The One Ask Rule To Grow Your Blog

For the people who receive our MiloTree emails, they know that when someone visits your site, it’s like having them over for dinner. You want to impress them, you want them to have a good time, and you want them to want to come back.

The One Ask Rule To Grow Your Blog |

So instead of asking your visitors to do a ton of stuff for you — like join your email list or follow you on Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram, I challenge you to ask them for one thing.

If you try to grow all channels at once, you’ll burn them. But by being intentional, and using the “one ask” rule, your chances of success will be much higher.

And that’s the philosophy we used when we first built MiloTree.

We wanted to ask our visitors to do one action when they came to our site (like us on Pinterest). Then when they came back, we asked them to do something different (like us on Instagram), but it was still one action. And it’s worked.

MiloTree is one pop-up that can show multiple social media accounts, but never at once. And that’s the beauty of it. We live and breathe the one ask rule.

And hearing from our early MiloTree subscribers, they are seeing it work for them, too!

When it comes to asking your visitors for a favor, the old adage “less is more,” couldn’t be more true!

 If you haven’t yet tried MiloTree to grow your email list and social media followers faster, click this button. It’s easy to install with our WordPress plugin or a simple line of code.
Get Your Free MiloTree Pop-Up |

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