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#319: Unleashing the Power of Selling Ebooks: Your Gateway to a Digital Empire

Welcome to another episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast. In today’s episode, I’m diving deep into the realm of creating and selling digital downloads—especially ebooks—and how they can significantly bolster your income.

The Call to Diversify Your Income

In the digital era, relying solely on ads and affiliate links for monetization is a gamble. The need for multiple income streams has never been more critical, and here’s where MiloTreeCart shines.

Imagine effortlessly setting up unlimited memberships, digital downloads, workshops, coaching, and courses in under five minutes. Yes, you heard that right! Thanks to the newly rolled-out creator-friendly AI sales pages, setting up your digital products has become a breeze.

Unleashing the Power of Selling Ebooks: Your Gateway to a Digital Empire | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Show Notes:

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Why MiloTreeCart?

  • Hassle-Free Checkouts: Ensures a smooth and straightforward purchasing process for your customers.
  • AI Sales Pages: These magic sales pages make setup a matter of minutes, not hours.
  • Intuitive Sales Dashboard: Keep track of your sales with ease, understanding your business at a glance.
  • Extensive Marketing Support: Over 100 marketing templates and guides to help with sales and marketing, ensuring you’re never left guessing on your next move.
  • Dedicated Support: Real people offering real help, because your success is MiloTreeCart’s success.

The Gateway to Selling Digital: Ebooks

Ebooks are the perfect entry point into selling digital products. With advancements in AI, creating a content-rich ebook in under three hours is now within reach. Ebooks not only serve as a passive income stream but also allow you to test the waters with your audience, providing valuable insights into their preferences and needs.

The Benefits of Starting with an Ebook

  • Ease of Creation and Distribution: With tools like ChatGPT and Canva, creating and formatting your ebook is straightforward and efficient.
  • Low Risk, High Reward: Ebooks offer a low barrier to entry for both creators and consumers, making it an ideal starting point.
  • Builds Trust and Authority: By sharing your knowledge, you establish yourself as an expert in your niche, fostering trust with your audience.
  • Minimal Customer Service Required: Unlike physical products, ebooks require little to no post-sale customer service.

Selling Made Simple with MiloTreeCart

MiloTreeCart isn’t just about creating digital products; it’s about selling them effectively. The platform offers a plethora of marketing materials and strategies, including a six-day launch calendar and email templates, to take the guesswork out of selling. Features like upsells and coupons are also part of the package, designed to maximize your earnings and enhance the customer buying experience.

Final Thoughts on Selling Your Ebook

Selling is about service, and with the right approach, it can feel less like a transaction and more like offering help. Embrace the mindset that your product offers a valuable solution, and don’t shy away from promoting it. Remember, people value what they pay for, so put your ebook out there, and let MiloTreeCart handle the rest.

Jumpstart Your Digital Product Empire

Turning your expertise into income through digital products is not just a possibility; it’s an opportunity waiting to be seized. With MiloTreeCart, the path to creating, marketing, and selling digital products is clearer and more accessible than ever. Start your journey today and future-proof your business with digital products.

If the idea of building a digital product empire excites you, MiloTreeCart is ready to make that dream a reality. With a special lifetime deal of $349, you can secure your digital storefront and never worry about recurring fees. Plus, with a 30-day money-back guarantee, there’s no risk in taking that first step towards securing your financial future in the digital space.

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MiloTreeCart, the Best Tool for Non-Techies to Sell Digital Products

I also want to introduce you to the MiloTreeCart, a tool designed for non-techies to sell digital products easily. It comes with features like fill-in-the-blank sales pages, check-out pages, a sales dashboard, upsells, and customer support. MiloTreeCart is currently available for a lifetime deal of $349 or three easy installments of $116.33.

Unleashing the Power of Selling Ebooks: Your Gateway to a Digital Empire | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

Transcript: #319: Unleashing the Power of Ebooks: Your Gateway to a Digital Empire

Jillian Leslie (00:00:01) – Hi, I’m Jillian, welcome to a brand new episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast. But before I launch in, I have a question for you. Have you started selling your knowledge and expertise directly to your audience, or are you still relying on putting ads on your blog and affiliate links to monetize? Because in today’s world, that is a risky strategy. You need multiple income streams, and this is where military cart comes in. Imagine setting up unlimited memberships, digital downloads, workshops, coaching, and mini courses in less than five minutes. I used to say ten minutes. We just rolled out. I created sales pages. They are magic. Get on a free 20 minute call with me so I can blow your mind. And we can talk about your digital product strategy. Go to milotree.com/meet. Get ready to think about your business in a whole new, exciting way.

