Here is the transcript for my episode called “New Strategies for Making Money with Affiliate Sales with Chelsea Clarke.” Enjoy!

Host 0:04
Welcome to The Blogger Genius Podcast brought to you by MiloTree. Here’s your host, Jillian Leslie.

Jillian Leslie 0:11
Hello, everyone. Welcome back to the show. Before we launch in, I have a quick favor task. Would you head to iTunes and rate the show? This helps us get found, which would be great, by more like-minded entrepreneurs.

For today’s episode, I have Chelsea Clarke on the show. Chelsea has a website called where she helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses predominantly through affiliate sales.

New Strategies For Making Money with Affiliate Sales |

So she talks about finding your audience, cultivating your audience, and then selling them products that are useful for making their lives better. If you are interested in affiliate sales, if you do affiliate sales, if you want to learn more about affiliate sales, I think this is the episode for you.

So without further ado, here is my interview with Chelsea Clarke. Chelsea, welcome to the show. I’m so glad you’re here.

Chelsea Clarke 1:12
Thank you for having me.

Jillian Leslie 1:14
Okay, so I found you because you wrote this really awesome blog post about MiloTree with real data. Like you tested it, you kicked the tires, I was really impressed. I think it’s probably the most thorough MiloTree review I’ve read.

Chelsea Clarke 1:30
Oh, wow, thank you. Well, I gave it some time to really test it out and I was really impressed with the results that I got from using MiloTree. So I waited about a month of testing before I wrote the review. So I really had a lot of time to check out the ins and outs. And I tested it with actually four different websites.

Jillian Leslie 1:50
Oh, wow.

Chelsea Clarke 1:51
Then I compared the different results. And I still have it running on all four websites. And it’s just continuing to grow my followers and my email list. So it’s an awesome tool that you have.

Jillian Leslie 2:02
Thank you. And what are you growing with it?

Chelsea Clarke 2:05
So I often will have, that’s the main one that I’m growing my email list. And I’ve attached my Facebook profile, my Instagram account, and my Pinterest. And I’m finding my audience is really into Pinterest. That’s like a big majority of my readers come from Pinterest and are interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing.

So having that little MiloTree pop-up on all of my pages, especially the ones about Pinterest, has just skyrocketed my Pinterest account, which has been really cool. I didn’t expect that.

Jillian Leslie 2:39
That’s great. And we’ll link to your review in the show notes for this episode. Well, I’m so glad that you did that. I was like really, I was actually really impressed.

So tell me then, okay, so you’re a marketing strategist.

Chelsea Clarke 2:52

Jillian Leslie 2:52
Now, I don’t really know exactly what that is. People define it in a whole host of ways. So will you tell us what you do, how you got started, and where you are today?

Chelsea Clarke 3:01
Absolutely. And it’s true that people do categorize what a marketing strategist does in different ways. I think there are some people that go at it from, well, a marketing perspective where you’re researching the market, and how you find your customers, and sell to those customers. I do do a little bit of that.

But in my business, I’m more so finding clever and strategic ways to grow your audience and turn that audience into raving fans who want to buy from you from the long term. So for me, that’s how I go about it.

But I have a background in marketing, I went to school for it. But really, I worked in marketing for a long time, almost 10 years, while having a blog as a hobby on the side. And I didn’t really think about running a blog as a business for the longest time, even though I was helping other companies with their own corporate blogs. I didn’t apply that to my own for far too long.

Because when I was in college, I started my first business as an e-commerce shop, I was dropshipping t-shirts as a side hustle. So I was in school, also I was starting my first marketing office job, and I was bartending at night. So I was super busy. I was working harder and not smarter. And, you know, things hadn’t aligned yet.

And it wasn’t until I became pregnant a couple of years ago that I realized I should focus on a business that I could do full-time from home and do it all on my own terms. So I didn’t want to go back to work after maternity leave. So I really just needed to get clever quick.

I decided to put all of my energy into monetizing my blog, which at the time was just a very small beauty blog. But I used my marketing background to grow that blog, and it started to increase in income within a few months. And when it started making a few thousand dollars a month, I was like, wow, this could really turn into something. So I decided to start a second blog, which is

Jillian Leslie 5:11
Okay, say that slower. So it’s

Chelsea Clarke 5:14
Yes. Because I love marketing, and I loved entrepreneurship and business more so than beauty and beauty blogging. That wasn’t my passion. As I started the second blog as a hobby at the time, that’s where things all started to fall into place. And I realized that this is what I wanted to be doing.

