Instagram is Experimenting with a Smart Feed

People like Instagram because of its simplicity, you see everything people post in reverse chronological order. But now Instagram is experimenting with a Smart Feed, like on Facebook, where they will serve you posts they think you’ll like at the top of your feed.

Instagram is experimenting with a Smart Feed! |

I knew this was inevitable because of the incredible growth Instagram has experienced in the last year. If you follow a lot of accounts, wading through your feed can now be unruly.

Also, I knew this was inevitable because Instagram is owned by Facebook, the king of the Smart Feed.

What this means for you is that you should expect your posts to be seen by fewer people over time.

They’re rolling this out slowly, so it won’t affect you right away, but be prepared!

Let your presence be known on Instagram as quickly as you can. Grow your following and engage with people on the platform! Let Instagram know you are an account that matters.

And if you haven’t added your MiloTree pop-up to your blog that will help grow your Instagram following, I recommend you get on it!

Here’s a WSJ article to read more on the topic.

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