well is that people now don’t want to click. We want it to all happen right in front of us all the time. We don’t want to click through things. Right. So that’s an option. That’s a whole separate other optimization category.

Jillian Leslie 19:53
Okay. So for everybody, I think what you guys are saying is if you sell something or if you collect email addresses because you sell to your list or you’ve got a blog post that has affiliate links on it and you make money with those affiliate links, these are all opportunities where you should think about running ads.

Jessica Gleim 20:18
You monetize your list. Bingo.

Amy Christie 20:21
The idea is that you don’t want to be spending money and not recouping some of that afterward. If you want to run ads to your site and you don’t make any money, but you have your checking account never gets to zero, that’s great if that’s how you want to do it.

But the strategic and thoughtful way that we’re talking is that you want to be thinking about how it’s going to help your bottom line in the long run.

So, if you’re running ads, how is it going to improve the sale or the collection of email addresses so that in the end you are making money at the end because that’s the point.

Jillian Leslie 21:04
Right. So, the goal is I spend $1, and I make $2. If that’s the case, then I would be all in on ads.

Jessica Gleim 21:14

Jillian Leslie 21:15
It’s like they talk about this as a flywheel and you want to get the flywheel going because then you can cover your ad costs and make more money. It’s not like, “Oh, this money is going out the window and I’m never going to see it again.”

Jessica Gleim 21:30
Right. So for example, we have somebody that we work with that rents super simple, has downloadable PDFs on their Etsy shop. She sent cold traffic to her Etsy shop downloadables. They’re anywhere between $1 and $10.

She would get a cold click for less than 40 cents per click, and then 75% of them converted. So, her ad spend of $150 resulted in $450 roughly a month in revenue back.

So that was a really simple example of that. I mean that’s exactly what we’re talking about. That’s a concrete example of what would happen if somebody takes our course in that environment.

Jillian Leslie 22:19
Okay. Let’s say you sell a $100 product. Typically, about a third of that, this is conventional wisdom, you can spend on marketing. So, if you can get a sale for $33 or less, it is worth it. So don’t think to yourself, “Will I sell $100?” Again, it all depends on what kind of product you’re selling.

Let’s say you’re selling a product for $100 and you have to spend $99 in ads to make one sale. And then, you’re going to make $1. Chances are you’ve already spent that dollar on who knows what else. On your email marketing service or whatever.

So you have to be very mindful that it isn’t you’re going to spend up and almost up until the cost of the product or how much you make for it. So usually the rule of thumb is about a third, you can spend toward customer acquisition. So that’s just a rule of thumb.

Okay. What we’re talking about then is running a cold traffic campaign, which means these are people who do not know you, who do not know your product, but they’re going to go, “Ha, that’s an interesting pair of shoes.” Or, “That’s a cool sweater.”

All of a sudden they’re going to become aware of you. Isn’t this the cheapest kind of ad that you can run to get the most traffic.

Jessica Gleim 23:53
Exactly. The average cost per click in 2019 overall industries was $1.72. One of the ways that we can see like you said is this worth or not, is just the cost. That just gives you a concrete number. $1.72.

But again, it can be as low. We’ve seen and run cold traffic campaigns for less than 20 cents per click. So, somewhere in there. Those are some actual numbers that people can think about when they’re thinking about how much they should be spending to sell their product.

Jillian Leslie 24:31
Okay. And also, it’s seasonal. So right now in Q4, you’re competing with target and you’re competing with all of these big brands that by the way are not just selling for Christmas but they’ve got a marketing budget.

They need to spend that marketing budget by the end of the year so that next year they can go back and say we need a bigger marketing budget. If they’re saving their marketing budget, that’s not good for the marketing team.

They are going to spend every dollar of it. And guess where they’re going to spend it. Q4. So you need to also think in terms of seasonality. Is Q1 a better time because chances are advertising on Facebook is cheaper. Would you agree with that?

Jessica Gleim 25:12

Amy Christie 26:11
Everyone in their mother’s gonna you know pull out the stops for the holidays. I mean especially if you’re selling something. Like this is the time of year when everyone’s like, “Wait a minute. We should tell people about the sales.”