And pretty soon, a community formed of like-minded women who were interested in what Her Paper Route was offering. And I ended up selling the beauty blog and going full-time on Her Paper Route. And that’s what I do now, where I get to help other entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners, sharing a lot of free information and clever sort of marketing strategies and things that you can DIY and do for free.

So you don’t have to have a big advertising budget. If you do have one, that’s great, but there are so many things that you can do that don’t require a big budget.

Jillian Leslie 6:12
First off, with your beauty blog, how did you start monetizing it? How did you start seeing a couple of thousand dollars a month in revenue? What were you doing?

Chelsea Clarke 6:20
I was promoting. So I was promoting beauty products, I was doing beauty reviews and subscription box reviews, and it was the subscription boxes that really took off. You probably heard of FabFitFun, BirchBox and that sort of thing. So I joined those affiliate programs, and I was reviewing the boxes, and I was promoting it on Pinterest, and that’s where people really got into the boxes. They wanted to get sneak peeks and coupons, and that sort of thing. So I was monetizing it with affiliate links.

And I wasn’t putting in any advertising budget of my own at the time. And it really just grew organically from there.

Jillian Leslie 7:01
Wow. Okay. And so now, today, with your marketing blog, how do you monetize that?

Chelsea Clarke 7:08
So I monetized that, I started a little bit with paid advertising, which I don’t really do anymore. Sometimes people will reach out about having a sponsored post. And really, I have been more selective with that. I don’t do that as often. My main focus is affiliate marketing.

So I promote the tools that I use in my business. And I explained how it really helps me, what it does, and how it might help someone else in a business. So it’s a lot of like apps, reviews, tool reviews, things that could help an entrepreneur. That’s where my monetization focus is.

Jillian Leslie 7:48
Right. Like MiloTree.

Chelsea Clarke 7:50
Exactly, yeah.

Jillian Leslie 7:51
Okay, that’s cool. Okay, you’re then helping entrepreneurs by kind of doing the research for them, saying this tool worked for me or this didn’t, or here’s how I would do this. And by being able to recommend things, you’re then making an affiliate fee.

Chelsea Clarke 8:08
That’s right, yeah, that’s exactly it. Because it’s pretty overwhelming when you start a business, you don’t really know what tools are out there, and you don’t want to spend a ton of money. So I try to find ways I can find low-cost tools that can provide a lot of value.

Jillian Leslie 8:24
Okay, now, they say that the riches are in the niches, right? That today, if you’re going to start an online business, to really think about your niche. So you started, for example, in beauty, and now you’re in marketing. What do you see out there in terms of if I’m going to start a blog today because I wanted not just, you know, write about my life, but that I really want to make money, what niches do you think are the most profitable right now?

Chelsea Clarke 8:57
Well, this is a great question because I get asked this a lot in our Facebook group and in emails all the time. People want to know what is a profitable niche. And I always say any niche can be made profitable. The only thing that determines if you’re going to make money or not, is you.

And there are three things that you can have that’s going to determine if you’re going to make money or not. So this is what I always think is, number one, it has to meet your passion. You really have to be interested in the topic that you’re going to be writing about because there’s going to be times when it’s going to feel boring or too hard, or like nobody is reading.

And you still have to push through and write about that same thing over and over again and stay interested in it in yourself, if you want other people to be interested in it. So the thing that you love doing should be the first thing when you’re trying to figure out what your niche is going to be.

The second thing, I believe, is your skillset and your experience. So the thing that you’re really good at or you have an education in, or you’ve taken online courses to learn the skill in, something that you are really good at, and you can teach other people about it.

And the third thing, I think, is the money, the product that people want. So some sort of product out there that exists that you can promote, that makes sense for your passion and your skill; a product that you can promote to an audience.

And when those three things come together, I think that’s the magic formula for if a blog is going to make money or not. So if you have heard that the personal finance niche makes a lot of money —

Jillian Leslie 10:44
Right. Which I have, by the way.

Chelsea Clarke 10:44
Absolutely, yes. And so, you know, that’s one of the most popular ones that you’ll hear about. And you could say, Okay, well, that’s what I’m going to get into because I hear it makes a lot of money. But if you don’t have any experience with it or education, and if you don’t have an interest in it, like you just don’t know about it or care to learn about it, then it’s not going to be profitable for you.

