4 Easy Ways Successful Bloggers Save Time And Earn More Money

Did you know that many successful bloggers are solopreneurs?
Instead of building a business where you have to manage teams of employees, oftentimes it is just one person. Or it could be a blogger with a couple of contractors who put in a couple of hours a month at most.
So how is everyone keeping up? If you are a solopreneur, how do you go about juggling an entire business on your own narrow shoulders?
Well, you don’t have to keep guessing at how everyone else is handling it. Today, we’re sharing 4 easy ways successful bloggers save time and earn more money in their businesses. And these are all actionable!

Tip 1: Grow Your Social Media Followers and Email List Easily with the MiloTree Pop-up

At MiloTree we put growing your social media followers and email subscribers on steroids!

We take your existing blog visitors and convert them into followers on Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and Facebook, and into email subscribers.

Add MiloTree to your site with a simple line of code or WordPress plugin and it will automatically grow your followers and email list 24/7!

This is one install that will take you under two minutes (yep, we’ve timed it!) but can save you HOURS of work each week, by growing your followers and list for you!

How MiloTree grows your social media followers

  • MiloTree is a pop-up slider that automatically asks your visitors to follow you or subscribe to your list.
  • You have complete customization control so you can focus on the platforms that mean the most to you strategically.
  • You can even customize the colors to match your website!
  • No design or technical skills necessary

How to find high-quality social media followers

  • You know that not all followers are created equal. Buying likes does a lot more harm than good, and brands can see straight through an artificial, disengaged audience.
  • You want to build a community of like-minded people who are excited to engage with your content and talk to you across social media. These are the followers that will move the needle for your business.
  • Many professional bloggers are turning to MiloTree to help increase their following on social media, because MiloTree reaches people who have already been on your site and liked your content! These people are more likely to be raving fans on social media… and not shadow followers who like your page but never engage!

How to know what social popups to trust

Honestly, there are a lot of pop-ups out there, and it can be hard to break through the noise and figure out which one is the right one for your site.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking at your options, and why we believe MiloTree is truly the best choice for your business (which is why we use it on our personal sites as well)!

  • MiloTree is Google-friendly. It shows a larger pop-up on desktop and a smaller version on mobile — both Google compliant. Therefore it will not affect your SEO (we’re HUGE SEO nerds, so this a top priority for us when we built the plugin).
  • A lot of the plugins will slow down your site. But MiloTree won’t. We built MiloTree to load AFTER your other content in such a way that it won’t interfere with your site speed, your ad revenue, or your user’s experience.

How to grow multiple social platforms at once

You can use MiloTree to grow:

  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • Email subscribers (it integrates with most major email service providers)
  • Shopify sales
  • Etsy sales

AND if you click here I’d be happy to give you a FREE 30 day trial, so you can see what MiloTree will do for your business first hand.

Tip 2: Don’t Create Your Own Products

Eeeak! This might sound counter-intuitive, but it really will save you so much time and still allow you to earn massive income.

While many people spend months perfecting a course, ebook, or other product right out of the gate, a better course of action is oftentimes to WAIT.

Instead of building your product, look for affiliate products in your niche.

Most bloggers offer a generous 50% commission on their own courses and books, meaning you can make a LOT of money promoting other people’s courses and products, without having to pay production costs hosting, not to mention, all the time you’ll save by not having to build a product from scratch.

How do you make this strategy work for you? Here are a few things to keep in mind when cutting this corner in order to make it as profitable as possible.

Make sure they are products you believe in

  • At this stage in your business, it is important that you devote your time to building trust with your readers. It is worth spending time making sure the products you are promoting are reputable and will provide great value for your readers.

Make sure the commissions are worth your time

  • Remember, you don’t want to grab any affiliate product out there. An ebook on Amazon will give you pennies as an affiliate, while another blogger’s ebook could earn you $5-$10 per sale.
  • Courses on various topics can make you even more! There are some affiliate programs that will give you hundreds of dollars per sale. Those are definitely worth searching out if you can find a solid, reputable product in your niche.
  • If you plan to make your own courses and products in the future, try to promote affiliate products that are in the same price range of what you aim to sell in the future. This way, you’ll build an audience that is already primed to purchase your products when you make them.