Jillian Leslie 26:15
But again, you need to think about that in terms of your budget. Maybe if you’re going to start advertising and let’s say you sell an evergreen product, maybe January is when you go, “You know what, I’m going to start my ad campaign in January.”

Amy Christie 26:25
Right. I mean the thing is there are things to talk about for your brand in every quarter. It’s not just Christmas time. It’s not just the holidays. Let’s sit down and I will tell you every way that we can talk about your brand in every time of the year. That’s one of my favorite things to do.

Don’t get overwhelmed that it’s quarter four. If you’re doing all the things for the holidays and it doesn’t work, that’s fine. You can still do it in January. You can do it any month of the year, and get things started.

Jillian Leslie 26:56
Okay. So then let’s talk about this, which is you can spend $150 minimum per month. Facebook ads is all about learning, right? Because you think you know what’s going to work but you really don’t know.

And so, a lot of it is trial and error and experimenting. How long does it take and how much money does it take to learn?

Jessica Gleim 27:23
Okay. I think that people, again, being strategic, should go into this strategically and give themselves a couple of good solid months.

It takes a couple of weeks really for Facebook to learn enough information, to really have a good idea of what the final outcome of your ad is going to look like cost-wise.

So maybe it started out of the gate. It was 78 cents after it came out of the review phase, and then it was inactive learning. Out of the gate it was 78 cents per click.

And then you let it run for a couple of weeks and maybe it came down to 67 because it really got itself fine-tuned on its own. That’s a little bit of the timeline that you should expect for your ads.

Jillian Leslie 28:11
Now, how about in terms of typical spent? Because the thing is, it’s this weird balance, which is, the more you spend, the faster you learn.

Jessica Gleim 28:22
Correct. So that because you’re sending, you’re getting more than 50, right, more than 50 people going to your website. You’re making that process happen faster. If your ad spend is $35 a week, divided by 50. So that’s 70 cents per click, roughly those numbers.

To just have a concrete idea, again, you need to be able to have enough money to put behind your budget that you can get 50 clicks, those 50 people to come on to your website in that seven day period of time.

The faster you can do that, the better. The more information and data and the faster Facebook will learn how to optimize the ad for you on their own. And the faster you can figure out where that ends.

Like you know, “Oh, well. I usually pay 52 cents per click for a cold traffic campaign when I introduce a new collection of clothes.”

Jillian Leslie 29:26
Got it. Got it. So that’s something to keep in mind, which is, there might be a case for spending more money upfront.

Because ultimately, if you’re only spending $5 a day, you’re not learning as much, and so it might cost you more time and the same amount of money to get the same amount of learning.

Jessica Gleim 29:49

Jillian Leslie 29:50
So that’s an argument for not just doing $5 a day but even $15 a day even though that’s painful. It is painful to watch it go out the door. However, also recognize that you’ve just saved yourself a huge amount of time.

Jessica Gleim 30:07

Jillian Leslie 30:09
Okay. I don’t know if this is possible, but in terms of benchmark, so you were saying that the average cost people are spending for a click is, what did you say? $1.40.

Jessica Gleim 30:23
So across all industries, over everything. So we’re talking like beauty and fashion and all the things, $1.72 is for all industries. But then, you can also get into the nitty-gritty and look at benchmark reporting from 2018 for Facebook ads.

Depending on your industry, you can see. If you’re in the beauty industry, you could see maybe that that average is $1.20. I’m just saying that out loud. But just to give you an example. Or maybe you’re in the coaching industry and that average is 92 cents. Right?

So across all industries, it’s $1.72. But then the next thing you’re gonna want to look at is what is the benchmark for this last year for your industry, and see what that number is, and see if you could hit that number out of the gate.

Jillian Leslie 31:16
Okay. If I sign up for your course, what will you teach me to do?

Jessica Gleim 31:24
We are going to teach you how to build a traffic campaign. The objective is the term traffic. And that means that we are asking Facebook to show people your ad, and click over to your website.

Jillian Leslie 31:37

Jessica Gleim 31:38
Okay. And then within that campaign, we are going to show you how to build two audience segments. The first audience segment is going to be based on interest targeting.