Tat’s why I think you really have to put those three things together and pick a topic that you’re going to enjoy doing that you understand and that people want to buy. And that’s how you decide what it’s going to be that’s going to be your money maker.

Jillian Leslie 11:21

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When I’m looking for products to promote, what do you recommend I look for? I mean, one, that they have an affiliate program, but two, like, do you think Amazon is a good affiliate program? Or do you think finding people’s courses is a good way to make affiliate income? What do you look for?

Chelsea Clarke 13:48
When I’m looking for a product, and I’ve checked those boxes to make sure that it’s going to suit my audience, it’s going to be helpful and that I can understand it and learn about it, I want to make sure that it’s a high commission product because if it’s a product that’s only going to pay $2 per sale, all of that effort that you’re creating content and sending out emails and writing about it on social media, it’s kind of going to waste if it’s not really giving you a good enough commission.

You need to be promoting something that will pay you $40 a sale. That’s going to make a huge difference in all of the effort that you’re putting in.

So for me, I don’t really promote Amazon products that much because I find that the commissions are lower, but I have friends and people in my Facebook group who have made lots of money. Some are making $4,000 a month in Amazon commissions, and I think that is awesome.

Jillian Leslie 14:46
What are they promoting?

Chelsea Clarke 14:48
Exacty. So I’ve done a little research looking into what they’re promoting and it’s a lot of like home decor products that would appeal to new moms, stuff like that. And that’s not really what my audience is.

So Amazon hasn’t really been it for me, but I go right directly to, if I can, I’ll go directly to a brand and pitch a project that we could do together and try to get a better rate, then maybe they would advertise on Share A Sale or Flex Offers, that sort of thing.

So if you can go right to the brand and kind of work something out and if you can offer the brand something more than someone else can do, then all the better.

Jillian Leslie 15:27
Okay. Now, first of all, okay, remember, with Amazon, it’s not necessarily that somebody is going to buy the product that you recommend. You just want to get that person to click through so that there’s a cookie on their site, and then anything they buy in 24 hours or so, you’re getting a commission.

Chelsea Clarke 15:44
That’s right.

Jillian Leslie 15:45
It’s almost like a different way to do affiliate marketing because it’s really just about everybody shops at Amazon, if I can get you to click through then I might make money off of, you know when you buy diapers.

Chelsea Clarke 15:58
That’s right, yeah. You’ll make a commission of anything that Amazon sells. And that’s the same for any website. Just getting to that company’s website, no matter what they buy, whether the person that clicked your link bought the thing you were promoting or not, as long as they buy something on the website, you get it. And Amazon is great for that because there’s literally everything on Amazon.

Jillian Leslie 16:19
Exactly. But talk to me, though, about how you will reach out to a brand to get… so walk me through that or give me an example of something you’ve done in the past where that’s been successful.

Chelsea Clarke 16:31
Well, there are two ways it’s been successful for me. One, I’ve just gone straight to the brand’s website, found a contact, or even just the contact page, and just send a friendly email being like, “Hey, I’ve used your product, I think it’s awesome. I would love to write a review for you and do some promotions for you. Let’s talk.” And then to sort of open up that door for conversation with the managers.

Sometimes they’re interested, sometimes they’re not. Sometimes that lands in the wrong department and then it gets forwarded to the right person if I’m lucky. So that’s been really good.

Another way is, I’ll join the affiliate program first like either on their site or through something like Share A Sale. And then once I’m in and I have that direct affiliate program manager’s contact, then I’ll reach out and send them a personal message and introduce myself that way.

Jillian Leslie 17:22
And that has been successful for you.

Chelsea Clarke 17:25
Yes, that has been successful for me.

Jillian Leslie 17:27
Okay. And like, just let’s say they offer 10% commission, have you been able to get them to go higher?

Chelsea Clarke 17:35
Yes. And usually, I don’t work with 10% or less. It just doesn’t seem to be… unless it’s a really expensive product, it really usually just doesn’t make sense to work for that little of a commission. I have been able to negotiate a bit higher. And if I haven’t, then it’s just not the right product for me at the time unless…

And there have been times when it’s been a lower commission but the product is so cool and so useful that I know my audience will want that I’m happy to work within their terms because I know that in the end, it’s going to make a lot of sales.

Jillian Leslie 18:13
Got it. Okay, so for your audience, are you mostly then connecting with your audience via email, via social media, via your Facebook group? How are you, A, building an audience and, two, or B, selling to that audience?