Announcer (00:01:06) – Welcome to The Blogger Genius Podcast, brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie.

Jillian Leslie (00:01:13) – Hello, everyone.

Jillian Leslie (00:01:14) – Welcome back. Today I’m doing a solo episode all about ebooks. Now, why ebooks? Because I feel like an e-book is a perfect starting point to selling digital products. It’s like a gateway drug. What I mean by that is with AI today, there is no reason why you can’t have a really robust e-book written in under three hours, and we just created a freebie that I recommend you grab where we put together the 13 ChatGPT prompts. You need to write your entire e-book. Just start at the first prompt, add it to ChatGPT and keep going. I recommend you pause this episode right now and grab it. You can get it at milotree.com/ebookprompts. So that’s milotree.com/ebookprompts. Grab it now. Okay. Your e-book, once it is created, does a variety of things. And it doesn’t just make you passive income, but that is a nice benefit. Your e-book is a fantastic way to put something out in front of your audience, to test whether this is something they want from you.

Jillian Leslie (00:02:49) – Instead of spending six months creating a course and then seeing if your audience wants to buy it, spend three hours creating an e-book. I think in today’s world, selling digital products to your audience as a real person is a way to compete directly with AI. And when I think the world is going to get weirder, I think we’re not going to know who or what to trust. But if you show up and I can trust you, I will buy from you, I will follow you, and I will feel a deep connection to you. I get posed this question a lot. I talk a lot about building your digital product empire, and here I am talking about selling a 5 or 10 or $15 e-book and people will say, can I really get rich from that? And I say, probably not. However, just what I said previously. If you can see what it is your audience wants from you in an e-book, it’s an easy way for somebody to purchase from you without a lot of risk.

Jillian Leslie (00:03:54) – And if you can deliver, chances are they will buy a more expensive product from you in the future. It’s like you building this ladder out, and let’s put the e-book at the bottom of the ladder, and let’s put either one on one coaching or big, big service packages or a membership at the top of that ladder. That’s the goal. But you’ve got to start somewhere. And MiloTreeCart is the perfect platform for this, because with your PDF, with your e-book, any kind of digital download, you just upload it to our platform and we automatically deliver it to your customer. So once you create your e-book with our I created sales pages, you can upload it and have a sales page ready in five minutes. Again, why start with an e-book? Well, because they’re easy, they’re fast, they’re low cost. You can sell them all over the planet. It’s a great way to generate passive income for people who are selling ebooks with military cart. Currently, this feedback I keep getting, which is I love waking up in the morning and I’ve gotten sales while I was sleeping.

Jillian Leslie (00:05:08) – Also, there is virtually no customer service with selling an e-book. This is a great launch pad. Now, if you’re listening to this and certain narratives are showing up in your mind like I don’t have anything to write about or I don’t have the time, or I don’t know what topic to choose or I don’t know how to sell, just know those are normal. I hear them a lot, and all I’m going to say is just put one foot in front of the other and see what happens. And please know that ChatGPT is your best friend and hopefully by the end of this you will agree with me. I’m going to assume you already have a niche. You have an area of expertise, but you might not know what topic to write your e-book on. So I have a prompt in the download freebie that hopefully you’ve gotten. And this. Is what it says. Create 15 e-book topics in my niche. You’re going to add your niche. It should apply to one of these areas. Makes my customer money, saves my customer money, saves my customer time, moves my customer toward happiness, moves my customer away from pain, or raises my customer’s social status.

Jillian Leslie (00:06:31) – These are the six buying triggers that I talk about where people will actually pay to solve these problems. So you just prompt ChatGPT to come up with e-book ideas, and it’s amazing how far this will get you. Now remember, if you don’t like what ChatGPT gives you, just have them regenerate more ideas, fine tune your prompts, play around with ChatGPT. The first response is almost never the one that I use. I will ask questions in different ways. I will tell ChatGPT they are an expert in whatever my niche is. So I might say you have a PhD in this, or you are a top marketer, or you are a top food blogger, anything like that. I want GPT to play that role and to give me answers based on that expertise. So do get in there and play around with ChatGPT and assume that your first response probably won’t be the one you ultimately use. But once you’ve picked your topic now, all you’re going to do is ask ChatGPT to put together an outline for you.