Give your audience variety

  • Even if you already sell your own products, look for affiliate products from your “competition.” This will help give your audience more variety to choose from and round out the ways in which you serve your readers.
  • If you offer “101 Ways to Cook Chicken in an Instant Pot,” you wouldn’t want to sell your competitor’s book about “Instant Pot Chicken Recipes,” but you might share their cookbook about “Instant Pot Beef”!
  • When your readers see that you offer great advice on a variety of topics and a broad range of products, this will help them trust you and make them more willing to buy your products and the affiliate products that you offer.


Tip 3: Stop Writing New Posts

Ten or so years ago, the strategy was simply to get content out there. The market wasn’t saturated yet, and the more you could say, the more people would come to your website.

In fact, Google LOVED seeing active sites posting daily and would oftentimes direct traffic to sites based on their posting frequency.

Times have changed and now quality of content reigns supreme.

Everyone from Google to potential customers want to know that you are an authority on the things you write about. That’s why so many top bloggers have pumped the brakes on new content and instead focused their efforts on updating old posts.

In fact, Google loves seeing bloggers update their old content. It helps communicate to the search engine that you are taking measures to keep your content up-to-date and building a website where each piece of content is useful and strategic.

And as far as readers go – they usually can’t tell an old post from a new one if you do your updates properly. So this can be a huge time-saver, a great way to serve your readers well, and also strengthening your site’s trust with search engines.

How to optimize an old post for SEO

  • Start in your Google Search Console. Do a performance test on the URL of the particular post you’re updating and see what search terms people are using to discover your post. Using this tool you can see your post’s ranking for specific keyword phrases.
  • Pull some of these phrases that you’re ranking well for (or that you’d like to rank better in), and turn them into H2 and H3 headers throughout the post. This is a great way to insert keywords for Google without upsetting the flow of your post, while also doing your readers a huge service because it makes your content skimmable. Readers love to skim, and it’s our job as writers to make it easy for them.
  • Google loves posts that answer questions that searchers have, so adding in H2s and H3s also provides you with a great opportunity to insert the answers to questions you’ve been asked in your comment section, or even questions you think your readers might have about your topic. You can also use an external tool like AnswerthePublic.com to help you brainstorm questions people might have about your topic.

How to visually update an old post

  • Next, you’ll want to work on the visuals.
  • Update the pin images with the new dimensions, make sure you have a pretty picture that will auto-populate when you share the link on Facebook.
  • Make sure that you have good custom text displaying when someone pins your post.

With brand new headings and snazzy photos, your post will have been given a huge facelift and will be ready to be put back into your share rotation.

Tip 4: Don’t Be Everywhere on Social Media — Only Where it Matters!

I realize that I just spent several paragraphs talking about the importance of growing your social media platforms, but you can still be strategic with it.

Only be on the social media platforms that work for your business. 

A few years ago, it seemed like everyone was on every social media platform there was, but now people are picking and choosing where they want to spend their social media hours.

As you think about your ideal readers and customers, figure out which social media platforms they spend the most time on, and focus the bulk of your efforts there.

It is important to have a small presence on each platform but only spend time focusing on the ones that are really building your business and enabling you to connect with your audience.

Sometimes this might mean focusing on a social media platform that you don’t personally prefer, simply because that’s where your audience hangs out the most.

But it is worth learning how to build your following and talk to them on the social media platforms they love best, even if they aren’t your favorites.

Don’t waste time on platforms that you can’t monetize

Yes, technically any social media platform can be monetized somehow, but think about each platform in the context of your long-term business monetization strategies.

Just because someone else is making a lot of money on a particular platform, doesn’t mean you need to follow suit.

Run small experiments on different platforms to see how they perform with your audience. Different audiences respond to ads on different platforms, so you need to find the places that resonate most with the customers that matter to you, and focus on them, not on other bloggers.

These are just four ways that professional bloggers are cutting corners to save time and make more money, but I’m sure there are more!

Do you have a favorite time-saver that you’d like to share? Leave a comment or email me at jillian@milotree.com to let me know what you think!

And if there’s one strategy I recommend above all else, sign up right now for your 30-day free trial of MiloTree and get your followers and subscribers growing automatically.

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