Chelsea Clarke 18:29
Email is my main thing. It’s so important to me. I don’t have a VA that answers my emails; I personally answer every single email. And it’s really important that I have that personal connection with people. If they join my email list, they instantly get access to my resource library, which has a ton of really cool courses and books and all sorts of things that can be helpful to someone starting a blog or a business.

And when they get that first email, I ask them right away in the email to respond with where I can follow them on social media. And this is something that has been really successful for me because one when they respond to that first email, it’s telling their email provider that my email is safe, and these people want to hear from it. So that helps with my deliverability.

And two, it opens up a conversation where it’s one on one. I’m not just a random internet person that has a website, I’m not a real person. I’m really there, I’m connecting with you. And I follow you on social media. And we like each other’s pictures. And we really build a real thing.

Because I don’t want to build a business with just a bunch of faceless people. Like I really want to get to know you and check out your business and see what you’re doing. And if you join, like, say, my Facebook group, then we can promote you even more. And that’s always been something that’s been really cool to me is just being able to have that community that goes beyond just the blog post or just selling.

And when I do have something that I want to share like a product launch that I’m doing or something that I’m promoting, the first people that get to hear it is those on my list, and I don’t send out sales emails very often. It’s really a rare thing. But if I have something cool and I want people to see it, it goes to the email list and that’s always been really successful for me — and how I do my launches is with my email subscribers.

Jillian Leslie 20:24
Okay, so in your series, let’s say I join your email list, you’re going to email me like, “Hey, thanks for joining my list. Let me tell you a little bit about me.” And then you’ll say “And where can I follow you on social media?”

Chelsea Clarke 20:36
Exactly, yeah. So they get that first welcome email from me and then it includes the link where they can access that resource kit that I mentioned.

And then in that email, it says, “Hey, just do me a quick favor. I would love to check you out on social media. Let me know where I can follow you. And 7 times out of 10, I get a response.

Jillian Leslie 20:57

Chelsea Clarke 20:58
Yeah, which is really good. And it’s just kind of like a sneaky little thing that I do. But it’s like, it’s really helpful for both parties because they get to grow their viewership a bit, I get to check out more people. And it’s just kind of like one thing builds on the other.

And what I’ve found is that a lot of times, when you start connecting with people on social media after they’ve been on your list, they really do become like someone that you know, and you start seeing them pop-up in other Facebook groups. And when you like their comments, you get to know them. And I’ve found referrals that way too.

Like people have gotten to know me through my email list and then they start giving me referrals and Facebook group saying, “Hey, like, check out Chelsea, Her Paper Route. She’s got something cool here that relates to a question that someone’s asking,” which I think is so cool. You kind of like start to build a back and forth. And, you know, it’s a cool little way that goes beyond social media.

Jillian Leslie 21:54
Now let’s talk about social media. So when you think about Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest as a marketer, how would you break each one down? What are their pros? What are their cons? That kind of thing?

Chelsea Clarke 22:10
Well, let’s talk about Pinterest first. Pinterest is my favorite one.

Jillian Leslie 22:14
Me too.

Chelsea Clarke 22:15
Yeah, awesome. Pinterest is so great as a marketing tool. It really is a search engine. And if you can target the right keywords, get your pins up in the search results on Pinterest, you will notice traffic will double and triple. And especially if you’re a new blogger who maybe has a new website and it’s not really ranking in the Google SERPs yet, you can get that traffic but just get it from Pinterest instead because you don’t need to.

You know, it’s a different type of SEO on Pinterest. So I think it’s really important for Pinterest marketing is to focus on the right keywords, and pin to appropriate boards and pin as much as possible. Just really like have your content there in front of people.

Because when you think about it, Pinterest is kind of like a big wall of billboard advertising.

Jillian Leslie 23:11
It is, yes.

Chelsea Clarke 23:12
And, you know, you go and it can be kind of overwhelming. So yeah, if you can just like get to the top as much as you can and grow there, that traffic is going to trickle into your sales pages, your affiliate offers, your website, everything else.

Jillian Leslie 23:29
Definitely, I agree. Okay, so Pinterest, great for marketers, great for driving traffic.

Chelsea Clarke 23:34
Yes. Facebook, I think Facebook groups, I think, is great for community; getting to know the people that you follow and that follow you, engaging with other businesses and other like-minded people. It’s much more personal. Talking back and forth.