That means that you are going to go in and specifically tell Facebook, what kind of stuff your audience is into and who they are.

So for example, if you sell yoga supplies and you are launching a new yoga mat, you are going to go in and tell Facebook you’re looking for people 20 to 55 who like whole foods, yoga, and maybe some competing brands, right?

And you can tell them specifically who those people are. You can get really detailed, or you can be super basic. You choose. But that’s held in marketing.

The second audience we’re going to teach you to create is what is called a look-alike audience. This is kind of where the magic happens with Facebook.

A lookalike audience is an audience based on anything you tell Facebook, that you want to find more people who act like these people. Meaning you get traffic to your website already.

Jillian Leslie 32:48
You’re going to tell Facebook to find you an audience of new people that have never heard of you before, but they look just like the people who already come to your website.So they’re already people who love yoga, and love whole foods, and look at this demo.

And then, you can go, “Ha. If these people who had already come to my site like it, chances are there other people just like them that don’t know me yet, but they will know me and they will like my stuff.”

Jessica Gleim 33:16
The point of telling Facebook, what you want it to do. And in the case of our course, saying is that its traffic is not only as Facebook going to show your ad to people that they think are going to like your brand, but they’re going to show your ad to people who are most likely to click through.

Some people use Facebook and they never click on ads. But most people do interact with ads somehow or watch a video or whatever. Facebook knows all that.

They’re going to show your ad to people who you tell them to, but then also they’re going to show it to people that know that they’re most likely to click through to your website because that user clicks through on other ads to other websites.

Jillian Leslie 33:55
Got it. It is creepy. But, okay. If people want to learn more about your course, where should they go?

Jessica Gleim 34:07
So, head on over to our website, Flairst.com.

Jillian Leslie 34:11
Okay. That’s F-L-A-I-R-S-T dot com. Okay.

Jessica Gleim 34:16
Dotcom forward slash courses. And that’s where you will see this current course that we’re talking about. Facebook Ads Are Fun. Part 1: Cold Traffic Campaigns.

That’s also where you will be able to see the rest of our courses that we’re building out. We’ve got an awesome list, as well as other resources that will help you get started using digital marketing and digital advertising.

Jillian Leslie 34:39
Okay. Again, if you sell something and you want to get relatively inexpensive traffic to your site, this is a good place to start.

Jessica Gleim 34:50
Exactly. It’s something that you can do. We will hold your hand and walk you exactly through it and tell you how to do it. And also, how to tell if it was working or not.

Jillian Leslie 35:00
Okay, Jess and Amy, thank you so much for coming on the show. We will continue this conversation because it does get complicated.

Jessica Gleim 35:10
It is. Thanks for having us.

Jillian Leslie 35:11
But I like how we’re able to break it down.

Amy Christie 35:13
Yeah. Thanks for having us. We sure like you.

Jillian Leslie 35:19
I hope this gave you an introduction to Facebook ads and what you can start to do with them which is drive traffic back to your site or your blog. Now, remember, there is learning to be had.

These can be very powerful, but there’s learning which means there’s expense upfront. You need kind of a strong stomach to start this. So keep that in mind. I want to say wow. I can’t believe I won’t be talking to you until 2020.

But if you want to talk to me, always know you can reach out to me at Jillian@MiloTree.com. I’d love to hear from you. Also, join my Facebook group, the MiloTree Mastermind group because I will be popping in there during the holidays.

We are heading to Miami for about six days, and then to Seattle for another six days. And then, I will be back and I’m really, really excited to grow all of our businesses, to help you guys grow your business in 2020, for us to grow our business in 2020. It just feels like a good year.

For the next two weeks, I’m going to rebroadcast two of our most popular episodes. I will see you here again next year.

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Try the MiloTree pop-up app on your blog for 30 days risk-free!

Are you serious about growing your online business? Have you got some traffic but you know you need more?

Let your MiloTree pop-ups help you get to that next level by turning your visitors into email subscribers and social media followers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube.

Sign up today!

Install your MiloTree pop-ups on your site in under two minutes.

Sign up for MiloTree now and get your first 30 DAYS FREE!

MiloTree Button Get Started Now