Jillian Leslie (00:07:47) – When you ask it to write the outline targeted toward your audience, maybe your audience is filled with beginners or intermediates. Experts really hone in on that. Then look through the outline, see if you like it, adjusted accordingly, and now copy and paste each subheading into ChatGPT and ask it to flesh it out for you in maybe 2 or 3 paragraphs. And guess what? You’ve got a rough draft. The next thing I would do is see where I could put myself into the e-book. Remember? Yes, you want to make sales, but this is also a great way to introduce your customers to you. Therefore, share personal stories, maybe out of video, maybe share about your expertise. Build that bond. Next, go to Canva and find a template that you like for ebooks. We offer one as part of Milo Tree Card. It’s a Canva template, super easy to use, and now you’re just going to format your e-book in your template, going to add some images, maybe an image of you, personalize it, make it easy to read.

Jillian Leslie (00:09:02) – Do not think that the length of your e-book has anything to do with the quality. You want to cover your topic the fastest way possible and give your customer a win, an actual, tangible win. But you’re not done. Because now comes the part that people, I think cringe the most over, which is promoting and selling. What I say always is sell harder than you think. Selling feels icky, but when you start to reframe it as I’ve got a solution that could help people in their lives, that’s incredibly powerful. Selling is service. Charging for something that provides value to somebody else is a great deal. And remember, people value what they pay for. How many free ebooks have you downloaded and never looked at? However, if you’ve spent $500 on a course or on something, my hunch is you’ve paid it attention. Therefore, what you want to do is you want to promote it and talk about it, whether it be on social media, whether it be in blog posts. So any blog posts that is related where it would make sense to put your e-book there, go do that, send out a newsletter on this topic and sell your e-book as a way to help people.

Jillian Leslie (00:10:24) – I hope you promote it everywhere because hopefully you believe in this solution. Also, with military cards we have tons of marketing materials. In fact, I’ve got a six day launch calendar where you can follow along. It’s a checklist and I’ll give you email templates to use to send to your people. Where I’ve done all the thinking for you, I’ve got social media templates that you can use to help you sell, and literally all you have to do is go. Day one, do this, day two, do this. Day three and boom, you are selling. So it takes some of the onus off of you of having to think through a strategy, of having to put yourself out there. I’m just like, go, go, go. Also with military. We offer upsells where once somebody purchases, they can quickly purchase something else in. This increases your average order value where you make more money. And we also offer coupons. Now I want to share a quote with you that I always keep top of mind, and that is that selling is essentially a transfer of feelings.

Jillian Leslie (00:11:27) – Somebody buys your book and it transforms their lives and makes their life better. So how can you tell that story? How can you show your customer that you understand where they are and where they ultimately want to be? Here are some of my last tips on selling. One is do not feel weird reaching out to your biggest fans. So DM people and sell your book that way or talk about it where people hang out, whether that be in Facebook groups or, uh, subreddits or discord servers or Instagram, like keep talking about it. Promoted, of course, on social media over and over again in different ways from different angles, and partner with other businesses or influencers who are either in your niche or in niches that make sense, where the two that your product fits with what they are selling. My final pieces of advice offer a guarantee. People get kind of weird about this, because if they’ve purchased your e-book and then they’ve gotten a link to it and they now actually have it, should you offer a guarantee? And I would say, because it’s all about building that relationship, if somebody wants a refund for the $15 e-book that they actually have, personally, I’d give it to them if 100 people wanted a refund, maybe I wouldn’t, but a one off situation I would because I don’t want them to have bitter feelings.

Jillian Leslie (00:13:01) – And here is what I also want to leave you with. Do B minus work, which is don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Be a little embarrassed about your e-book because that’s how you get stuff out, and that’s how you learn and that’s how you move fast. Remember, you’re a miner and you are mining for gold. You don’t know where it is, so keep digging. This is the first rung on your digital product ladder. Plus, this is a great way to get your feet wet and start using AI tools. This is the new world. Welcome to it! If this sounds exciting to you and you want to get on a free 20 minute call with me where we can talk about what you want to create and I can help you strategize. Head to milotree.com/meet. So again that is Milo tree.com/meet because I would love to meet you. And if you want to take a deeper dive looking at Milo tree card, just go to MiloTree.com and you can see all that we offer.

Jillian Leslie (00:14:12) – Right now we are selling MiloTreeCart for a lifetime deal of $349. Buy it once, own it forever. Plus, because we stand by our product, we offer a 30 day, no questions asked money back guarantee. There is no risk. So please start building your digital product empire and future proof your business and I will see you here again next week.

Unleashing the Power of Selling Ebooks: Your Gateway to a Digital Empire | The Blogger Genius Podcast with Jillian Leslie

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