Jillian Leslie 23:53
But you have a Facebook group.

Chelsea Clarke 23:55
I do. Yes.

Jillian Leslie 23:56
And what is it called, for people who want to look it up?

Chelsea Clarke 23:59
Just search Her Paper Route, it’ll come up. It’s Her Paper Route New Bloggers Group.

Jillian Leslie 24:04
Okay, terrific.

Chelsea Clarke 24:05
Yeah. We do daily promotion threads. So you can promote your business or your sales offer or your social account. It’s a different promotion every day. We also have ‘wall days’, you can kind of promote what you’re selling on the wall. And that’s always been something that I’ve wanted to do because a lot of Facebook groups don’t allow self-promo.

The thing is, we’re a group for entrepreneurs, we’re there to make sales. We’re on Facebook to get our businesses out. Self-promo is important. Like I want to support your self-promo, I want to see what you’re selling. I want to see the cool thing that you’re working on and have other people get to see it. So selling in my group is, we approve it and we are an affiliate marketing friendly group so you can post your affiliate links, which you probably can’t find too often in Facebook groups.

Jillian Leslie 24:58
That’s great. I like that. Kind of like when everybody’s zigging, you’re and zagging.

Chelsea Clarke 25:03
Well, yeah, you know, like, we have rules too, because we don’t want it just to turn into a spam fest. But if you support other people while you’re there and you check out other people’s links and share other people’s links too, then by all means, self-promo yourself too.

Jillian Leslie 25:21
Now, are you using Facebook beyond Groups? Or is Groups really where you’re focused?

Chelsea Clarke 25:26
Groups are really where I’m focused. I do have a Facebook page. But really Facebook pages, they’re touch and go. Some people have a great experience with their engagement on Facebook pages. Some people don’t.

For me, I have done some promotions on my page, but really, I just keep it there. So if someone looks up what I do, it’s there and you can check it out. But it really isn’t my main focus. The groups are really where the community is. So the groups have always been the thing that we focus on.

Jillian Leslie 25:59
And how often are you in your Facebook group and in other people’s Facebook groups?

Chelsea Clarke 26:05
Oh, every day. Every morning, before my kid wakes up, I’m on my phone just going through the first couple of groups and promo threads and checking in on my own group too. And then I check later on in the day, and then before bed. I don’t want to do it too much because like, as I’m sure you know, it can get pretty distracting and overwhelming.

But a little bit each day I think is important. And that’s always been an important factor in my business just to be there and really, you know, be there for my people and show that I’m wanting to support others as well.

Jillian Leslie 26:39
I love that. Now let’s talk about the kind of 800-pound gorilla: Instagram.

Chelsea Clarke 26:45
I knew you were going to ask about Instagram. Instagram, I’m not an expert in Instagram, so I’m not going to give the magic secret for how to get 20,000 followers on Instagram. That’s not where I’m coming from.

Jillian Leslie 26:59
Right. It’s called MiloTree, that’s the secret.

Chelsea Clarke 27:02
Yeah, exactly. MiloTree has been helping me to grow my followers on Instagram. And I really, you know, I post once in a while. I should be more consistent on Instagram because I do have a following there and I do have some awesome people there.

But I find if I focus on all of my social networks, I’m not really giving my all to any of them.

So I really had to choose the one or the two to focus on and let the other one, you know, I’ll put a little bit here and there, but I can’t spread myself too thin. If I had a team of tons of people, then I would probably have someone working on my Instagram. But I really do like, as I said, I like to be there and really do it myself. So Instagram, I don’t have any tips.

Jillian Leslie 27:49
Okay, so really for you then, it’s Pinterest number one and probably Facebook Groups number two?

Chelsea Clarke 27:54
That’s correct. Yes, that’s absolutely it.

Jillian Leslie 27:56
Okay, so because being an entrepreneur is complicated, there’s a lot to do, there’s a lot to juggle. And I think over time, it’s just gotten more complicated. Where do you recommend people focus? And where do you recommend people outsource?

Chelsea Clarke 28:15
For me, it’s always been very important that I create my own content as in blog posts and create my own emails each week for my newsletter. So those are the two things that I don’t want to ever outsource.

But for outsourcing, I think that having someone help with social media promotion is great, like getting to go into those Facebook groups, if you can’t be there every day, having someone that does a little bit of social media promotion for you whether it’s sharing a new blog post link, or liking, going into the threads and promoting other people’s work and sharing your post there as well. Just having someone do that sort of like manual work, right?

Because, as you say, like it can get really complicated and overwhelming. And like any business, there’s going to be expenses, and the biggest expense, I think is time. So if you can outsource the thing that’s going to free up your time so that you can focus on what you want to do — for me, it would be creating content — that is really important and I think an important investment, whether you hire a VA or you have a student marketer work with you. That’s what I would say.

Jillian Leslie 29:23
Okay, and what is the one tool that you use in your business that you can’t live without?

Chelsea Clarke 29:29
Well, I don’t think I could say just one tool. I do have a top-four.

Jillian Leslie 29:36
Go for it.

Chelsea Clarke 29:36
That each do different things. So for me, I do some automation for my Twitter and Facebook promotion. So I have Smarter Queue which I use to automatically post my Facebook group and my Facebook page and my Twitter account. I use Smarter Queue to show the Facebook group what the day’s thread is, that comes up and that’s scheduled.

The other thing would be for my email marketing, I use Convert Kit. And I couldn’t be without that.

Now, MiloTree for growing the social followers and my email subscribers without having to do anything, it’s automatic.

And finally, for my Pinterest auto-scheduling will be Tailwind.

Jillian Leslie 30:28
Yes, I love that. Okay. And what about your business are you most excited about or where are you feeling, where are you seeing the opportunities for you??

Chelsea Clarke 30:37
Right now, I’m really excited to see how my students are growing. It’s honestly the best feeling when I get an email from a student who has used what they learned in my class and have had great results. That’s the coolest thing.

Because when I started creating my courses, I didn’t know if anyone was going to check them out. Like I didn’t know it was going to grow to the state that it has now.

So getting to actually see that these strategies have been implemented and actually working for people like I know they work for me, but to get them that kind of feedback is so cool. And I’m seeing a lot of that right now. So I’m just excited to see where that’s going to go and snowball from here.

Jillian Leslie 31:17
That’s very cool. And if you had any piece of advice for online entrepreneurs, mothers, you know, people who are in the trenches like us, what would it be?

Chelsea Clarke 31:28
I would say, just stay focused on your goals and don’t expect anyone like in your family, your husband, your friends, don’t expect them to support you right away, or even a year or two into it. Because they don’t understand.

Jillian Leslie 31:43
I’m just gonna say they have no idea what you’re doing.

Chelsea Clarke 31:46
Exactly, yeah. Unless they’re an entrepreneur as well, they don’t know the time and the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into creating a business. So you can’t really expect them to read your blog posts or, you know, share your social media pages, they don’t understand it and that’s okay because they’re not your target market.

Just focus on what you’re doing because it’s going to get hard. You know, there’s gonna be times it’s going to feel like no one is reading. But keep on working, keep on creating content and have that in the forefront of your mind that they’re going to see it. That people are going to see what you’re doing. Just keep focusing on creating awesome content and being there to help the people that you can help because nobody can do it like you can do, so just keep on going.

Jillian Leslie 32:27
I love that. Okay, Chelsea, if people want to reach out to you, learn more about you, where should they go?

Chelsea Clarke 32:35
Yeah, I would love it if you wanted to come check out what I do, come to

Jillian Leslie 32:39
Okay, it’s

Chelsea Clarke 32:43
I talk fast. If you go to, I’ve got a really cool entrepreneur toolkit there that you can access for free. And it has ebooks and courses and resources on Pinterest marketing, Facebook, marketing, and affiliate marketing — all that sort of good stuff that you’ll need as you’re growing your business. And you could have it all for free. It’s

And once you’re there, you’ll be signed up to my list so you’ll get a weekly love note for me and we can kind of start our new friendship, which I’m really looking forward to.

Jillian Leslie 33:18
Oh, I like that, a love note. I think that’s really sweet. That’s great. Well, Chelsea, thank you so much for being on the show.

Chelsea Clarke 33:26
Thank you so much for having me. This has been so much fun.

Jillian Leslie 33:29
I hope you guys liked that episode. If your reach on Instagram is going down, you are not alone. It’s something that’s happening across the board. If you want to grow your Instagram followers, definitely head to Install your MiloTree Instagram pop-up on your site and start growing your followers more proactively. Also, you get to try it out for 30 days free so there’s absolutely no risk.

And I will see you again here next week.

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